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通过对煤层气和页岩气成藏条件、成因机制、赋存机理、运移机理等诸多方面对比研究,探寻煤层气和页岩气的相似性和差异性,二者均表现为具有纳米级孔隙结构、自生自储、原地成藏、连续成藏,成因类型都包括生物成因、热成因和混合成因.同时,其储层岩性、成藏过程、保存条件等具有很大差异性.煤层气和页岩气具有密切联系,并且国内多地区出现二者共生现象,可将其作为一个系统,结合地区特征建立系统评价标准,考虑实现多目的层位共同勘探开发.  相似文献   
Thermal simulation experiment of gas generation from the peat and the coals were performed using the high temperature and pressure apparatus, at temperature ranging from 336.8-600℃, a pressure of 50MPa and two heating rates of 20℃/h and 2℃/h, and the evolution and formation of coalbed gas components were studied. Results show that for the coals, the gaseous products are mainly composed of hydrocarbon gases. However, for the peat the content of hydrocarbon gases in gaseous products is lower than that of non-hydrocarbon components. In the generated hydrocarbon gases methane is predominant and heavy hydrocarbon gases (C2-5) are present in small amount. Meanwhile, carbon dioxide (CO2) predominates the generated non-hydrocarbon gases, and hydrogen (H2) and sul-furated hydrogen (H2S) are existent in trace amount. It is also observed that temperature is the main factor controlling the evolution of coalbed gas generation. With increasing vitrinite reflectance, methane rapidly increases, CO2 sightly increases, and C2-5 hydrocarbons first increase and then decrease. The peat and Shanxi formation coal have a higher generative potential of coalbed gases than coals and Taiyuan formation coal, respectively, reflecting the effect of the property of organic matter on the characteristics of coalbed gas component generation. In this study, it is found that low heating rate is favorable for the generation of methane, H2 and CO2, and the decomposition of C2-5 hydrocarbons. This shows that heating time plays an important controlling role in the generation and evolution of coalbed gases. The results obtained from the simulation experiment in the study of coalbed gases in natural system are also discussed.  相似文献   
井下注气强化煤层气抽采效果的工程试验与数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高特低渗透煤层的煤层气抽采效果,在重庆天府矿业公司850 m深井,采用注入组分为78%的N2的方法,进行了强化注抽煤层气的工业性试验.分别试验了单孔与多孔干扰情况下自然涌出、负压抽采、注气涌出、边注边抽和间歇注气试验.结果表明:在常规抽采达到极限后进行注气,甲烷抽采时间-浓度曲线呈现先上升后下降的单峰波形状态,间歇注抽的甲烷浓度高于边注边抽的甲烷浓度,但衰减较快,注气距离短,长时边注边抽的注抽效果好于间歇注抽效果.注气孔网间距4 m,渗透率1.112×10-4mD的煤层,连续注抽5 d后,抽采率由卸压后负压极限抽采的52.4%提高到58.6%.建立了空气注采甲烷的渗流理论方程,计算了合理的注气孔网间距、注气时间、压力等技术参数,讨论了注气技术方法的适用条件和辅助技术,为推广这一技术提供了工程与理论参考.同时,提出了抽采后注气的变定解条件渗流方程解算的科学问题.  相似文献   
将煤层气藏的物质平衡方程和产能方程相结合可建立生产动态预测方法,但目前人们没有考虑原始煤层的吸附饱和度,所建立的动态储量评价和生产动态预测方法仅适用于饱和或超饱和的煤层气藏。在考虑吸附饱和度的基础上重新推导物质平衡方程,然后建立了生产动态预测方法,使得该法可用于欠饱和的煤层气藏。通过验证表明,当煤层气井处于排水降压期时,该法预测的日产水量平均相对误差为8%,当煤层气井进入产气期时,该法预测的日产气量平均误差为–13%,基本满足工程应用的精度要求。  相似文献   
注烟道气提高煤层气采收率(CO2-ECBM)的可行性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CO2-ECBM技术是随着煤层气资源的大量开采和对温室效应的逐渐关注提出和发展起来的.应用CO2-ECBM技术可以提高煤层甲烷的采收率,为人类提供更多的清洁能源,同时又可以埋藏大量烟道气CO2,减少温室效应,具有环境效益.此外,本文给出案例分析了CO2-ECBM技术的发展前景.  相似文献   
在建立山西省沁水盆地FZ煤层气井网煤层气运移产出地质概念模型的基础上,采用Langmuir等温吸附定律,Fick第一定律和多相渗流理论建立了与之相适应的三维数学模型,并根据2000年11月1日至2002年3月16日的气、水排采资料,通过历史拟合计算,校正、识别了模型中的有关重要参数,验证了模型的计算精度,预测了各煤层气井未来20年的气、水产量动态变化特征.  相似文献   
The mechanism of the flowing ground water impacting on coalbed gas content   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hydrogeological condition affects the coal-bed gas storage dramatically. In an area of stronger hydrodynamics, the coal has a lower gas content, while a higher gas content exists in an area of weaker hydrodynamics. Obviously, the flowing groundwater is harmful to coalbed gas preservation. But few researches focus on the mechanism of how the flowing water diminishes the coalbed gas content Based on the phenomenon that the flowing groundwater not only makes coalbed gas content lower, but also fractionates the carbon isotope, this research puts forward an idea that it is the water solution that diminishes the coalbed gas content, rather than the water-driven action or the gas dissipation through cap rocks. Only water-soluble action can both fractionate the carbon isotope and lessen the coalbed gas content, and it is an efficient way to take gas away and affect the gas content.  相似文献   
以河东煤田三交区块煤层气井生产资料为基础,利用煤层气地质学和地下水动力学原理对煤层气井的生产曲线进行了拟合分析,并最终确定了两口煤层气井的水文地质参数。利用Ja-cob公式获得了既定水文地质条件下的产气量及产水量的理论曲线。对比分析结果表明,生产曲线和理论曲线拟合较好,用理论模型进行煤层气井的产能预报是可行的;理论产水量及产气量偏低的原因是由于煤层气开采过程中压裂的影响,开采初期压裂增强了煤层的渗流能力,使得实际值大于理论值。  相似文献   
据中国多次开展的煤层气资源评价结果,蜀南地区煤炭以无烟煤为主,与沁水盆地类似,其煤层变质程度高,吸附能力强,含气量高,蕴藏了大量的煤层气资源。为了进一步查明蜀南地区煤层气储层特征及其资源潜力,根据该区测井资料、录井资料、煤层气参数井资料,从煤层分布特征、煤质特征、孔-裂隙发育特征、含气性特征及等温吸附特征等方面,分析了该区煤储层特征,对储层质量进行综合评价,并在此基础上评价其资源潜力。结果表明,蜀南地区龙潭组煤变质程度高,属于无烟煤;兰氏体积大,含气量高,气体质量好,含气饱和度高,兰氏压力小,临界解吸压力小、地解比偏低。综合评价显示该区煤层气储层质量较好,资源潜力大,但开发难度较大,尚需适宜的开采技术。建议选择长宁-叙永区块开展煤层气勘探开发试验,探索煤层气勘探评价方法及有效的开采技术。  相似文献   
煤层气的开发概述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文主要介绍了煤层气,煤层气的开发意义,煤层气的开采、净化及增产技术,分析了我国煤层气的开发现状及存在的问题和难题,并从国外煤层气的开发利用状况中得到启示。  相似文献   
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