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 为确定华北板块南缘高变质煤条带形成机制与形成时代,通过研究华北板块南缘中二叠统山西组二1煤层煤级分布和岩浆岩空间展布特征,结合华北板块与扬子板块碰撞历史,利用地质学"重力均衡"原理和日本岩石学家都城秋穗提出的"双变质带"理论,建立碰撞热流模型并合理解释导致高变质煤条带形成的热流来源,得出:1)扬子板块向华北板块的俯冲作用,在华北板块南缘前陆盆地形成高温低压带,促进了煤化作用,形成高变质煤条带;2)结合地质资料和区域构造特征分析,发现高变质煤带走向与印支期构造走向(东-西)一致,该高变质煤条带形成于印支期。燕山期岩浆控制了华北板块南缘大部分煤变质作用,但是在晋城-济源一带其煤变质是由于印支期板块碰撞形成的异常热作用的结果。  相似文献   
Dehydration melting of subducted continental crust is significant during exhumation, and its study from both experimental and petrological observations is of great importance to our understanding of continental geodynamics. Dehydration melting experi- ments were carried out on ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) eclogite from Bixiling in the Dabie orogen using a piston cylinder at 1.5-3.0 GPa and 800-950℃ to investigate partial melting of eclogite induced by phengite breakdown. The phengite-bearing eclogite started to melt at T≤800-850℃ and P=1.5-2.0 GPa and produced about 3% granitic melt. The products of dehydration melting vary with temperature and pressure. Such results provide valuable constraints on the micro-texture related to partial melting of UHP rocks in the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt. Three types of polyphase inclusions were identified in garnet from the Shuanghe UHP eclogite. K-feldspar and quartz inclusions are interpreted to represent the products of segregation and crystallization of minor amounts of melt that formed during dehydration melting of phengite by the inferred reaction Phengite+Omphacite+Quartz Amphibole_+Garnet+Melt (K-feldspar+Quartz+Plagioclase). Polyphase inclusions of phengite and K-feldspar+Quartz inclusions were also found in zoisite/clinozoisite and garnet from the Shuanghe garnet-bearing paragneiss. These polyphase inclusions pro- vide evidence for a continuous process from sub-solidus dehydration to partial melting within the UHP gneissic rocks. The com- positional variation of garnets demonstrates that breakdown of epidote-group minerals may have played a crucial role during de- hydration melting reaction of phengite. The Ti-in-zircon thermometry and Si content of phengite in zircon suggest that partial melting would occur at 783-839℃ and 2.0-2.5 GPa. Therefore, both experimental results and petrological observations indicate that dehydration melting and fluid activity within the Dabie UHP rocks at micro-scale are controlled by the breakdown of phengite.  相似文献   
This note reports the preiswerkite that was found as the first occurrence in the UHP metamorphic belt of the Dabie Mountain. It occurs in the quartz jadeitite, and coexists with plagioclase, taramite and magnetite as retrograde symplectite. The calculated temperature of formation for preiswerkite is about 600 – 620 °C (at P=1.0 – 1.5GPa), suggesting that the preiswerkite is an indicator mineral of high-grade greenschist facies retrograded from eclogitefacies rocks.  相似文献   
Lazulite is a kind of rare mineral in nature. In China it was reported only in Guangdong and Inner Mongolia. It was not studied further because of its unreliable quantitative analysis or scarce data. Chemical analytical data of lazulite have been only obtained in Brazil and in the United States at present. By means of analyses, we have obtained reliable mineralogical and chemical data of lazulite in Susong for the first time in China.  相似文献   
从理论和计算两方面讨论了汽轮机启动过程中的残留塑性变形对下次启动过程中应力场的影响,发现根据流雨法计算,其对转子寿命损耗的影响不大.同时,可以通过减小停机时的温降率,控制残余应变,使转子在启动时刻的最大热应力减小.  相似文献   
Coesite is an indicator mineral of ultra-high-pressure metamorphism. Since coesite was reported in the Habutengsu Valley, we have also found it in eclogite and schist from the Atantayi Valley in the southwestern Tianshan, China. Petrographic and micro-Raman analyses were carried out for the Atantayi metamorphic rocks and coesite was recognized in the predominant rock types, i.e. schist and eclogite, from three sections. The coesite-bearing schist consists mainly of garnet, Na-Ca amphibole, quartz, white mica and albite; the coesite-bearing eclogite is mainly composed of omphacite, garnet, glaucophane and zoisite. The coesite occurs as various mineral inclusions within porphyroblastic garnet. Findings of coesite in eclogite and associated schist indicate not only the regional in situ formation of the Atantayi ultra-high-pressure eclogite, but also the large areal extent of ultra-high-pressure metamorphism in southwestern Tianshan, extending up to 10 km north-south and 60-80 km east-west.  相似文献   
TheNorthQilianMountainsattheboundarybe-tweenGansuandQinghaiProvincesareafamousCaledo-nianplatesuturezoneinthenorthwesternChina.Thissuturezoneis80to100kmwideandextendsintheNWdirectionparalleltotheNorthQaidamUHPbeltinthesouth[1,2].Itconsistspredominantlyofophiolite,island-arccomplexandhigh-presuremetamorphicrocks[38],andshowstypicalfeaturesofPacific-type[9](orB-type)sub-ductionzone.Spatially,thehigh-pressurerockscanbesubdividedintohigh-gradeblueschistbeltandlow-gradeblueschistbelt[5,6].Th…  相似文献   
北秦岭松树沟接触变质岩的形成温度研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文应用氧同位素和电子探针分析方法测定了北秦岭松树沟阿尔卑斯型超镁铁岩体接触变质带内角闪岩和及其原岩秦岭群斜长角闪片岩的形成温度.角闪岩的角闪石-石榴子石Fe-Mg配分温度计给出不同期次形成温度分别是:早期815~855℃,主期700~770℃.矿物对氧同位素地质测温结果得到,角闪岩的主期变质温度为745~770℃,与其电子探针结果在误差范围内一致;斜长角闪片岩为500~605℃,代表了秦岭群区域变质温度  相似文献   
根据在乌拉尔和哈萨克斯坦的研究成果,系统论述了近断裂变质作用形成时的大地构造环境和构造条件,及其在地壳和上地幔各深度段中的发育特点和表现形式、近断裂变质带中金属矿化的特点,并讨论了研究近断裂变质作用对非传统型金属矿床成矿预测和找矿的意义。  相似文献   
Zircons from two high-pressure granulite samples from the Yushugou ophiolitic terrane, southern Tian shan have been investigated by cathodoluminescence, LA ICPMS and ion microprobe (SHRIMP) for their internal textures, trace elemental compositions and in situ dating. The weighted mean ages of these two samples are 392±7 and 390±11 Ma, respectively, representing the granulite-facies meta morphic age of the ophiolitic terrane, and indicating that the southern Tianshan ocean initiated its northward subduction since the early Devonian.  相似文献   
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