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FSPCAD系统是一个计算,图形显示及绘图的完整系统,由数据预处理,静动力分析,前后图形处理,钢筋配置,独立基础计算和绘图等8个子系统组成。该系统的研制过程,按照土建专业有关设计规范,遵循软件工程的要求,采用内部文件传输,人机交互等技巧,用C语言编程,经多家用户近百个工程的应用,认为这个系统在微机上是工程化,自动化程度较高的现代化设计软件之一。  相似文献   
以福州大学城周边地区为例,探讨了利用“3S”技术对小区域生态环境变化进行综合分析的实用方法.利用从20世纪80年代至今的航空遥感(RS)数据,闽侯大学城周边区域乡界地图,植被覆盖的相关生态环境监测数据,基于全数字作业的遥感与地理信息系统(GIS)一体化技术提取研究区生态环境状况及其变化信息,综合运用“3S”技术,通过对遥感影像的分析,运用环境监测技术,进行大学城周边地区多年生态环境变化规律的研究.  相似文献   
研究静止同步补偿器中并网侧电流谐波抑制器的技术问题,主要研究了静止同步补偿器基于L型谐波抑制器与LCL型谐波抑制器下的设计方法,并结合Matlab的伯德图分析方法分别对这2种谐波抑制器中各参数对谐波抑制的性能进行了研究;同时在保持总电感量相同的情况下,对这2种谐波抑制器的效果进行了对比研究,发现LCL型谐波抑制器有着显著的优势;搭建了静止同步补偿器系统仿真模型进行了仿真对比验证;最后通过基于DSP的无功补偿实验平台进行试验并对试验电流波形进行FFT分析,验证了上述理论分析的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   
本文阐述了机械优化设计过程采用计算机进行动态显示的必要性;详细论述了采用优化的方法画目标函数等值线的理论和方法,并介绍了如何实现优化过程的动态显示。  相似文献   
在现有信息提取专家模式的研究中,一般要进行波段阈值选取,但阈值的选取过程比较复杂.本文在现有研究的基础上,采用对TM/ETM图像上选取的样点群的谱间结构进行分析,建立信息提取专家模式,并选取了南阳市附近的小片区域进行了实验研究,结果表明该法简单易行.  相似文献   
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are a diverse superfamily of membrane-bound receptors. The second largest subgroup of GPCRs, the Adhesion GPCRs, has 33 members in humans. Phylogenetic analysis of the entire repertoire of the seven transmembrane- domain (7TM) regions of GPCRs shows that the Adhesion GPCRs form a distinct family. Adhesion GPCRs are characterised by (1) long N termini with multiple functional domains often found in other proteins such as tyrosine kinases, integrins and cadherins, (2) highly complex genomic structure with multiple introns and splice variants and (3) a 7TM region that has no clear similarities with 7TM from other GPCRs. Several Adhesion GPCRs are known to have a role in the immune system but it is becoming more evident that many have important roles in the CNS. We speculate that the overall structural construction of the Adhesion GPCRs allows them to participate in different types of cell guidance. Received 8 February 2007; received after revision 21 March 2007; accepted 25 April 2007  相似文献   
基于RS流域枯水资源的判读识别   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
在GIS和RS技术的支持下,以单个水文站所控制的流域为统计单元,借助于ArcView软件强大的计算功能、ERDARSIMAGE软件强大的图象处理功能,在TM影像确定单个水文站所控制的流域面并数字化,通过SPSS软件进行多元回归分析,提出从TM影像判读枯水资源的多元回归方程。  相似文献   
三层介质平板波导中TM波的转移矩阵和模式本征方程   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
从TM波的波动方程出发,根据电磁场的边界条件,推导出三层介质平板波导中磁场的表达式。在此基础上求得磁场在y方向的导数表达式,并得到了导波层TM波的转移矩阵和模式本征方程。  相似文献   
以RS和GIS为技术手段,提取样地的地形因子和遥感图像处理后的TM全波段光谱值及植被指数,采用模糊聚类方法对罗汉山森林公园林分生长蓄积量预估模型的主要评价指标因子进行了选择,为林分蓄积预估模型的建立做了准备.  相似文献   
Accurate estimation of non-photosynthetic biomass is critical for modeling carbon dynamics within grassland ecosystems.We evaluated the cellulose absorption index(CAI),widely used for monitoring non-photosynthetic vegetation coverage,for non-photosynthetic biomass estimation.Our analysis was based on in situ hyperspectral measurements,during the growing seasons of 2009 and 2010,in the desert steppe of Inner Mongolia.ASD(Analytical Spectral Device)-derived and Hyperion-derived CAI were found to be effective for non-photosynthetic biomass estimation,yielding relative error(RE) values of 26.4% and 26.6%,respectively.The combination of MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)-derived(MODIS2 MODIS5)/(MODIS2 +MODIS5) and(MODIS6 MODIS7)/(MODIS6 +MODIS7) showed a high multiple correlation(multiple correlation coefficient,r=0.884) with ASD-derived CAI.A predictive model involving the two MODIS indices gave greater accuracy(RE=28.9%) than the TM(Landsat Thematic Mapper)-derived indices.The latter were the normalized difference index(NDI),the soil adjusted corn residue index(SACRI),and the modified soil adjusted crop residue index(MSACRI).These indices yielded RE values of more than 42%.Our conclusions have great significance for the estimation of regional non-photosynthetic biomass in grasslands,based on remotely sensed data.  相似文献   
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