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王宝华 《黑龙江大学自然科学学报》2005,22(6):837-841
考虑带齐次D irichlet边值条件的半线性抛物方程ut-(pux)x=f(u)的初边值问题,研究了其在[0,1]×(0,+∞)上全离散Euler隐格式解的稳定性.在适当的假设条件下证明了离散系统在H1(Ωh)空间上存在连续的Liapinov泛函,并验证了离散系统的平衡点集在H10(Ωh)上是有界集,从而得到离散动力系统在H10(Ωh)上存在整体吸引子. 相似文献
本文研究具有反馈控制的非自治Schoner系统的持续生存性条件以及该系统为概周期系统时,存在唯一严格正的全局渐近稳定的概周期解的充分条件。 相似文献
简要介绍了化学振荡反应研究的重要史实 ,并用耗散结构论的基本论点 ,分析了化学振荡产生的必要条件 ,在此基础上进一步阐明了振荡反应的实质 相似文献
本文对著名的Hanoi塔问题利用递归关系设计出算法,在计算机上用C 编码实现,并对它的算法复杂度进行了分析。 相似文献
吴云燕 《河海大学常州分校学报》2002,16(2):29-32
介绍了堆分本程序的工作实质,分析了堆操作延缓程序运行的原因,并提出了相应的调整措施,特别介绍了如何通过对堆函数的设置,提高多线程VC++程序在多处理器电脑上的性能。 相似文献
This paper examines the information on future exchange rate movements provided by the doctrine of purchasing power parity (PPP). Previous research has studied this issue by analyzing the time-series properties of period-by-period levels of, or changes in, exchange rates. In contrast, the present study focuses on the durations of periods in which exchange rates deviate from their PPP levels. If PPP provides information about future exchange rate movements, these durations should exhibit positive duration dependence. That is, the probability of returning to PPP levels should increase as the period of deviation increases. Parametric hazard functions estimated using data from eighteen countries provide no evidence of positive duration dependence. These results are robust to alternative definitions of PPP and to alternative functional specifications. While exchange rates take prolonged swings away from their PPP levels and then eventually return, these movements apparently constitute Monte Carlo cycles in which, at any point in time, the probability of moving back toward PPP is the same as the probability of moving farther away. Thus, PPP provides no useful information on future exchange rate changes, a result consistent with market efficiency. 相似文献
Summary Hepatic function was assessed by the aminopyrine breath test (ABT) in male Sprague Dawley rats 24 h after partial hepatic ischemia. ABT decreased progressively to 26.3 (p<0.05) and 19.7% of dose (p<0.05) after 90 and 120 min of ischemia, respectively. ABT at 24 h after injury was correlated to the concentration of ATP in the ischemic lobes 1 h after the onset of reperfusion (r2=0.971) but not to ALT activity in plasma at 1 h (r2=0.391). We conclude that postischemic ATP levels are a better index of subsequent hepatic function than ALT. 相似文献
溧阳市沙河水库东副坝溃坝生命损失估算 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
应用溃坝洪水软件BREACH和FLDWAV分析溧阳市沙河水库东副坝在100年一遇设计洪水位23.17m时下游坡高程点8.40m处管涌诱发溃坝的洪水状况,确定大致的淹没范围,计算了溃坝洪水的严重性,估算了风险人口,应用Graham法定量地估算了生命损失,重点研究了生命损失与警报时间的关系,提出了确保2h警报时间的建议,加强非工程措施,避免生命损失。 相似文献
新型自由侧翻式拍门研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
结合传统拍门的研究方法,从理论上分析和研究了一种新型拍门即自由侧翻式拍门的运动规律和撞击力。主要内容包括:拍门的结构和工作原理、无水空翻时拍门的运动规律和撞击力、停泵闭门过程中拍门的运动规律和撞击力、拍门撞击力的求解方法、拍门的流态和水力损失分析等,得出一般拍门的运动方程和撞击力近似表达式,并结合百里洲泵站更新改造工程拍门改造实例进行计算。结果表明该新型拍门克服了传统拍门的缺陷,运行时阻力小、开启角度大、水流流态好,无需配套设备,造价低廉,安装与检修方便。 相似文献