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We performed a combined study of He–Ar isotopes and element geochemistry for pyroxene megacrysts and mantle xenoliths from Cenozoic basalt in the Changle–Linqu area in western Shandong.The results are used to trace the evolution of subcontinental lithospheric mantle after destruction of the North China Craton.The3He/4He ratios of pyroxene megacrysts,websterite,and dunites are 7.0–7.7 Ra,7.4 Ra,and 7.0–7.7 Ra,respectively.They are related to the origin of host basalts,and are slightly lower than that of mid-ocean ridge basalts(MORB).Their40Ar/36Ar ratios are much lower than that of MORB and close to that of air.The lherzolites and wehrlites represent the fragments of the newly accreted lithospheric mantle,and their REE and trace elements indicate that they experienced melt metasomatism and partial melting.The3He/4He ratios of their olivine are slightly lower than that of MORB,but3He/4He ratios of their clinopyroxene are low(2.3–7.1 Ra)and display an inverse correlation with(La/Yb)N.The40Ar/36Ar ratios of these clinopyroxene are much lower than that of MORB and close to the air ratio.Combining existing studies of petrology,Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes,O isotopes,trace elements,and Mg isotopes,we infer that the juvenile lithospheric mantle in the Changle–Linqu area was metasomatized by oceanic crust-derived melts,which transfer the supracrustal Ar isotope signatures to the mantle sources.The low4He abundance and low3He/4He ratios of clinopyroxene in the lherzolites and wehrlites are ascribed to metasomatism by crustal melts from the subducted Pacific plate.  相似文献   
The taxonomy of the Onchidiidae has remained extremely confusing for decades. As part of an on-going systematic revision of the entire family, a new genus, Melayonchis Dayrat and Goulding gen. nov., and four new species (Melayonchis eloisae Dayrat sp. nov., Melayonchis siongkiati Dayrat and Goulding sp. nov., Melayonchis annae Dayrat sp. nov., and Melayonchis aileenae Dayrat and Goulding sp. nov.) are described. Species are delineated using an integrative approach, based on morphological characters and DNA sequences. First-hand field observations and pictures of live animals are provided in order to help future species identification. All four Melayonchis species live in mangrove forests. The geographic distribution of Melayonchis ranges from the Andaman Sea to the South China Sea through the Strait of Malacca. Records are based on entirely new collections from the Andaman Islands, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam and Vietnam. The nomenclature of all existing onchidiid species- and genus-group names from that region is addressed, as well as intraspecific character variation within Melayonchis.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:671922DB-C6C1-44A5-B2CD-A3A3127CB668  相似文献   

Relationship between the Antarctic oscillation (AAO) and the western North Pacific typhoon number (WNPTN) in the interannual variability is examined in this research. The WNPTN is correlated with the AAO in June-July-August-September (JJAS) in 1949-1998 at -0.48 for the detrended time series, statistically significant at 99% level. The tropical atmospheric circulation as well as the sea surface temperature variability over the western Pacific associated with AAO has been analyzed. It follows that a positive phase of JJAS AAO corresponds to the larger magnitude of the vertical zonal wind shear, the anomalous low-lever anticyclonic circulation and anomalous high-level cyclonic circulation, and lower sea surface temperature in the major typhoon genesis region in the western North Pacific, thus providing unfavorable environment for the typhoon genesis, and vice versa.  相似文献   
日本绒螯蟹太平洋群体和日本海群体12SrRNA序列比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
参考果蝇与蚤状蚤线粒体DNA12SrRNA基因片段序列进行了日本绒螯蟹太平洋群体和日本海群体的相同片段的引物设计、PCR扩增及序列测定。4群体日本绒螯蟹的碱基序列完全相同,为457bp,其A、T、G、C含量分别为159bp(34.79%),178bp(38.95%),50bp(10.94%),70bp(15.32%)。  相似文献   
利用中国降水逐日站点观测资料以及HadISST海温资料,分析了1961-2010年东北地区70个观测站夏季降水的变化特征以及太平洋海温对东北夏季降水的可能影响。结果表明:东北夏季降水近50a来呈现下降趋势,具有多阶段性,在60年代以及80-90年代存在明显的突变;在1986-1985年以及1986-2010年2个阶段,热带外太平洋与热带太平洋春季和夏季海温都存在与东北夏季降水的相关关键区,两个阶段相关性显著不同甚至相反,是1961-2010年东北夏季降水与太平洋海温总体相关性较弱的原因。东北夏季降水与太平洋海温的相关性可能与海温冷暖背景有关系:在暖的海温背景下,东北降水与热带太平洋海温呈现显著的正相关;而对于热带外太平洋,暖的海温背景下,两者为负相关,冷的海温背景下,两者为正相关,尤其表现在春季,因此太平洋春季海温异常对于东北夏季降水预测有较好的指示意义。  相似文献   
