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准确绘制在直线上的电荷系的电场线   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用高斯定理求出了在直线上的点电荷系的电场线方程,提出由电场线方程绘制电场线的逐点计算——选点描绘法,给出用此方法绘制的一些电场线图形.  相似文献   
Zhang  Yun  Kong  Zhaochen  Ni  Jian  Yan  Shun  Yang  ZhenJing 《科学通报(英文版)》2008,53(7):1049-1061
This paper presents a multi-proxy reconstruction of the climate change in Caotanhu wetland using pollen, phytolith and charcoal records, and the data of loss of ignition (LOI), grain size analysis, and susceptibility. Results reveal that between 4550 and 2500 cal. a BP, a dry climatic condition was not favorable for the accumulation of peat. Since 2500 cal. a BP, the climate became humid and the wetland developed with abundant freshwater aquatic plants, which contributed to peat accumulation. Never-theless, alternate periods of rain and dry climate occurred during that period. Between 2500 and 1810 cal. a BP (550 BC-140 AD), the climate was more humid than at present. A lot of emerged plants, such as Phragmites, Typha and Sparganium, and freshwater green algae grew in the wetland which was sur-rounded by desert-steppe vegetation composed mainly of Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia, Compositae and Thalictrum. However, from 1810 to 1160 cal. a BP (140--790 AD), the water level started to decrease and hydrophyte species reduced greatly, but some Phragmites still grew in the wetland and around it was desert vegetation with high proportion of Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia. Then from 1160 to 650 a BP (790--1300 AD), it entered a period of desert-steppe with abundant mesic and xerophytic plants. And a lot of aquatic plants prevailed in the wetland. Here, what is noticeable is that percentages of arboreal pollen, consisting mainly of Betula and Picea, increased greatly and reached a maximal value of 27.2%, in which, Betula percentages rose to 23.2%. Hence, it is reasonable to conclude that Betula grew in the highland of the wetland, or Picea timberline shifted downward resulting in the increase of percentages of Betula and Picea pollen, which were transported into the wetland by flood or wind. But since 650 cal. a BP, desert vegetation prevailed around the wetland again with dominant Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia, and the climate was similar to modern one. Despite some aquatic plants still growing in the wetland at  相似文献   
当前,在自主择业机制的强烈冲击下,地方高校行政学专业毕业生彰显能力不够全面、市场竞争力不强、就业压力大等现实困境。因此,地方高校应该重新定位发展模式,通过转变办学理念、突出“应用型”办学特色;整合教师队伍,形成团队合力;丰富课程设置,拓宽专业视野;创新教学方式,凸现行政案例教学等有效措施实现学科建设的转变。  相似文献   
节约型社会建设的当代价值述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
节约型社会是建设和实现和谐社会的必然要求,是缓解资源瓶颈对经济发展制约的正确选择,是促进人与自然和谐发展的客观需要。但目前人们的研究主要集中在如何合理消费、怎样节约自然资源、建设循环经济等方面,也就是说主要从消费伦理向度上探讨节约型社会的价值。其实节约型社会具有批判现代性社会的功能,因为奢侈的生活态度和生活方式应该遭到理性的拒斥和社会正义的禁止。节约型社会作为新型社会制度具有价值合理性和社会正当性。蕴涵着人的解放、自然的解放和社会进步的价值。  相似文献   
《一个亿·泡女郎》引发了广泛的争议。面对类似《一个亿·泡女郎》的当代艺术作品,无论是猛烈抨击,还是高度赞扬都是片面的。在多元的经济、多元的文化价值观并存的时代背景中,观众应以宽容的态度,辩证地看待当代艺术家的艺术结晶。  相似文献   
“实在”是一个表确认性的语气副词,本文通过大量的语料收集,着重探讨了“实在”句的句式特点、语义内含和出现的语用环境,得出“实在”句一般包含有主观感情色彩,强调经人们反复尝试而最终确认的一种思想过程,并提出对外汉语语气副词教学的两点想法。  相似文献   
论述了投标和评标方法的趋势是“工程价值最高者中标”的原因,阐述了“工程价值最高者中标”的含义及其应用方法  相似文献   
特殊技能人才,是根据素质结构分析法划分出来的现代社会四种基本人才类型之一。这类人才的教育和培养,迄今为止仍然是学校教育的一个难点,甚至是盲点。本文介绍了一套适应行业岗位需求、适合特殊技能型创业人才培养要求的“确立特殊技能型创业人才培养目标——调整、优化课程结构——完善技能培养和考核方案——实施顶岗实习、毕业实习——提高职业综合素质”的五位一体的特殊技能型创业人才培养模式。  相似文献   
工程技术人员绘制图形时,经常会重复地执行相同的任务。用手工绘制图形,不仅是一项重复的乏味的、极低效率的工作,还会极易由于绘图人员的工作疲劳和疏忽产生错误。采用面向对象的语言VB实现AutoCad参数化设计和绘图,可以提高画图工作的效率及其准确性,为广大设计绘图人员提供一种经济实用的新方法。  相似文献   
深化实践教学改革,构建合理实践教学体系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
洪梅 《科技信息》2008,(12):201-201
全面培养高素质的具有创新意识和实践能力的应用型人才是时代发展的需要,也是深化当今教育改革的根本目标。根据普通高校实践教学中普遍存在的问题以及学校目前的实践教学现状,结合我校应用型人才培养目标,深化实践教学改革,构建了较为科学合理的实践教学体系。  相似文献   
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