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21世纪是信息革命和信息化时代,网络已成为人们日常生活和工作中越来越重要的交往手段和通信媒介。随着我国科技信息和电信事业的飞跃发展,电脑越来越普及,网络游戏也随之像雨后春笋般迅速占领整个游戏市场.网络环境对大学生健康产生不容忽视的影响,同时也给大学生带来了心理方面的巨大影响;我们应当充分发挥它的积极作用,采取相应的措施,引导青少年健康地成长,以使青少年适应信息时代的发展、与时俱进。网络对大学生健康产生不容忽视的影响吧  相似文献   
基于可持续发展的中国经济-资源系统协调性分析   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
在可持续发展过程中,发展是基础,协调是关键;如何在有限的资源条件下,实现经济的永续、协调发展是我们追求的目标。本文基于可持续发展的PREEST系统模型,首先构建中国经济、资源系统的综合评价指标体系;并借助于主成分分析法,初步评价中国经济、资源系统在1980~2000年期间的综合发展状况。同时,通过回归拟合和协调指教计算,对中国经济、资源系统发展的协调状况进行定量分析。最后,基于实证研究,就中国经济、资源系统的未来协调发展提出若干政策建议。  相似文献   
准确高效的高压输电线故障诊断对加快故障后系统恢复速度、进而确保系统安全稳定运行具有重要意义.高压输电线故障诊断问题主要包括故障类型识别、故障测距和故障时间识别.本文将该问题描述为优化问题来求解,即将故障诊断问题中待求解的量如故障距离和有待估计的量如过渡电阻作为故障假说里面的未知参数,以故障后的实际波形和期望波形的差异度最小化作为优化目标.在此基础上构建了包括离散和连续优化变量的混合优化问题,可以同时获得故障类型、故障距离和故障时间.采用了近年来提出的一种高效的启发式优化算法─和声搜索算法来求解这一优化问题,并根据问题的特点对该算法进行了改进.最后,用算例系统的仿真结果来说明所提方法的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   
伏尼契在塑造牛虻的时候,赋予他许多独特的心理特征。对泄密的恐惧、对黑暗的恐惧、对死亡的恐惧,以及为克服这些恐惧,牛虻所采取的躲在假面具后面以求自我保护的防御心理,构成了牛虻人性中的弱点。牛虻超越弱点,走向人性辉煌和人格完美,是小说最动人之处,也是小说最成功之处。  相似文献   
经亨颐是我国近代著名的民主主义教育改革家和思想家。他一生与时俱进 ,积极进取 ,在浙江大胆进行民主主义教育改革 ,取得了丰硕的成果。经亨颐教育改革的指导思想是“人格教育”思想 ,他的“人格教育思想”理论和教育改革实践 ,不仅对我国近代教育的改革产生重大影响 ,而且对今天的教育改革也有着广泛的指导意义。  相似文献   
本文用卡氏十六项个性因素问卷和大学生心理健康问卷,对某工科院校1995—1996学年度的三好学生和普通生进行测试,结果显示三好生比普通生更为内倾、坦白、直率和天真。他们比较能客观地处理问题,在抽象思维上也优于普通生。在学习动机方面两组学生间无明显差异。大多数人反映出自己是为掌握专门知识技能,提高自身的文化教养水平及今后就职方便而学习。而把学习与祖国的发展、民族振兴联系起来做为学习动机的人数较少,这一点与国家调查公布的资料略有不同。  相似文献   
和谐:席勒美育观的精神内核和思想指归   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
和谐,是源远流长的古老的美学范畴之一,有很强的生命力和表现力,在中西方美学中都取得了长足的发展。和谐为美,并没有在席勒美学中断裂,席勒在分析人性与美时主张人性的和谐、美的和谐,和谐是席勒美学的精神内核和思想指归。  相似文献   
This paper employs the revised conception of Leibniz emerging from recent research to reassess critically the ‘radical spiritual revolution’ which, according to Alexandre Koyré’s landmark book, From the closed world to the infinite universe (1957) was precipitated in the seventeenth century by the revolutions in physics, astronomy, and cosmology. While conceding that the cosmological revolution necessitated a reassessment of the place of value-concepts within cosmology, it argues that this reassessment did not entail a spiritual revolution of the kind assumed by Koyré, in which ‘value-concepts, such as perfection, harmony, meaning and aim’ were shed from the conception of the structure of the universe altogether. On the contrary, thanks to his pioneering intuition of the distinction between physical and metaphysical levels of explanation, Leibniz saw with great clarity that a scientific explanation of the universe which rejected the ‘closed world’ typical of Aristotelian cosmology did not necessarily require the abandonment of key metaphysical doctrines underlying the Aristotelian conception of the universe. Indeed the canon of value-concepts mentioned by Koyré—meaning, aim, perfection and harmony—reads like a list of the most important concepts underlying the Leibnizian conception of the metaphysical structure of the universe. Moreover, Leibniz’s universe, far from being a universe without God—because, as Clarke insinuated, it does not need intervention from God—is a universe which in its deepest ontological fabric is interwoven with the presence of God.  相似文献   
本文介绍了广州绕城公路西环段(西二环)的环境与景观设计方案,使我们了解到公路景观绿化设计的一般思路和原则,同时指出了生态建设在工程建设中的重要作用和意义。文中最后还给出了在工程建设中开展工程环保监理的建议,为实现公路设施与自然环境的和谐提供了可行途径。  相似文献   
The following article makes a case for the social sciences to renew their interest in systems, drawing on ideas circulating in organisational and community psychology, industry, engineering, biology and ecology, the new physics, management, evaluation, religion and spirituality, policy-making, human services professions, and service-user and community movements. It charts a different kind of systemic thinking in striking contrast to traditional mechanistic social systems theory. Sociology’s current resiling from systems theory is explained as a legacy of its loyal service in the ‘battlefield’ of the post WW2 critique of authoritarian structural-functionalist positivist systems and the hard-won interpretive turn to issues of process, diversity, conflict, change and a critical and ‘qualitative’ epistemology. A new transdisciplinary mental architecture of self-organising processes for complex living systems is offered which integrates understandings of both ‘structural systems’ and the ‘processual systemic’ in individual psychology, organisational sociology, and in action research as its epistemology.
Yoland WadsworthEmail:
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