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从文学的视角分析了《宁古塔满族萨满神话》的人物设定、母题分析和表现手法等问题,诠释其文学的表现力和感染力。《宁古塔满族萨满神话》围绕民族神话的基本母题,塑造了一系列生动饱满的人物形象,并通过一定的语言音律和修辞手段展现其独特的神话魅力。  相似文献   
 基于柴达木盆地的地理、气候、水资源和盐生植物等自然条件,综合分析了该地区发展盐湖农业的资源基础,重点讨论了土地利用现状的特点及存在的问题。结果表明,柴达木盆地以盐渍化的土地为主,区域内积温较多、热量条件较好,咸水、微咸水资源及动植物资源丰富;农业用地仅占土地总面积的0.17%,有大量宜农土地未被开发,撂荒面积大;草地占土地面积的46.64%,但海拔、气候、交通等条件限制其利用;林地占土地总面积的2.87%,破坏较严重;盐碱地占总土地面积的11.68%,且资源丰富,几乎未被利用。柴达木盆地资源基础丰厚,开发潜力巨大,建议在该地区建立农业示范园区,发展盐湖农业,加强盐生植物研究,合理开发利用盐碱地资源。  相似文献   
从系统论的视角入手,对分析化学教学的各个因素进行分析.提出主体、客体和教学管理三大系统的教学基本结构,以教师、学生、教学内容、教学方法、考核方法、教学过程评价和教学质量评价等七个因素,建立分析化学教学体系,研究教学体系优化采取的具体举措;提高分析化学教学质量.  相似文献   
秦汉时期黄土高原土地利用方式与黄河水灾关系十分密切:黄土高原作为农业区,黄河水灾频繁;黄土高原作为畜牧区,黄河得以安流.介绍了治理主要水灾的方法和经过.揭示了此项研究的现实意义.  相似文献   
The early history of cathode rays, X-rays and a third kind of natural radiation from several minerals and atomic fission is described. In this way the fundamental concept of radioactivity, laws of decay and atomic models were developed. With artificial radioactive isotopes, new tailored radiopharmaceuticals could be introduced into metabolic research, medical diagnostics and therapy. Von Hevesy's concept of the dynamic state of body constituents led to examination of the locations and movements of labelled atoms and molecules as a function of time. That was the birth of nucler medicine. The principles and value at the molecular level of several specific tracer studies in research and diagnostic or therapeutic use are explained. Typically, diagnostic tests with tracer agents are non-invasive and have low radiation exposure. Competing with other diagnostic and therapeutic modalities, nuclear medicine is a speciality in its own right. But there are moves to classify it as a subspecialization of other organ-oriented clinical disciplines. That is a misunderstanding of the radiologist's role and does not answer the question: What is the best way of woking for the patient? New horizons in diagnostic modalities, biochemistry, immunology, imaging and the use of immunogenic therapeutic agents demand a continuous cooperation within interdisciplinary teams. That is as necessary with radiologic departments, participating in changed organizational structures, as with other clinical departments.  相似文献   
本文报道了苯氯化制对二氯苯小试实验中氯气管道的密封、流量的计量,对二氯苯结晶处理及氯化液分析等实验技术。  相似文献   
珠江三角洲农业结构变化与空间转移   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析改革开放以来珠江三角洲农业发展与结构变化的基础上,具体研究了珠江三角洲各类农产品生产的区外,区内空间转移的类型,强度,方向和时序,并就为化与空间转移的动力机制作了较全面的分析,还对珠江三角洲粮食生产的供应,城郊农业和创汇农业发展方向等问题提出若干思考。  相似文献   
提出革新课程《物理教育与技艺》,讨论其依据。运用结构方法总结教改实践经验,在分析处理课程要素关系的基础上,构架该课程的结构。介绍实施课程的《结合型并进式》教学模式.  相似文献   
李焱 《科技信息》2008,(20):317-318
It is very common to have a class of 50 or more students in Chinese schools, and teaching a foreign language effectively to a large class is really hard work. In order to change the teacher-centered teaching model into the student-centered one, Teachers should keep students' needs, interests, and learning styles in mind, apply several kinds of teaching techniques, organize different classroom activities and encourage, praise and appreciate both students' success and learning process all the time. If teachers place more responsibility in the hands of students, serve as "presenter or facilitator of knowledge" instead of "source of all knowledge", they can greatly motivate students to learn the language in a very active, cooperative and effective way. After all, people learn by doing, not only by watching and listening.  相似文献   
通过对海南大学农业经济管理专业省级教学团队建设的实践经验总结,从多方面提出了教学团队建设的基本要求,包括突出鲜明的学科特色和团队建设理念、构建合理的团队设置和人员结构、建设特色教学模式和坚实的教研平台、实行积极的人才战略等,以期为高校优秀团队建设提供不同视角的探索和思考.  相似文献   
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