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在分析秦皇岛市畜牧业发展现状的基础上,指出该市畜牧业发展中尚存在现代化规模养殖程度低、龙头企业优势不明显、产业化内部利益联结不紧密、无公害产品比重不高、政府服务不到位等问题。为促进秦皇岛市畜牧业的进一步发展,提出加强龙头企业和基地建设、完善利益机制、提高科技服务和政府管理水平等措施。  相似文献   
急性缺氧型肺动脉高压动物模型制备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的制备兔急性缺氧型PAH模型,探讨PAH对左心室功能及其心肌重塑与细胞凋亡影响。方法将实验兔30只分为缺氧PAH组(20只)和对照组(10只),通过测定血流动力学、血液流变学、体重量(BW)与左心室重量(LVW)比值、心室病理组织学观察和超微结构观察等指标了解PAH对左心室影响。结果缺氧-PAH组PaO2明显低于对照组,pH,PaCO,HCO-与对照组比较无统计学差异;mPAP,mRVP显著升高(P<0.001);右心室肥大指数增大;红细胞压积、红细胞刚性指数及其聚集指数明显增大(P<0.05);血浆粘度无改变。镜下观察,缺氧-PAH组其肺动脉肌层稍有增厚,管腔轻度狭窄,右心室心肌细胞胞体增大,胞浆肿胀,空泡变性,胞核增大;左心室基本指标检测结果缺氧-PAH组其LVW/BW增加,而LVSP,MAP和 dp/dt max无显著性改变(P>0.05),左室壁病变均显著重于对照组(P<0.01)。电镜下,缺氧-PAH组动物心肌细胞表现为线粒体高度肿胀,嵴溶解消失形成打泡,肌浆网高度扩张,肌原纤维排列紊乱,Z线增粗,核染色质凝结及边聚,细胞内及间质重度水肿。结论通过低氧通气方法可成功制备PAH动物模型,PAH对左心室功能及其心肌重塑与细胞凋亡存在影响。  相似文献   
用链脲霉素(STZ)所致的大鼠糖尿病作模型,给予双氢杨梅树皮素(AP)连续治疗30d,探讨AP的降糖作用机理。结果表明:AP能使STX糖尿病大鼠的高血糖反应减轻,增加血清中SOD-cu.zn活性,降低MDA含量,对血脂中的甘油三酯(TG)水平有降低趋势;可提高血清中胰岛素水平。组织学研究可见AP组大鼠胰腺组织中的胰岛数目较模型组增多,淋巴细胞浸减少,炎症反应减轻。其作用机理可能是通过AP的抗氧化作  相似文献   
以重度动物咬伤的患者作为研究对象,通过回顾性队列研究,比较了急诊术后单纯使用常规外科抗菌敷料与联合外用嘎木朱尔对动物咬伤伤口的疗效差异,以明确蒙药嘎木朱尔的临床价值及治疗优势。指标包括引流时间、伤口愈合时间、外周血红细胞沉降率、C反应蛋白(CRP)、伤口愈合等级以及伤口并发症。结果显示,外用嘎木朱尔散可促进动物咬伤(Ⅲ级暴露)的伤口愈合过程,对Ⅰ期缝合伤口具有显著的抗炎作用,对Ⅱ期缝合伤口可发挥显著的抗感染、抗炎作用,可显著缩短伤口愈合时间、降低伤口并发症发生率,说明联合外用嘎木朱尔的疗效优于单纯常规外科抗菌敷料。  相似文献   
嘉陵江流域以山地、丘陵为主的地形条件,使种植业的发展受到一定限制,但种草养畜的条件比较优越,温暖湿润的气候和类型多样的土壤条件,宜于多种牧草的生长,复杂多样的自然环境和生物群落,孕育着丰富的牲畜种群资源,长江上游生态屏障的建设,为种草养畜提供了难得的机遇.流域内发达的种植业,提供了极为丰富的饲草饲料资源,良好的基础,使畜牧业在扩大规模、增加产量、改良品种、改善结构、提高效益等方面都还有不小的潜力.种草养畜显著的比较效益优势,使其成为嘉陵江流域农业结构调整的理想选择.区内不断改善的交通条件,既方便了流域内部的交流与联系,又不断为草食畜牧业的发展拓展市场空间.众多的人口,既形成了区内巨大的畜产品消费市场,又为种草养畜提供了充足的劳动力资源.随着生活水平的提高,人们的膳食结构不断改善,对动物性蛋白质的需求不断增加,畜产品消费量持续增长.此外,国家和地方政府对种草养畜均有扶持与鼓励政策.  相似文献   
甲壳类水产动物是我国水产养殖中重要的水产经济种类,具有较高的经济价值和营养价值。甲壳类动物生长呈现一种非连续的梯形增长,每经过一次成功蜕壳体重会明显增加,而蜕壳失败往往导致死亡,给水产养殖带来极大的经济损失。从营养与环境的角度综述近几年甲壳类水产动物蜕壳的研究现状,为甲壳类水产动物饲料开发与健康养殖提供一定的参考。  相似文献   
《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11-12):701-711
The seasonal density fluctuation, phenology and sex ratio of Peucetia flava (Oxyopidae) on Rhyncanthera dichotoma (Melastomataceae) were investigated during a year in a swamp in southeastern Brazil. Peucetia flava displayed an unusual non‐seasonal life cycle and the population size varied little over the year. The density of Peucetia spiders increased with the increase in abundance of leaves and number of arthropods adhered to glandular trichomes on R. dichotoma leaves. Our findings suggest that seasonal density fluctuation of Peucetia may be influenced by foraging site availability (i.e. leaves) and prey supply (i.e. arthropods adhering to glandular trichomes). The unusual seasonal stability of P. flava may be related to the type of habitat in which this spider occurs (swamp), because of the constant input of allochthonous resources from the water source, i.e. aquatic insects that migrate to the terrestrial environment.  相似文献   
