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研究一类具有无界时滞的非线性泛函微分方程解的稳定性,并建立若干有关解的稳定性的等价性定理。  相似文献   
研究一类具无限时滞的泛函微分方程的可解性和稳定性。其基本结果是:在某些条件下,非线性泛函微分方程解的指数稳定性可由解的在界性及线性部分的指数稳定性推出。  相似文献   
本文报导了a-C∶H/Si太阳电池的结构、制备方法和已达到的性能。测试发现电池的暗I-V特性及在200~1000nm波长范围内的反射光谱特性均优于单晶硅太阳电池。进而讨论了这种电池成为一种性能优良的太阳电池的可能性。  相似文献   
本研究非线性泛函微分方程yl(t)=aj(t)y(t-rj) f(t,y(t-r(t)))解的渐近稳定性,给出了方程解渐近稳定的充分条件。  相似文献   
细胞融合和基因转经已成为生物工程的重要技术,并在农业,林业,花卉等方面取得了很大的成就,林木与其他本植物相比,进展较为缓慢,但近几年来,亦取得了令人鼓舞的成果,本就因国内外林木细胞融合和基因转化的现状作评述。  相似文献   
本文利用文献[2]中作者得到的线性化振动定理研究了种群动力学中出现的几类方程解的振动性,推广和改进了文献中的许多结果。  相似文献   
Sickle cell anemia (SS) patients can be divided into two sub-populations according to peripheral HbF levels. Patients with low (<9%) HbF levels (LFSS) are characterized by an increased number of circulating BFU-E in active DNA synthesis, and release of burst promoting activity (BPA) by unstimulated low density (LD) adherent cells. In contrast, circulating BFU-E from SS patients with high (>9%) HbF levels (HFSS) are normal in number, largely in resting phase, and their LD cells do not release BPA-like activity.More recently further heterogeneity has been found among these two groups. In LFSS patients GM-CSF is constitutively produced by unstimulated monocytes. In contrast, HFSS patients' adherent cell depletion increases cycling of BFU-E in culture. CM from HFSS patients inhibits BFU-E expression in culture. Hence, LD adherent cells from HFSS patients may release an inhibitory factor(s). The nature of this factor has to be determined.In addition, there are distinct subpopulations of BFU-E responsiveness to growth factor (GM-CSF, IL-3): a) LFSS patients have a homogeneous BFU-E population, equally responsive to GM-CSF and IL-3; b) HFSS patients, in addition to this subpopulation, have a subset of BFU-E dependent exclusively on IL-3 which is 20 to 40% of the total number of circulating BFU-E. This is similar to BFU-E from normal individuals. Hence, LFSS BFU-E represent an actively proliferating population, equally responsive to GM-CSF and IL-3, controlled by at least constitutively produced GM-CSF and possibly other factors.These observations suggest a significant modification in BFU-E behavior in the subset of SS patients with low HbF levels and high hemopoietic stress. The heterogenous regulation of BFU-E in SS disease seems to be an epiphenomenon of HbF levels, and not vice-versa.  相似文献   
采用X射线衍射法,对含锌氯化钠晶体进行微观研究,通过对晶胞参数的分析与计算,具体地揭示了晶体中离子排列的点阵分布。同时对锌盐中存在着铜和铁离子情况下,讨论了铁、铜离子对结晶体中点阵分布的影响。  相似文献   
n维具有时滞的Lienard型方程的周期解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论具有周期扰动项的n维具有时滞的Lieard型方程x+δ^2F(x)/δx^2x+g(t,xt)=p(t)的周期荽问题,得到了存在周期解的若干充分条件。  相似文献   
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