Diatoms are one of the predominant contributors to global carbon fixation by accounting for over 40% of total oceanic primary production and dominate export production. They play a significant role in marine biogeochemistry cycle. The diatom mat deposits are results of vast diatoms bloom. By analysis of diatom mats in 136°00′--140°00′E, 15°00′--21°00′N, Eastern Philippines Sea, we identified the species of the diatoms as giant Ethmodiscus rex (Wallich) Hendey. AMS 14C dating shows that the sediments rich in diatom mats occurred during 16000--28600 a B.P., which means the bloom mainly occurred during the last glacial period, while there are no diatom mat deposits in other layers. Preliminary analysis indicates that Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) expanded northward and brought silicate-rich water into the area, namely, silicon leakage processes caused the bloom of diatoms. In addition, the increase of iron input is one of the main reasons for the diatom bloom.  相似文献   
采用POM模式对2005年西北太平洋西边界流系源区进行了数值模拟.针对该海区海表热通量与POM模式匹配困难的问题,在模拟过程中,分别采用由同化AMSR卫星资料插值得到的日平均海表温度场以及由NCEP资料得到的海表净热通量与长、短波辐射通量两种方案来进行海表热强迫.通过与SODA资料的分析结果对比,POM模式模拟结果较好地显示出北赤道流,黑潮源区及棉兰老海流的基本特征,两处断面流速与实际探测资料较为吻合;高度场模拟结果与实况较为一致,但0.9m水位高度线范围呈缩小-放大-缩小-放大的季节性震荡与实况中维持稳定存在一定差异;海温模拟结果与月平均的SODA资料总体一致,但在春夏两季温度略高.  相似文献   
《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13-14):1065-1077
Over the last two decades, several works on the family Ampeliscidae have been published, in particular about three of the four genera in the family: Ampelisca, Byblis, and Haploops. Recently, additional material collected during the BIOFAR sampling around the Faeroe Islands and during the BIOICE sampling around Iceland, in the Bay of Biscay and the EUMELI 2 campaign along the African coasts were examined. The genus Haploops was numerous (>3500 individuals), and within this material were interesting specimens. Six of them, found at four stations about 100 km off Mauritania, have been recognized as Haploops lodo (Barnard, 1961 Barnard, J. L. 1961. Gammaridean amphipoda from depths of 400 to 6000 m.. Galathea Report, 5: 23128.  [Google Scholar]) a bathyal and abyssal species previously seen only in the Pacific ocean offshore of the American coasts. In this article, an Atlantic H. lodo specimen representative of the Atlantic specimens is compared to the holotype. The geographical and bathymetric distribution of H. lodo in the depths of the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are discussed.  相似文献   
通过对亚太地区部分经济体及国际食品法典委员会对玉米质量标准中的质量指标和部分重要安全指标进行对比分析,总结得出,各经济体玉米标准对质量要求的方向是相同的,设置的质量指标大同小异,主要是以容重、不完善粒、杂质、水分、色泽气味等指标进行质量分级,按玉米种皮颜色进行分类;在术语定义、检测仪器、检验方法、感官检验和质量要求等方面均存在不同,相同样品使用不同经济体的标准检测和判定时,质量等级和结果判定会存在差异;重要安全指标如真菌毒素、外来种子等差异较大,尤其是国际公认的外来有害种子。建议启动亚太地区玉米容重、杂质、不完善粒、水分等重要指标测定方法的研究,统一相关测定方法和仪器设备,制作感官检测指标的可视化参照系统;开展多层面检测技术人员研讨和交流,收集玉米样品检测数据,进一步分析不同经济体玉米标准的实际差异;增加国际同行沟通与协调,推动区域玉米质量标准协同一致,形成统一或相似贸易技术标准体系,提高效率,实现区域玉米贸易便利化和一体化。  相似文献   

Species of the genus Platorchestia occur both in the northern hemisphere (18 species) and southern hemisphere (three species plus a synanthropically introduced species in South America and South Africa). The greater number of endemic Platorchestia species in the North Pacific Ocean suggests that it could be the epicentre of evolution for this genus. North-western Pacific Platorchestia includes 15 species which occupy five ecotopes: wrack (seven species), terrestrial leaf litter (five species), freshwater (one species), marsh (one species) and tentatively present in caves (one species). North-eastern Pacific Platorchestia includes only one putative driftwood specialist, with no other species found in North American coastal habitats. This compares with three good endemic Platorchestia species (plus two putative additional species) and only two ecotopes: wrack (three species) and freshwater (two species) from the North Atlantic Ocean, inclusive of the Gulf of Mexico and Mediterranean Sea. Insufficient data is available to consider Platorchestia zoogeography for the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. Synanthropic dispersal involving Platorchestia in Polynesian outrigger canoes, or in solid ballast carried in the holds of wooden sailing ships has been identified as a potential complicating factor in the zoogeography of this genus. Platorchestia is proposed to have arisen on Laurasia and is therefore basically a northern hemisphere genus. Questions concerning Platorchestia zoogeography and evolutionary ecology are posed and two methods (more intensive field sampling and molecular genetics) are suggested to be the way to solve them.  相似文献   
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