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用 Th-230/U-234法测定了岩灰洞钟乳石结层和骨化石样品的年龄。划为第二层的钙板的年龄为21.4万年。先于钙板生成的岩灰洞堆积物的年龄应大于此值,因此应划为更新世中期,桐梓人应属直立人。  相似文献   
Among the most important faunas in the Late Cenozoic, the Gigantopithecus faunas have received a good deal of attention. The Gigantopithecus fauna recently discovered in Sanhe Cave consists of more than 80 mammal species, including cf. Hominidae, Pongo sp., Hylobates sp., Sinomastodon yangziensis, Stegodon preorientalis, Cervavitus fenqii, Dicoryphochoerus ultimus and Sus xiaozhu. It is the southernmost Gigantopithecus fauna found so far in China. Its geological age is estimated to be Early Pleistocene based on the fauna and stratigraphic correlation. The significant increase in the estimated body sizes of Ailuropoda, Gigantopithecus and Tapirus shows that the Sanhe fauna is middle Early Pleistocene, later than those from Wushan and Liucheng (early Early Pleistocene). Paleomagnetic dating of the fossil-bearing strata in Sanhe Cave gives an age of approximately 1.2 Ma. The fauna is characterized by tropical-subtropical forest types, including Pongo sp., Tupaia sp., Ia sp., Typhlomys intermedius, etc., and it lacks Palaearctic types. It is a typical tropical forest fauna, suggesting an environment with a lush forest and a warm and humid climate. The discovery of the Sanhe Gigantopithecus fauna is significant for establishing the chronological stages of the Gigantopithecus faunas in China, and for discussing their origin, evolution and dynamics. Supported by Key Knowledge Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX2-YW-106) and National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2006CB806400)  相似文献   
One stalagmite oxygen isotope record from Sanbao Cave, China, established with 7 230Th ages and 355 oxygen isotope data, pro- vides a continuous history of the East Asian Monsoon (EAM) intensity for the period from 284 to 240 thousand years before present (ka BP) with typical errors of 3―4 ka. This new record extends the previously published stalagmite δ18O record back to the marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 8. The MIS8 EAM record broadly follows orbitally-induced insolation variations and is punctuated by...  相似文献   
Based on 5 high-precision ^230Th dates and 103 stable oxygen isotope ratios (51eO) obtained from the top 16 mm of a stalagmite collected from Wanxiang Cave, Wudu, Gansu, variation of monsoonal precipitation in the modern Asian Monsoon (AM) marginal zone over the past 100 years was reconstructed. Comparison of the speleothem δ^18O record with instrumental precipitation data at Wudu in the past 50 years indicates a high parallelism between the two curves, suggesting that the speleothem δ^18O is a good proxy for the AM strength and associated precipitation, controlled by "amount effect" of the precipitation. Variation of the monsoonal precipitation during the past 100 years can be divided into three stages, increasing from AD 1875 to 1900, then decreasing from AD 1901 to 1946, and increasing again thereafter. This variation is quite similar to that of the Drought/Flooding index archived from Chinese historical documents. This speleothem-derived AM record shows a close association with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) between AD 1875 and 1977, with higher monsoonal precipitation corresponding to cold PDO phase and vice versa at decadal timescale. The monsoonal precipitation variation is out of phase with the PDO after AD 1977, probably resulting from the decadal climate jump in the north Pacific occurring at around AD 1976/77. These results demonstrate a strong linkage between the AM and associated precipitation and the Pacific Ocean via ocean/atmosphere interaction. This relationship will aid to forecast future hydrological cycle for the AM monsoon region, and to improve forecasting potential of climatic model with observation data from cave.  相似文献   
桥梁桩基特大溶洞处理方法的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了湖南省郴宁高速公路水龙互通主线桥右幅32#墩1#桩基溶洞成功处理的工程实例.该桩地质复杂,溶洞发育、埋深大、溶洞成串状分布、最大高度21m,通过分级注浆和分级下钢护筒的方法,成功对其进行处理,成桩后,现场声测结果表明,该桩为I类桩.  相似文献   
享有“丰产之地、古居之都”的丰都是兴义市百万人口城市建设拓展的重要区域.张口洞古文化遗址是“兴义人”古文化遗址的核心地带,在此建设“兴义人”古文化遗址公园,条件具备、区位优越、切实可行.  相似文献   
通过2009年9月~2010年11月对芙蓉洞11个监测点CO_2浓度连续监测,发现芙蓉洞CO_2浓度有一定时空变化特征。空间上,由于洞穴环境封闭,洞内CO_2浓度总体上从洞口到洞尾增长,同时游客人数,洞道形状等因素对其产生一定影响;季节上,CO_2浓度与洞穴外部环境有一定的响应关系,冬季外界温度较低,降水量较少,洞内CO_2浓度也较低。  相似文献   
济南龙洞景区河流袭夺探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在大量野外实地考察的基础上,研究了济南龙洞景区的河流袭夺现象.阐明了河流袭夺的形态特征,并根据地貌面与沉积证据判定了河流袭夺发生的时代,从而揭示了龙洞景区深谷与陡崖的形成过程.研究表明:龙洞景区河流袭夺发生于第四纪初期,是研究区造景地貌形成的主要外营力.其成因不仅与河流侵蚀能力的差异有关,还与流域地貌演进阶段、区域岩性及构造特征、气候及海平面变化等因素密切关联.  相似文献   
重庆武隆芙蓉洞洞穴景观美学评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重庆武隆芙蓉洞景观之美已被世人广为认可,本文尝试对其美学价值进行定量评价,根据该洞穴景观的分布特点和景观评价可操作性的要求,本文把整个景观分为7个小景区,并从美学评价的要求出发,选取了6个评价指标和19个次一级的评价因子,采用了层次分析法和加权法(征询法),进行了定量评价。  相似文献   
The Mg/Sr ratio in a stalagmite,whic is directly proportinonal to DMg/Ca,the solid-liquid distribution coefficient of Mg,is proposed as a geochemical thermometer to estimate paleotemperature changes,The paleotemperature change in eastern Beijing over the past 3000 years has been reconstructed by using this thermometer in the stalagmite ZFFS-1 from Jingdong Cave,The records can be divided into two periods:3000-2000 aBP,cool and wet ,the air temperature averaging 9.8℃;and 2000aBP-present, hot and dry,the air temperature being 1℃ higher than the mean value (11.7℃) of the past 3000 years ,During 500-200 aBP,the air temperature was about 1.2℃ lower than that of the present,corresponding to the Little Ice Age Europe Like δ^18O and δ^C ,Mg/Sr (or DMg/Ca) reflects and obviously warming trend of the past 200 years,These results are supported by historic recods.  相似文献   
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