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激波与复杂几何边界的作用及显示 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
采用自适应的非结构网格方法模拟了激波与多孔斜板作用、激波与并列排放的倾斜翼型作用及诱导涡列的运动、单个诱导涡被薄板切割等几种模型下的一系列复杂现象.在计算结果的的处理上采用干涉条纹显示方式,得到了与实验照片非常一致的结果 相似文献
酵母菌耐热性的最适热激条件研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以安琪抗高温酵母菌YY为研究材料,采用30-48℃的不同温度和10~180min不同的时间对酵母菌进行热激诱导产生耐热性的研究,研究表明最适热激温度为42℃,最适热激时间为30min,产生耐热性后,在50℃处理的时间越长,活力越小,在酵母菌的不同生长时期,菌体达到一定的浓度后,耐热性的产生没有显著影响,从28℃升到热激温度42℃所需时间在30-240min内,时间越长产生的耐热性越强。 相似文献
基于电子信息设备等精密设备振冲防护中抗大冲击并兼顾衰减振动的要求,通过巧妙结合空气阻尼和油阻尼及橡胶元件和金属弹性元件,设计了结构微小的多介质耦合减振器原理样机.原理样机的多参数匹配试验研究表明它具有强非线性动态特征,在此基础上结合理论分析形成复合建模方法建立了样机非线性动态特性模型;此建模方法直接引入结构参数,为直接设计具体器件建立了理论基础.研究表明此多介质耦合减振器性能优越并具有良好的设计可控性;此方法还可以应用于其他减振器件研究和设计. 相似文献
A homologue of the chaperonin protein of the HSP60 family has not been shown so far inDrosophila. Using an antibody specific to HSP60 family protein in Western blotting and immunocytochemistry, we showed that a 64-kDa polypeptide, homologous to the HSP60, is constitutively present in all tissues ofDrosophila melanogaster throughout the life cycle from the freshly laid egg to all embryonic, larval and adult stages. A 64-kDa polypeptide reacting with the same antibody in Western blots is present in all species ofDrosophila examined. Using Western blotting in conjunction with35S-methionine labeling of newly synthesized proteins and immuno-precipitation of the labeled proteins with HSP60-specific antibody, it was shown that synthesis of the 64-kDa homologue of HSP60 is appreciably increased by heat shock only in the Malpighian tubules, which are already known to lack the common HSPs. 相似文献
Interplanetary shock can greatly disturb the Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere, causing the temporal and spatial changes of the magnetic field and plasmas at the geosynchronous orbit. In this paper, we use the magnetic field data of GOES satellites from 1997 to 2007 and the plasma data of MPA on the LANL satellites from 1997 to 2004 to study the properties of magnetic field and plasma (0.03-45 keV) at the geosynchronous orbit (6.6 RE) within 3 hours before and after the arrival of shock front at the geosynchronous orbit through both case study and superposed epoch analysis. It is found that following the arrival of shock front at the geosynchronous orbit, the magnetic field magnitude, as well as GSM Bzcomponent increases significantly on the dayside (8-16 LT), while the By component has almost no change before and after shock impacts. In response to the interplanetary shock, the proton becomes much denser with a peak number density of 1.2 cm^-3, compared to the typical number density of 0.7 cm^-3. The proton temperature increases sharply, predominantly on the dusk and night side. The electron, density increases dramatically on the night side with a peak number density of 2.0 cm^-3. The inferred ionospheric O^+ density after the interplanetary shock impact reaches the maximum value of 1.2 cm^-3 on the dusk side and exhibits the clear dawn-dusk asymmetry. The peak of the anisotropy of proton's temperature is located at the noon sector, and the anisotropy decreases towards the dawn and dusk side. The minimum of temperature anisotropy is on the night side. It is suggested that the electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) wave and whistler wave can be stimulated by the proton and electron temperature anisotropy respectively. The computed electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave (EMIC) intense on the day side (8--16 LT) with a frequency value of 0.8 Hz, and the wave intensity decreases towards the dawn and dusk side, the minimum value can be found on the night side. The computed electron whistler wave locates on the day side (8--16 LT) with a value of 2 kHz. 相似文献
吴钦宽 《河南大学学报(自然科学版)》2009,39(6)
研究了一类非线性微分方程的激波问题.利用同伦分析方法,构造零阶形变方程,得到了该激波问题的近似解. 相似文献
舰载设备冲击试验系统研制现状和发展趋势 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1
利用冲击试验系统模拟产生水下爆炸冲击环境是考核舰载设备抗冲击能力的重要手段.本文总结了国内外现有的和正在研制的各种冲击试验系统的主要性能和工作特点,分析了舰载设备冲击试验系统的发展趋势,指出尽快研制高速、重载、双波冲击试验系统是提高中国舰载设备抗冲击能力的重要途径. 相似文献
舰艇抗冲瓦整体冲击隔离新概念及其机理研究 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1
基于声阻抗失配原理,提出了舰艇抗冲瓦对水下爆炸冲击的整体隔离新概念.采用波动理论和Taylor平板模型.以冲击波在水、覆盖层、空气层、船体钢中的传播过程为研究对象,建立了实心敷设层结构(消声瓦的简化模型)和带空腔敷设层结构(抗冲瓦)的流固耦合模型.利用Abaqus软件建立舰艇抗冲瓦三维冲击响应模型.算例结果表明,抗冲瓦能够很好地隔离水下爆炸冲击波.大大降低船体结构材料应力和加速度冲击响应峰值,并能在广泛的频域内显著降低舰艇冲击响应. 相似文献
自激滤过的泊松过程 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
马明 《吉林大学学报(理学版)》2009,47(4):711-716
给出了一类与过去事件点相关的滤过泊松过程(自激滤过泊松过程)的相关性质, 并将其应用于截断δ冲击模型标值过程和关系营销客户寿命价值的研究中, 得到了自激滤过泊松过程的一维特征函数、 二维特征函数、 一阶矩以及截断δ冲击模型标值过程的期望和平均客户寿命价值. 相似文献
磁流变减振器在半主动振动控制中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以悬架系统为例,对采用磁流变减振器半主动控制系统的的振动特性进行分析,与传统被动悬架系统相比,其性能好,且无须向系统输入能量。分析结果表明,采用较大的阻尼时,半主动控制系统可以在全频率范围内起到减振效果,磁流变减振器是一种有发展前景的可控减振环节。 相似文献