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Phytoplankton biomarkers were analyzedusing suspended particles collected from the northernSouth China Sea (SCS) during the summer cruise of2008, with the goal of understanding the algal communitystructure and biomass distribution pattern in the summerseason. The results indicated that the distribution of algalbiomarkers in surface water of SCS was impacted andconstrained by the local hydrological settings: the highbiological community generally appeared in Pearl Riverestuaries, southwestern off Taiwan island and southeast-em off Hainan Island, while the relatively lower biomasswas found in the deep basin and strait areas. Diatomswere the dominant phytoplankton species, which werefollowed by dinoflagellates. Coccolithophorid biomassgradually increased toward the open ocean. The presentwork indicated that the algal biomarkers effectively doc-umented the variability of the phytoplankton biomass andcommunity structure as well as their linkage with theoceanic dynamics in SCS during summer 2008. Thisresearch provided not only the foundation for the appli-cation of algal lipids in the modem ocean ecosystem, butalso the basis for the reconstruction of the past oceanicalgal community structures.  相似文献   
Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolu- tion during the late eighteenth to the early nineteenth centuries, there has been rapidly increasing release of greenhouse gases, notably CO〉 into the atmosphere. As a consequence of this atmospheric change, the Earth's average surface temperature has increased by approxi- mately 0.6 ℃ over the last 100 years. The rate of release of greenhouse gases continues to increase, and global surface temperature rose by approximately 0.2 ℃ per decade in the last 30 years, a rate that is greater than at any other time during the last 1,000 years. The wide-ranging effects of these increases in greenhouse gases and temperature on the biosphere are subject to intense scientific study. Much has been learned, but much more needs to be elucidated, if we are to predict how terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems will be affected by global change. This brief review focuses on the marine environment and offers a concise summary of some of the important advances in our knowledge about the impacts of global change, including physical and chemical changes of the ocean, as well as the impact of ocean warming on marine organisms. Our analysis also points out areas where critical new information is needed if we are to predict the future of marine ecosystems in a warming world with accuracy.  相似文献   
分析了广西英罗港红树林区1992年两个季度调查所得的定量样品,经鉴定有浮游植物97种(含变种、变型)。初步研究了浮游植物的种类组成和数量分布特点.  相似文献   
实施海岸带综合管理 保护我国海洋生物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物多样性是人类生存与可持续发展的物质基础,由于大量的海洋开发活动,我国海洋生物多样性已受到了一定程度的威胁。文章从生境退化、环境污染、渔业开发、生物入侵四个方面分析了我国海洋生物多样性面临的威胁,认为开展以生态系统为基础的海岸带综合管理是保护海洋生物多样性的有效方法。在对比国内外海岸带综合管理实践中相关保护工作进展的基础上,文章还从科研、行政管理、公众参与等角度探讨了加强和改进我国海洋生物多样性保护工作的办法和措施。  相似文献   
本报道全面阐释了我国海洋资源产业的发展现状,包括政策响应、技术进展、对经济社会的贡献等,在分析当前存在问题的基础上,提出了对策与建议。未来海洋资源产业的发展应以统筹协调为目标,科技投入为基础,军民结合为手段,海洋技术的产业化为根本,立足发展现状,展望海洋资源产业的未来走向。  相似文献   
山东是沿海经济大省,海洋资源丰富、产业基础扎实、科技力量雄厚,具有建设海洋强省良好基础。在海洋经济快速发展的同时,也存在科技优势发挥不突出、产业结构调整缓慢、资源环境压力较大等问题。要在海洋经济、海洋科技、海洋生态、海洋文化等方面明确目标,在强化创新驱动发展战略、加快产业结构战略性调整、加强生态文明建设、培育先进海洋文化等方面加大工作力度,全面推进山东海洋强省建设。  相似文献   
In China, the marine Jurassic is mainly distributed in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, southwestern China and environs including southwestern Xinjiang and western Yunnan. Along the western palaeo-Pacific coast, marine Jurassic deposits, which usually intercalate with nonmarine strata, exist sporadically in eastern Heilongjiang, western Fujian, Hongkong, central Guangdong, western Jiangxi, eastern and southwestern Hunan Province, and probably also in western Taiwan. Nonmarine Jurassic strata are widely distributed in the whole of China except for southern Tibet area. They are commonly intercalated with volcanic rocks and contain volcanic materials in eastern China, and in southern Tibet. Marine strata yield various abundant fossils including ammonites, which were widespread in the Tethyan Realm even all over the world. Consequently, China is a critical region to attempt marine and non-marine Jurassic correlation. Through various investigations, both marine and non-marine Jurassic biozonations or assemblages have been established and by this the marine and non-marine Jurassic stratigraphic system and their correlation in China have been clarified.  相似文献   
利用浮游植物群落评价白洋淀水质的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
1991~1993年调查研究了河北省白洋淀的浮游植物,共鉴定451种,隶属51科136属。其中,1991年出现261种,1992年243种,1993年201种。平均细胞密度为280.88×104个/L,最大值为679.80×104个/L,出现在1993年4月,最小值为55.37×104个/L,出现在1992年4月。应用浮游植物群落资料通过指示生物法、藻商值、营养状态指数和物种多样性指数评价了白洋淀水质,同时利用理化分析方法对水质进行监测,两种评价结果是一致的。1991~1992年白洋淀的水质为中性或微碱性贫营养型水体,而1993年则为碱性富营养型水体。漾堤口1991年为重污区,烧车淀1992年为中污区,其他淀区均为轻污或无污  相似文献   
1994~1995年在中国科学院水生生物研究所渔业高产开发研究基地之一,山东聊城嘉明有限公司水产养殖场,对网箱养殖草鱼、鲤鱼鱼塘的浮游植物进行了种群组成、数量、优势种、污染指示种、多样性指数、叶绿素含量和MTSI等参数的初步研究,并利用后六项参数对鱼塘水质污染程度和富营养化程度进行了评价,浮游植物(包括植鞭毛虫)含量平2,44×10 ̄7个体/L,MTSI值四季分别为4.27、5.11、5.26、4.96.这表明水体已受到中度污染,达到中富和富营养水平,且表现出逐季增加的趋势。  相似文献   
化石群落的识别是古代生物群落研究的基础.目前缺少普遍遵循的化石群落识别的原则,识别方法差异很大,这影响了古代群落研究的广度及深度.根据广西六寨泥盆系东岗岭组化石群落的研究实例,所提出的海相化石群落的一种识别方法,为解决识别方法上存在的分歧,提供了一条途径.该方法以注重群落与环境的整体性为原则,在沉积环境确定的基础上,依据化石群总体面貌(化石类型及其相对丰度)与沉积相带类型的对应性,来识别化石群落.  相似文献   
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