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四川盆地西部的上三叠统须家河组作为反演前陆盆地构造演化的物质基础,因缺少精确的同位素地层年龄阻碍了对盆山演化的进一步理解。作者在四川盆地西部须家河组中发现了一套火山(碎屑)岩夹层,通过 LA-ICP-MS U-Pb 同位素定量分析,获得1件凝灰岩样品中岩浆锆石的结晶年龄,其加权平均值为(214.7±1.6)Ma,属于晚三叠世诺利期。该年龄结果对四川盆地西部须家河组岩石地层单元的划分与对比可提供重要参考,同时为进一步约束龙门山隆升与川西前陆盆地的演化、古特提斯洋关闭等重大事件时限提供了新证据。基于四川盆地及周缘的区域火山活动对比结果,表明诺利期中期(210~222 Ma B.P.)是中国西部地区一次强烈的区域火山喷发阶段,其范围从羌塘地体延伸到东昆仑地体,所对应的构造事件并非传统的印支运动作用。  相似文献   
The field investigations of geomorphology and Quaternary sediment sequences show that the sediment stratigraphic profile containing the skull of the Homo sapiens Daliensis (Dali Man) at Tianshuigou trench, Jiefang Village (109° 44′E, 34°52′N), Dali County, Shaanxi Province, is composed of the loess-paleosol sequence, 17.3 m thick, in the upper part, and the alluvial silts, fine sands and sandy gravels interbedded, 15.4 m thick, in the lower part. There are the well developed layers L1, S1, L2 and S2 in the loess-paleosol sequence of the profile, which are comparable; to those of the Luochuan loess section on the basis of magnetic succeptibility measurements and IRSL dating of the loess samples. An alluvial gravel layer, where the skull of the Dali Man was discovered, is in 13 m beneath the bottom of paleosol S2, implying that, the age of the Dali Man must be older than about 247 kaBP when the paleosol S2 began to be developed. The samples of mammal animal tooth and shell fossils from the gravel layer containing the skull of the Dali Man have been dated by uranium series and ESR methods respectively. Based on the multiple dating results and the stratigraphic chronology, the age of the Dali Man, therefore, would be estimated as older than 250 kaBP and younger than 350 kaBP, and reasonably estimated as 260–300 kaBP.  相似文献   
对《魏书·天象志》中的天象记录进行了统计分析,发现太安至皇兴13年间(457-469)的连续62条可以计算验证的天象记录中,有59条记录的年份都恰好提前了一年.这可能是魏志抄宋志而于年代比对发生错误,也可能是北魏纪年本身的错误.  相似文献   
试论月龄历谱的数理结构及编排规则   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
运用数理统计方法,借鉴天文历算及历谱编排的有关知识,试图提供一种被称为月龄历谱的数理结构模型(数表),以作为对具有某些月龄特征的词语的研究工具。其用途:(1)由这些月龄词语的干支差直接得出它们可能的年代间隔;(2)可用于编排相应的月龄历谱(如金文历谱、某些甲骨文历谱等);(3)能对月龄历谱(如“夏商周断代工程”给出的西周金文历谱)方案中月龄词语的月龄范围及年代间隔进行误差分析。  相似文献   
清水江文书是贵州东南部与周边地区社会生活、历史面貌的原始契约档案,其中立契时间中就包含着丰富的历史年代信息。贵州经过辛亥革命后,虽然鼎革改元,有了新的纪年方式,但是由于地处偏远或者乡间习惯的原因,“宣统”纪年仍在此间延续。文书中保留的这些纪年方式,也可以和其它历史资料印证,展现了复杂的历史面貌,具有重要的史料价值。  相似文献   
In a sediment sequence from Erlongwan maar lake that spans the last 13 ka BP, two main varve types can be recognized: biogenic varves (from the present to ~11.2 ka BP, 0―632 cm) and clastic varves (from ~11.2 to ~12.7 ka BP, 632―700 cm). Based on the dominant types of algae contained in the sediment, the biogenic varves can be classified into dinocyst-biogenic varves (0―63 cm) and mixed (dinocyst and diatom)-biogenic varves (214―632 cm). In this paper, the formation process and com- ponents of the varve are described, the possible reason for the types of varve changing throughout the record is discussed and a high-resolution varve chronology is established spanning the last 13 ka BP. Although further varve counting and error assessment are needed, the results presented here repre- sent a solid foundation for studying the palaeoclimate record of Erlongwan maar lake.  相似文献   
Two tree ring-width chronologies of Sabina tibetica were developed based on cores sampled in Qumalal and Zhiduo, southern Qinghai Plateau. The response function analysis showed that the chronologies were sensitive to temperature and precipitation from April to June in the plateau. Moisture index (MI) was defined, reconstructed and extended back to AD 1550. The cross-validation method was used to check the stability of the calibration equation, and the result indicated that the equation was stable. Six severe dry periods were found in this region in the past 453-year reconstruction, which were 1592 to 1610, 1649 to 1665, 1687 to 1697, 1740 to 1750, 1818 to 1829 and 1918 to 1933. Five severe wetting periods were 1669 to 1682, 1700 to 1709, 1800 to 1814, 1898 to 1909 and 1935 to 1950. Spectrum analysis indicated that there existed long-term cycles of 60.4 and 53.4 a, solar cycle of 11 a and short-term cycles of 8, 6 and 4 a in the reconstructed series.  相似文献   
《夏商周断代工程》得到的年代结果中,有些与天文学方法有关.本文介绍4个这样的问题:对宾组卜辞的5次月食记录的天文学认证与武丁王年,与武王伐纣有关的诸多天象历日记录的分析,竹书纪年中"懿王元年天在旦于郑"的日食说研究以及由西周铜器铭文中的诸多历日月相记录排出整个西周王年.  相似文献   
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