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After the publication of The structure of scientific revolutions, Kuhn attempted to fend off accusations of extremism by explaining that his allegedly “relativist” theory is little more than the mundane analytical apparatus common to most historians. The appearance of radicalism is due to the novelty of applying this machinery to the history of science. This defence fails, but it provides an important clue. The claim of this paper is that Kuhn inadvertently allowed features of his procedure and experience as an historian to pass over into his general account of science. Kuhn’s familiar claims, that science is directed in part by extra-scientific influences; that the history of science is divided by revolutionary breaks into periods that cannot be easily compared; that there is no ahistorical standard of rationality by which past episodes may be judged; and that science cannot be shown to be heading towards the Truth—these now appear as methodological commitments rather than historico-philosophical theses.  相似文献   
思想政治教育是中国共产党的政治优势和优良传统,是党的妇女工作的生命线,大革命时期党通过对广大妇女进行马克思主义理论教育、妇女解放教育,号召广大妇女联合起来组成女界统一战线,共同参加国民革命等教育,将几千年来深受封建宗法思想束缚的妇女群体,调动起来参加我党领导的新民主主义革命,起到了不可磨灭的作用。  相似文献   
英国工业革命是英国历史和世界历史上具有划时代意义的重大事件。涉及这一事件的许多问题,一直为世界各国历史学家所关注。其中英国工业革命期间工人生活标准的问题就是这样一个既为从多学科所关注,又可为目前后发展国家现代化建设提供经验和教训的现实问题。本用新经济史学的方法对这一问题作了深入的考察和分析。  相似文献   
At first glance twentieth-century philosophy of science seems virtually to ignore chemistry. However this paper argues that a focus on chemistry helped shape the French philosophical reflections about the aims and foundations of scientific methods. Despite patent philosophical disagreements between Duhem, Meyerson, Metzger and Bachelard it is possible to identify the continuity of a tradition that is rooted in their common interest for chemistry. Two distinctive features of the French tradition originated in the attention to what was going on in chemistry.French philosophers of science, in stark contrast with analytic philosophers, considered history of science as the necessary basis for understanding how the human intellect or the scientific spirit tries to grasp the world. This constant reference to historical data was prompted by a fierce controversy about the chemical revolution, which brought the issue of the nature of scientific changes centre stage.A second striking—albeit largely unnoticed—feature of the French tradition is that matter theories are a favourite subject with which to characterize the ways of science. Duhem, Meyerson, Metzger and Bachelard developed most of their views about the methods and aims of science through a discussion of matter theories. Just as the concern with history was prompted by a controversy between chemists, the focus on matter was triggered by a scientific controversy about atomism in the late nineteenth-century.  相似文献   
通过就胰岛素晶体结构测定工作对卫新成教授所做的访谈 ,展示了一项具体的科研工作在“文化大革命”的政治风浪中的运行过程 :它在“文革”前夕上马 ,随即因“文革”开始而告停。然后 ,随着中央领导对胰岛素合成工作的表态 ,它又得以重新上马 ,但暴烈的政治运动和武斗仍令其很快即濒临覆灭。中央打过来的强心剂再次挽救了它 ,可随即国外竞争对手的成功又令相关研究集体几乎解体。由于部分研究人员对科学的执著追求 ,再加上当时中国科学院领导的命令 ,这项工作终于延续了下来 ,并最终获得了一些重要成果。  相似文献   
论邓小平领导左右江革命斗争的历史贡献与地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓小平领导的左右江革命斗争是他光辉革命历程中的第一个重要里程碑,对广西和中国革命做出了重要的贡献,并为中国革命和建设提供了丰富的历史经验,在中国革命史上占有极为重要的地位。  相似文献   
记叙19世纪末20世纪初,发起新艺术运动的社会背景,工艺美术运动和各种美学思潮等业内影响而促使新艺术运动的产生,对以上因素逐一分析。  相似文献   
介绍了康有为以法国大革命为反面教材,促使光绪帝下定变法决心,进行制度变革的思想。指出作为渐进主义和君主立宪的坚定拥护者,康有为通过对法国大革命的审视与反思,借鉴法国大革命的经验和教训,反对激进式的革命,提倡中国必须先开民智,兴民权,倡民德,改造国民性,才能实现国富民强的目标,认为这一点体现出康有为法国大革命观的进步性。  相似文献   
辛亥革命期间,东三省的封建旧官僚要求"保皇独立",围绕这一问题立宪派、旧官僚、革命党人以及宗社党等各种政治力量展开了大角逐。其时,革命党人的北伐运动在东三省如火如荼地开展,立宪派内部开始产生分歧,英美等列强也不支持以赵尔巽为首的旧官僚"保皇独立"。基于内外两方面的压力,赵尔巽最终不得不放弃"保皇独立",承认共和。  相似文献   
有大量“文革”时期的流行词语沿用至今,或者是经过一度沉寂以后又重新启用,现对这两种现象分别进行讨论,在此基础上,探讨造成上述现象的原因,以及沿用的词语与重新启用的词语之间的差异。  相似文献   
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