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对在南京地区的马尾松49个种源试验9年生林分遭受-15℃低温后的冻害调查结果表明,不同种源间耐寒性(冻害)变异极显著。种源冻害表现出从西南向东北逐步减轻;同纬度自西向东明显减轻的倾群地理变异模式。影响冻害的地理、气候因子主要有经度(负相关)、一月均温(正相关)和海拔高度(负相关)。冻害程度与高、径生长呈正相关,与冠幅、开花指数呈负相关。通过典范相关分析和聚类分析,将49个种源按冻害地理变异分成3个类群。  相似文献   
中华大蟾蜍肺毛细血管的扫描电镜观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用扫描电镜观察了ABS丁酮溶液灌注的中华大蟾蜍肺毛细胞管构筑情况,其肺壁被内面的施工网状隔膜分隔成许多小室-肺泡;在网状隔膜,肺泡壁上均有丰富的毛细血管,且相互吻合成单层密集网;肺泡毛细血管网眼多,由五边形的毛细管环构成,毛细血管直径9.53-16.73μm,网眼孔径91.7-25.18μm;在毛细血管铸型上有明显的内皮细胞核的压迹。  相似文献   
对5个大白菜品种在4个试验点进行田间试验,重点比较了品种81—5和青杂3号的农艺、品质性状和抗病、抗冻能力。品种81—5苗期生长势、成株紧实度、单株重及亩产量几项性状均明显优越;品质性状总体上看也比较好,表现是含水量和纤维素含量低、蛋白质总量和维生素C及糖分含量高,但游离氨基酸和人体必需的8种蛋白质氨基酸含量较低;对软腐病等主要病害的抗性、耐贮性和抗冻能力均较强,原生质体对冻害损伤的抵抗力较品种青杂3号高40%以上。  相似文献   
由于体育课中经常出现运动损伤,通过对其原因分析找出预防手段.并对常见损伤及时有效地给予处置  相似文献   
Bacterial suicide through stress   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Outside of the laboratory, bacterial cells are constantly exposed to stressful conditions, and an ability to resist those stresses is essential to their survival. However, the degree of stress required to bring about cell death varies with growth phase, amongst other parameters. Exponential phase cells are significantly more sensitive to stress than stationary phase ones, and a novel hypothesis has recently been advanced to explain this difference in sensitivity, the suicide response. Essentially, the suicide response predicts that rapidly growing and respiring bacterial cells will suffer growth arrest when subjected to relatively mild stresses, but their metabolism will continue: a burst of free-radical production results from this uncoupling of growth from metabolism, and it is this free-radical burst that is lethal to the cells, rather than the stress per se. The suicide response hypothesis unifies a variety of previously unrelated empirical observations, for instance induction of superoxide dismutase by heat shock, alkyl-hydroperoxide reductase by osmotic shock and catalase by ethanol shock. The suicide response also has major implications for current [food] processing methods. Received 29 March 1999; received after revision 14 May 1999; accepted 17 May 1999  相似文献   
太极拳运动可引起多种膝关节损伤,这些损伤的原因主要与技术动作不规范、股四头肌力量不足、重心过低、疲劳过度有关.笔者分析了这些原因,以期为更好地发挥太极拳的健身作用、防止不必要的膝关节损伤提供一些参考.  相似文献   
对见义勇为者人身损害是否得到合理充分的补偿,是衡量社会是否公平正义的重要标志之一。为了不让“英雄流血又流泪”,使其损害得到足额的补偿,应根据不同情况采取四种途径获得救济:侵权人赔偿、由受益人适当补偿、由受益人或政府或社会组织共同补偿、全部由政府和社会组织补偿。  相似文献   
在不同水硬度下铜对草鱼、鲢和大鳞泥鳅的急性毒性   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
实验以草鱼、鲢和大鳞泥鳅的鱼苗为材料,测定了水硬度对铜的急性毒性的影响,水硬度在255、141、37和14mg/L(以 CaCO_3计)时铜对草鱼的48小时 LC_(50)分别是519、354、91和76μg/L,96小时 LC_(50)则分别为460、307、67和39μg/L.在同样的硬度条件下,对鲢的48小时 LC_(50)是452、393、71和40μg/L,96小时 LC_(50)分别为452、296、41和31μg/L.大鲢泥鳅鱼苗在硬度260、137、36和10μg/L(以 CaCO_3计)条件下,铜的48小时 LC_(50)为369、305、1113和67μg/L,而96小时 LC_(50)则分别是226、135、67和18μg/L.铜的急性毒性和水硬度之间的关系可用下列方程来描述:草鱼 ln96小时■_(50)=1.1345+0.9051ln 硬度 r=0.99ln96小时■_(50)=2.2118+0.7220ln 硬度 r=0.97鲢 ln96小时■_(50)=0.4564+1.0207ln 硬度 r=0.97ln96小时■_(50)=1.1371+0.9232ln 硬度 r=0.98大鳞泥鳅ln96小时■_(50)=1.2823+0.7506ln 硬度 r=0.99ln96小时■_(50)=2.8635+0.5563ln 硬度 r=0.99  相似文献   
The outbreak pattern of the SARS cases in Asia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) caused tremendous damage to many Asia countries, especially China. The transmission process and outbreak pattern of SARS is still not well understood. This study aims to find a simple model to describe the outbreak pattern of SARS cases by using SARS case data commonly released by governments. The outbreak pattern of cumulative SARS cases is expected to be a logistic type because the infection will be slowed down due to the increasing control effort by people and/or due to depletion of susceptible individuals. The increase rate of SARS cases is expected to decrease with the cumulative SARS cases, as described by the traditional logistical model, which is widely used in population dynamic studies. The instantaneous rate of increases were significantly and negatively correlated with the cumulative SARS cases in mainland of China (including Beijing, Hebei, Tianjin, Shanxi,the Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia) and Singapore. The basic reproduction number R0 in Asia ranged from 2.0 to 5.6 (except for Taiwan, China). The R0 of Hebei and Tianjin were much higher than that of Singapore, Hongkong, Beijing, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, indicating SARS virus might have originated differently or new mutations occurred during transmission. We demonstrated that the outbreaks of SARS in many regions of Asia were wall described by the logistic model, and the control measures implemented by governments are effective. The maximum instantaneous rate of increase, basic reproductive number, and maximum cumulative SARS cases were also calculated by using the logistic model.  相似文献   
低温对动物体细胞的损伤影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
低温保存细胞是最常见的长期保存方法,但低温保存是有条件的,降温过快或过慢及其复温速率都直接影响细胞的存活。综述了降温与复温对动物体细胞的损伤。  相似文献   
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