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苏曼 《科技信息》2007,(15):157-160
Ralph Waldo Emerson, born in 19th century's America, is most famous for his transcendental ideas and writings. He was deeply influenced by European Romanticism in his thirties and formed an informal Transcendental Club with people of like minds. His thought is often considered the core of Transcendentalism. "Nature" is the fundamental document of his philosophy and an embodiment of his transcendental attitude towards the phenomenal world. He also wrote some other brilliant essays such as "The American Scholar", "Self-Reliance", "The Over-Soul" and "The Poet", etc, all of which established his indisputable position in the history of culture, especially in the American Culture where he is regarded as the one who, in literally terms at least, really put America on map. But considering Emerson's writings without significant emphasis on his verse would be a great loss. Emerson wrote poetry from the time he was a boy to nearly the end of his life. These poems are essential for understanding him and his transcendental theories and are receiving more extensive representation in anthologies while significant critical analyses are emerging though some modern readers and scholars tend to view his poetry as secondary to the "essential" Emerson. In view of the above, this paper supposes to introduce Emerson's views on poets and poems and then analyze some of his famous poems in the order of 'Emerson as a Poet', 'Emerson's Views on Poets and Poems' and 'Emerson's Poems' with the third one as the focus of this paper. The purpose of this paper is to try to make the comprehension on Emerson and his abstract transcendental theories more complete and thorough by emphasizing his contribution in the poetic field.  相似文献   
王贞仪在清代诸多女性作家中较少受到关注,她学识广博,见识深湛,在数学、天文、历法、医学、史学方面,都卓有成绩,在文学创作上亦能自成一家,这些主要体现在她唯一存世的《德风亭集》中,其诗词恣意放达,内敛思深;气势飞动,潇洒不拘;不为藻饰,直抒性灵。  相似文献   
历代的唐诗选本种类繁多,清人沈德潜编录的《唐诗别裁集》是其中一个影响较大的选本。沈德潜的诗论以"温柔敦厚"为首,主张诗歌要有社会功用,他在《唐诗别裁集》中十分强调这种儒家诗教。李白是沈德潜在《唐诗别裁集》中推崇的大家,他对李白诗的选录与评注,也无一不在阐发其"温柔敦厚"的诗论。  相似文献   
汤显祖于万历二十六年(1598)弃官回临川后潜心于戏曲创作,他的四部剧作有三部完成于这一时期.如果说《牡丹亭》在情与理、理想与现实上,陷入了某种程度困境的话,那么在《南柯记》、《邯郸记》中,作者又陷入了入世与出世的矛盾与痛苦之中.从汤显祖退隐后的戏曲创作来考察,可以认为他将自己的灵根慧命、戏曲人生推向了辉煌的巅峰.  相似文献   
由科学出版社出版的卢华语等著《唐代西南经济研究》,突破地方行政区划的局限,以区域史架构,全面、系统地论述唐代整个西南地区经济发展的全貌、揭示该地经济发展的多样性、差异性及兼容并包的地域特色,并对比了西南与江南二地在唐时的经济发展,在研究方法上采用宏观与微观、定性与定量、文史互证等多种方法,资料翔实。进一步拓展、挖掘了经济史研究的空间和深度。  相似文献   
共同犯罪历来是国家打击的重点,这在我国建设社会主义市场经济的今天尤为重要。而《唐律》对共同犯罪人规定之完备,体现了高超的立法技术,为我国现代刑法规定的对共同犯罪人的处罚方法提供了历史依据和借鉴。  相似文献   
汉代的赋学与汉赋创作呈现了几乎同步的现象,赋的兴盛期,也即赋学史的发轫期。汉代涉及赋学的文字大多散见于史书或非专论赋的单篇文章中,它们为汉以后历代的赋学研究,树立了框架,奠定了基本的范畴。汉代赋学以儒家诗论作为时代的主要文学观念,以之衡量和评判赋的整体创作或赋家及其作品的优劣状况,从而使赋含有了实质性的功利价值,而不仅仅具有文学本身的唯美效果。  相似文献   
利用东汉时期的汉译佛经,讨论其中10个词语,或对诸家未及之词进行诠释,或补辞书之疏漏,或补证时贤之成说.  相似文献   
晚清政府关于外国人内地游历政策的特点与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸦片战争后,中国逐渐沦为半殖民地半封建国家。在列强的武力威胁下,清政府被迫签订《天津条约》等一系列不平等条约,开始允许外国人进入中国内地游历。为加强对内地游历外国人管理,清政府相应制定了管理外国人的内地游历政策。从政策本身来看,内地游历政策是比较严密的;但就政策的制定过程和完善措施来说,内地游历政策又具有相当大的被动性与滞后性。晚清政府关于来华外国人的内地游历政策,是中国近代外交政策的重要组成部分,是晚清时期中国走向现代化的具体反映。  相似文献   
齐初统治者高帝和武帝沿袭了历史上的分封制并有所改进,他们一边重用宗王,一边又对宗王加以严密控制。推行这种宗王制度,既是出于对现实政治环境的考虑,同时也借鉴了历史上对于分封制的经验教训。  相似文献   
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