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渤海辽东湾海冰条件的概率分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用辽东湾海域及其沿岸台站多年的海冰观测资料和有关气象资料,对该海域的海冰条件以及相应的气候规律进行了概率分析、研究了辽东湾南北两个分区的划分、冰厚与气温的关系、冰厚的极值概率分布、太阳黑子数以及El Nino现象对渤海冰情的影响及其长期变化的规律,得到一些可供辽东湾抗冰平台设计参考的数据和结论。  相似文献   
目的 评价禹城洼陷的生烃潜力,以指导下一步勘探。方法利用烃源岩分析数据对禹城洼陷的生烃潜力进行研究和评价,利用包裹体测温等分析资料对影响烃源岩发育和分布的因素进行分析和总结,利用生物标志化合物指标(C29S/S+R)对生油门限进行了重新认识和探讨。结果禹城洼陷烃源岩发育较差、分布不均,总体上处于未熟一低熟阶段;其主要影响因素是异常高压带的分布和火成岩的入侵;本区生油门限应在3500m以下。结论禹城洼陷下第三系生烃潜力不足。  相似文献   
我国媒体突发事件报道,既有成功的经验,更存在严重的问题。面对突发事件,记者和传媒要回归新闻本质功能,增强社会责任;发挥舆论监督,构建信息平台;尊重知情权,促进社会稳定。  相似文献   
Taking the advantage of CVS (Chaotic Vibrator System) sensitivity of large-scale periodic phase-state response to quasi-periodic or periodic signals,a series of numerical experiments were made to understand the ability of CVS to detect weak effective seismic signals in the common-shot seismic record distorted by strong stochastic noise. The re-sults demonstrate that the large-scale periodic phase-states of CVS are correlated with the signal composition of the quasi-periodic wavelet sequence constructing from horizontal moveout of seismic events,noise strength and the noise distortion de-gree to signal. For the same kind of events,the higher the noise distortion degree is,the lower the detectable SNR can be reached by CVS. For seismic data with the same noise distortion degree,the closer the scanning seismic velocity (the trial moveout ve-locity) approaches to the accurate velocity,the higher the detectable SNR can be reached by CVS. More-over,the truncating scanning velocities form an asymmetric belt,which indirectly makes CVS achieve a large-scale periodic phase-state and then the ratio of wavelet distortion coefficients in events can be a biggish variable scope.  相似文献   
"9·11"后美国鉴于中亚的战略地位以及全球战略,全方位调整了中亚政策,分析其中亚政策调整的目标及实施手段,可以看出它给中亚各国带来了一定的积极影响,但也给中亚地区以及周边大国包括俄罗斯和中国带来了一定的负面影响。  相似文献   
文章为了精确地求出一个直线加速运动荷电黑洞时空中的粒子能级 ,并在此基础之上 ,对此黑洞视界附近的粒子能级的分布特征进行研究 ,从而搞清楚此黑洞的非热辐射特征。作者采用在直线加速运动荷电黑洞时空中求解Hamilton -Jacobi方程 ,并采用广义的乌龟坐标变换将Havnilton -Jacobi方程变成乌龟坐标下的形式 ,以便求出粒子广义动量的径向分量 ,进一步求出粒子能量 ,有了粒子的能量表达式便可以研究此黑洞视界附近的能级及此黑洞的非热辐射。结果表明 ,粒子能级分布与黑洞荷电产生的电磁四维势有关 ,还与黑洞的蒸发率等因素有关 ,黑洞非热辐射粒子的能量范围与四维电磁势的A0 和A1分量有关 ,还与黑洞的蒸发率 ( rH)有关。因此 ,此黑洞有非热辐射 ,辐射粒子的能量范围与A0 、A1和 rH 有关  相似文献   
促使武术进入奥运会的策略是抓住机遇、继承传统、改革创新,以北京申办2008年夏季奥运会成功为契机,向世界展示中国武术的风采和魅力,搞好武术创新和竞赛体制、规则及裁判管理等方面的改革,以适应奥运的要求,促使武术早日成为奥运会的比赛项目。以全面反映中国武术的面貌和特色为项目设置构想的出发点,综合考虑项目的代表性和可行性,确定设项方案为武术大项下设6个小项。  相似文献   
基于通信顺序进程的并发DEDS的规范和证实   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实时通信顺序进程(TCSP)的基础上对离散事件动态系统(DEDS)进行建模、规范和证实。介绍了TCSP中与DEDS相关的一些研究成果,根据离散事件的特点作了符号语义上的改进,就两个具体的例子——自动导引小车(AGV)和火车道口系统道口系统建立了TCSP模型,给出了它们需要满足的特性,并据此确立了控制方法和综合后的系统模型。  相似文献   
The 1997–1998 warm event in the South China Sea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A strong warm event happens during spring 1997 to spring 1999 in the South China Sea. Its intensity and duration show that it is the strongest event on the record over the past decades. It also corresponds with the severe flood over the valley of the Yangtze River and a couple of marine environmental events. This note addressed the evolution process by using several data sets, such as sea surface temperature, height and wind stress in addition to subsurface temperature. The onset of the warm event almost teleconnects with the El Niño event in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Summer monsoon is stronger and winter monsoon is weaker in 1997 so that there are persistent westerly anomalies in the South China Sea. During the development phase, the warm advection caused by southerly anomalies is the major factor while the adjustment of the thermocline is not obvious. Subsequently, the southerly anomalies decay and even northerly anomalies appear in the summer of 1998 resulting from the weaker than normal summer monsoon in 1998 in the South China Sea. The thermocline develops deeper than normal, which causes the downwelling pattern and the start of the maintaining phase of the warm event. Temperature anomalies in the southern South China Sea begin to decay in the winter of 1998–1999 and this warm event ends in the May of 1999.  相似文献   
中国共产党理论创新的实质就是中国共产党人在历史紧要关头的科学决策与开拓前进的辩证统一。这种理论创新既是一定时势。“逼”出来的,又是特定时空所塑造出来的;既是领袖智慧和人民群众创造性活动的相互作用,又是中国共产党人执著地追求真理和坚持真理的统一。只有这样的理论创新才能显示出其真正的历史价值。  相似文献   
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