《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-48):2817-2841
Three new species of the genus Vejdovskybathynella are described from caves in northern Spain. It is the first time that this genus has been documented in the Iberian Peninsula. Vejdovskybathynella edelweiss n. sp. has several unique features: the setal formula of the antenna (0/2+exp/2+0/1+0/0+0/2+2/4); the form of the segments and claws of the mandibular palp of the mandible of the male; exopod of the female thoracopod VIII similar in size to the endopod (exopod is always longer than the endopod); small frontal projection of the basipod of the male thoracopod VIII, large or very large is common; the form and size of the lobes of the male thoracopod VIII is unique; the second spine of the furcal rami 2.5 times longer than the first spine. Vejdovskybathynella caroloi n. sp. has a unique male thoracopod VIII with a spur in the exopod that is a feature unknown in the genus, and additionally, this species has the smallest endopod of the thoracopod VIII male of the entire genus; the presence of three aesthetascs in segments VI and VII of the antennule had not been observed in this genus until now; the form of the segments of the mandibular palp of the mandible of the male are unique; the distal spine of the sympod of the uropod is larger than in other species, whereas in the rest of the species of the genus they are equal in size. Vejdovskybathynella pascalis n. sp. is the smallest species of the genus and has two and three aesthetascs in segments VI and VII of the antennule, respectively; it is the only species of the genus that has one seta on segment I and two setae on segment IV of the antenna; it has a unique male thoracopod VIII with a small spur on the frontal projection of the basipod and with the endopod larger than all other species in spite of its small size; the basal spine of the sympod of the uropod is smaller than the other three.  相似文献   
目的了解SPF级实验动物中绿脓杆菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa,PA)感染现状和规律,为防止绿脓杆菌感染提供依据。方法参照国家标准,对SPF级小鼠、大鼠、豚鼠和兔进行检测。结果在2008~2011年中检测的SPF级动物中,PA感染的阳性率为8.9%(267/2988);不同动物感染率无显著差异;不同时间(不同年份和不同季度)PA阳性检出率无显著差异;其中,免疫缺陷动物的PA阳性检出率为32.5%明显高于免疫功能正常动物的7.6%;PA检出率随着送检单位和动物数量的增加逐年升高;不同动物群体间感染率相当,且保持稳定。结论北京地区SPF级实验动物中PA检出率较高,应加强管理。  相似文献   
随着生物学调查研究机构的建立,中国生物学家认为研究本土生物是自己份内的事.为维护国家的主权,民国年间成立的中央研究院开始对西方人在华的生物学考察收集采取限制行动,改变了以往西方人在华恣意收集和掠夺生物标本的状况.这对保护本国的生物标本资料和一些珍稀动物发挥了积极作用,是我国生物学家群体成长的一个标志.  相似文献   
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