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贺金声是20世纪初湖南一位有影响的历史人物。1901年在奉札赈济中审时度势,多方筹措赈资。他以赈济灾黎为己任,稳定大局为本志,因而得到了民众的拥护,取得了一定的成效。  相似文献   
《送何太虚北游序》是吴澄散文的代表作,阐明了游历对于增长见闻的重要性。文章引经据典,具有深厚的理论素养;辨析精微,展示缜密的逻辑思维;铺陈排比,流露充沛的气势;字斟句酌,展现良好的语言功力。文章说理透彻明白,语言精炼整饬,体现了学者之文与文人之文的完美结合。  相似文献   
The apatite(U-Th)/He thermochronometry has been used to study the tectono-thermal evolution of mountains and sedimentary basins for over ten years.The closure temperature of helium is important for the apatite(U-Th)/He thermochronometry and has been widely studied by thermal simulation experiments.In this paper,the apatite He closure temperature was studied by establishing the evolutionary pattern between apatite He ages and apatite burial depth based on examined apatite He ages of natural samples obtained from drillholes in the Tarim basin,China.The study showed that the apatite He closure temperature of natural samples in the Tarim basin is approximately 88±5℃,higher than the result(~75℃) obtained from the thermal simulation experiments.The high He closure temperature resulted from high effective uranium concentration,long-term radiation damage accumulation,and sufficient particle radii.This study is a reevaluation of the conventional apatite He closure temperature and has a great significance in studying the uplifting events in the late period of the basin-mountain tectonic evolution,of which the uplifting time and rates can be determined accurately.  相似文献   
A problem of petroleum energy crisis will probably be faced in the late 21st century. It is impossible to discover the giant oil fields again based on the traditional knowledge and theory of petroleum geology. From the global development point of view as well as the situation in China, the five choices of energy source in the future are to (i) extend the field of exploration in conventional petroleum and natural gas source, and exploit oil-gas source in ocean and some basins of northwestern China; (ii) discover unconventional oil and natural gas source: abiogenic gas, deep oil and gas, gas hydrates, coal bed gas and so on; (iii) develop techniques of cleansing, gasifying and liquefying coal for highly effective utilization, and transform coal into electricity and at the same time pay attention to the environment protection and pollution control as well; (iv) carry out researches on the theory and technology of producing and storing hydrogen in order to seek for its effective and economical utilization; (v) pay attention to and carry out the research in advance on exploiting the source of3He isotope on the moon and using the D-3He controlled nuclear fusion as fuel.  相似文献   
把面向对象技术应用于分形的演化生成,提出了一种基于对象演化的分形生成方法;讨论了两类基本对象──几何对象和符号对象的描述形式及其演化过程;介绍了基于对象演化生成分形的计算机实现;上机结果表明,这是一种有效的分形生成方法.  相似文献   
《河图》八卦关系论--兼与北京大学易学课题组商榷   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
北京大学易学课题组研定的《河图》中八卦数位,存在四卦有误,主要表现在《离》、《震》、《巽》、《坎》卦性之阴阳与《河图》中的白圈、黑点及其数的奇、偶不能相应、阴阳两仪中阴卦卦数之和与阳卦卦数之和不能相等四大方面,而根据太极生两仪至生成六十四卦的“生生”规律,可以得出并认定八卦在《河图》中数、位的新标准。  相似文献   
中国传统文化中的“中和礼乐”四字精神,最具中华民族的特色。“中”要求我们正确认识事物客观规律,作出恰如其分的判断;“和”要求我们兼容并储多种观点,相互吸取各自长处;“礼”要求我们尊重每个人的基本权利和个性自由,并在社会上讲究道德精神文明;“乐”要求我们在家庭、邻里、同事、同道和社会之间建立和谐的人际生活。新世纪中国的未来社会,就是耸立在现代化基础之上的中和礼乐社会。  相似文献   
漳州做为东南沿海的重镇,素有舟楫之便.明初,在郑和下西洋的壮举中,有漳籍内官王景弘的贡献,漳州、镇海卫所亦有多名将士襄助.明代漳人张燮<东西洋考>、吴朴<顺风相送>均收录了郑和下西洋的重要信息、资料.  相似文献   
何叔衡是"一大"十三名代表中的年长者,他的长相也颇具特征:"矮敦结实、肩膀宽阔、长方形脸膛上留着黑胡子"。除此,何叔衡的个性最具特征,这些特征的形成来自于他的父亲何绍春和他的启蒙老师姜方谷的影响,用何叔衡的好友毛泽东的话来概括主要有以下三点:一:"何胡子是一条牛";二:"何胡子是感情一堆";三:"叔翁办事,可当大局"。  相似文献   
The phase transition of superfluid helium (He II) to normal fluid helium (He I) is studied in this note. The He II -He I interface is found to move upwards under finite heat current. The temperature tracks are measured by four high resolution temperature sensors (HRTs). And the shifting of the λ point temperature (phase transition temperature) along the cell is studied experimentally and theoretically. Under gravity, the shifting of the λ point temperature in creases with the pressure. The experimental results agree well with the theoretical ones.  相似文献   
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