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程师孟,诗效白居易而尤简直,与之唱和往来的诗人不下百人.有诗集二十卷,惜已佚,故后世诗名不显.新编《全宋诗》从方志等辑其诗40首,用力甚勤,但《全宋诗》中的程师孟诗存在着疏失,需要对其加以考订、补苴,对其佚诗亦需加以考实.  相似文献   
We present the results of a detailed micro-scale investigation of zircons from pyroxenites, Daoshicong Northern Dabie using a combination of SIMS and ICPMS. The SIMS measurements gave ages of 134—159 Ma. Its average of (144.5± 6.2) Ma is interpreted as the best estimate of the pyroxenite intrusion. The crystallization of zircons continued for quite a long time and underwent slow cooling. The pyroxenites are products of post-collision magmatism. The REE pattern is HREE-enriched, and its HREE concentrations fall between the magmatic and metamorphic range of gneissic zircons from the Dabie area, which indicate the involvement of crust material in its mantle source.  相似文献   
运用西方现代城市设计理念研究中国古代城市景观,是目前城市史研究领域的新动向。借鉴美国著名学者凯文·林奇《城市意象》中的观点,将北宋东京南北御街划分为北、中、南三段,对各段的界面、节点、小品及人的活动这四大景观要素分别予以分析,可以展示出北宋东京城由开放的街市制代替封闭的里坊制之后所呈现的城市面貌。  相似文献   
开封人杰地灵,英雄辈出,许多名人志士生活于此、奋斗于此,为古城开封增添了无限光彩,留下了宝贵的文化财富。北宋时期曾经生活在开封的部分名士,如司马光、范仲淹、晏殊、欧阳修、苏东坡、王安石等,都有着优秀的治学风范,这些治学风范对于引领后世学子树立认真求实的学习态度、锻炼坚强持久的学习毅力、养成虚心踏实的学习品格具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
基于BP神经网络模型,利用同一时期的遥感影像和实测杭州湾北岸海图资料,构建了影像灰度值和水深值之间的单隐层BP神经网络模型,用以反演杭州湾北岸水下地形。结果表明,与传统的统计模型比较,所建神经网络模型反演地形的精度达84%。由此可见,基于影像灰度值和水深值建立的BP神经网络模型在反演海岸水下地形方面具有较强的应用价值。  相似文献   
北朝时期水灾的发生具有较明显的集中时段、间歇时段且涉及范围较广;水灾的季节性特征明显,主要发生在秋季;水灾的发生具有明显的地区性特征,按现今行政区划统计,山东、河南、河北、天津、苏北、山西地区为相对高发区。  相似文献   
作为蕴涵人“生命意识”主题的悼挽伤逝文学,由于社会动荡、政治险恶、民族纷争等原因在魏晋时期得到繁荣,形成以下的特点:建安士子生命安顿的“哀叹与进取”;西晋文人尴尬处境的“内儒而外庄”;东晋士人双重心性的“悲苦与旷达”;在南朝文坛的命运“从‘以文为情’到‘以文为戏’”。悼挽伤逝文学为后世文学及美学的发展注入了勃勃生机。  相似文献   
Wind erosion is one of the major factors of land degradation in the typical steppe region, northern Mongolian Plateau. Using 137Cs tracing technique, we estimated the wind erosion rates of different pastures and abandoned farmland at Bayannur and Karakorum in Mongolia. The pastures and cutting grassland at Bayannur were slightly eroded by wind, with the rates of 64.58-169.07 t·km?2·a?1. The abandoned farmland in Karakorum, however, was strongly eroded by wind, with annual surface soil loss of 4.05 mm·a?1, and wind erosion rates up to 6723.06 t·km?2·a?1. The total loss of surface soil due to wind erosion has been 17.4 cm since the cultivation of the steppe land in the 1960s. The wind ero- sion rate at the abandoned farmland was much higher than that at the typical steppe sites, showing that the cultivation led to serious wind erosion in the typical steppe region, northern Mongolian Plateau. By contrast, traditional livestock grazing resulted in less disturbance to the surface soil, and did not in- duce to devastating wind erosion, which plays an important role in maintaining the stability of the steppe ecosystem in the northern Mongolian Plateau.  相似文献   
在玄学的影响下,魏晋赋体的嬗变,首先表现在题材的多重走向上。赋家们冲破美刺讽谏的樊篱,将视野从宫廷苑圃移到自我人生、移到自觉实践的广阔社会。为颂帝德到为情造文,呈现出承前启后、开拓嬗变的前进轨迹,展示出丰富多彩的审美语境。  相似文献   
从颁布诏令,制造舆论;巡行州郡,察举不法;校阅财产,颁禄酬廉;定期考核,擢廉黜贪等四个方面,对北魏王朝的廉政爱民措施进行论述,旨在说明,北魏王朝在统一和统治中国北方的一百多年间,不光在政治、经济、文化等方面进行了一系列的改革,取得了一定的成就.在加强官员队伍的廉政爱民建设方面也作了积极的尝试,收到了良好的效果,值得我们今天关注和借鉴.  相似文献   
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