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存在主义哲学家约纳斯撰写的《责任的命令:寻求技术时代的伦理》是当代环境伦理学的名著,德文版在不到10年的时间里重印了九次,销售了20万册,"责任的命令"成了德国绿党及其同情者的口令。自费希特与黑格尔以来,从未有哪一本哲学著作如此大地影响公众生活。本文基于该著的解读,认为约纳斯的技术伦理克服了现代虚无主义,避免了人类中心主义与生物中心主义的纷争,为环境伦理奠定了一个可靠的形而上学基础。  相似文献   
清代闽粤沿海地区的汉人在政治经济与人文性格等因素影响下大规模移垦台湾。按照汉人渡台的最初动机,可将其划分为追求生存型移民和投资营利型移民。  相似文献   
本简略地介绍了弗赖登塔尔的数学教育思想与荷兰的教育状况,概述了对该数学教育思想进行研究的价值和意义。  相似文献   
江浙沪籍汉族人HLA—DQB1遗传多态性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用PCR-RFLP方法扩增了江浙沪籍汉族人群HLAⅡ类基因DQB1基因的2第个外显子,扩增产物经HaeⅢ,Bsp12861,BssHⅡ,SsaⅠ,HaeⅡ,,ApaⅠ,HpaⅡ,RsaⅠ酶切分型,测定了江浙沪籍汉族人HLAⅡ类基因DQB1的16个等痊基因的分布频率。  相似文献   
Recent work in the history of philosophy of science details the Kantianism of philosophers often thought opposed to one another, e.g., Hans Reichenbach, C.I. Lewis, Rudolf Carnap, and Thomas Kuhn. Historians of philosophy of science in the last two decades have been particularly interested in the Kantianism of Reichenbach, Carnap, and Kuhn, and more recently, of Lewis. While recent historical work focuses on recovering the threatened-to-be-forgotten Kantian themes of early twentieth-century philosophy of science, we should not elide the differences between the Kantian strands running throughout this work. In this paper, I disentangle a few of these strands in the work of Reichenbach and Lewis focusing especially on their theories of relativized, constitutive a priori principles in empirical knowledge. In particular, I highlight three related differences between Reichenbach and Lewis concerning their motivations in analyzing scientific knowledge and scientific practice, their differing conceptions of constitutivity, and their relativization of constitutive a priori principles. In light of these differences, I argue Lewis's Kantianism is more similar to Kuhn's Kantianism than Reichenbach's, and so might be of more contemporary relevance to social and practice-based approaches to the philosophy of science.  相似文献   
介绍弗赖登塔尔数学教育思想———"再创造"及其对当前我国数学教育改革的措施意义.  相似文献   
敦煌张氏归义军政权的第三代统治者张承奉,在唐朝已经灭亡、外患方殷的形势下,在原地方政权基础上于910年建立起具有高度独立性的西汉金山国政权,使原来一直奉唐正朔的张氏政权由此蜕变为割据性独立政权。其立国之举虽不乏民众基础,但加剧了与周边政权特别是甘州回鹘政权关系的紧张。此举道义上的欠缺和策略上的失误,暴露出统治者为了自身利益最大化的离心倾向,但不能完全否认其自存自保的现实意义,而上层及民众中普遍存在的中原情结,表露出敦煌地方与中原血脉相连的精神实质,这正是汉民族文化认同的巨大张力和国家统一必然性的反映,也是西汉金山国政权特殊性的典型表现。  相似文献   
裁军思想在整个汉斯.摩根索的国际政治思想中居于重要地位。对裁军的逻辑起点与定义的厘定、对有关裁军四个重要问题的阐释、对核武器管制问题的分析构成了其裁军思想的主要内容,体现了浓郁的现实主义特色和时代感,当然其裁军思想也存在不足,应理性分析。  相似文献   
新疆哈萨克族与汉族高血压流行病学特点比较与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解哈萨克族和汉族居民高血压流行特点及危险因素,采用分层整群抽样的方法对石河子24小区及沙湾西戈壁镇、牛圈子牧场25岁以上的常住居民4797人进行高血压患病情况和危险因素调查。调查结果表明,哈萨克族与汉族高血压患病率分别为38.8%和31.5%,标化患病率分别为39.68%和24.81%;多因素非条件logistic回归分析显示,肥胖、口味偏咸、食用腌肉和每日饮奶茶≥10碗是哈萨克族区别于汉族的与高血压发生有关的重要危险因素。哈萨克族和汉族高血压知晓率、治疗率和控制率分别为31.4%、31.2%、12.7%和62.5%、46.2%、21.3%。因此,新疆哈萨克族高血压的高患病率和低治疗率、低控制率现状严重,亟待需要开展综合防治。  相似文献   
The problem of measurement is a central issue in the epistemology and methodology of the physical sciences. In recent literature on scientific representation, large emphasis has been put on the “constitutive role” played by measurement procedures as forms of representation. Despite its importance, this issue hardly finds any mention in writings on constitutive principles, viz. in Michael Friedman׳s account of relativized a priori principles. This issue, instead, was at the heart of Reichenbach׳s analysis of coordinating principles that has inspired Friedman׳s interpretation. This paper suggests that these procedures should have a part in an account of constitutive principles of science, and that they could be interpreted following the intuition originally present (but ultimately not fully developed) in Reichenbach׳s early work.  相似文献   
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