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甘肃省汉族学生体质状况评价及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据2000年甘肃省学生体质健康调查研究结果,对甘肃省汉族学生体质逐年下降这一特点进行深入、全面的分析和评估,为加快学校体育工作改革步伐,建立学生健康状况监督制度和提高少年儿童的健康水平提供对策.  相似文献   
TheBrocadeinAncientChina Thebrocade“jin(锦)”isapolychromefiguredsilk wovenbydyedwarpendsandfillingswithamulti layeredstructure.InancientChina,thebrocadewaswovenwith warp facedcompoundweavebefore6thcenturyA.D.The patternisformedwiththecontrastofdifferentcoloredwarp ends.Theweavesinthepatternandinthebackgroundarethe same.(Fig.1)Thesetwofeaturesmakeiteasiertobe distinguishedfromanyotherfiguredsilk. Asuniqueinstructure,itwasaveryintricateand difficultworkforweaving,andwasverytime consumi…  相似文献   
两汉督邮主巡查属县、检核非违,对当时的地方吏治和社会秩序都产生了深远的影响。监察权力是督邮权力的核心内容。而督邮与郡守在人事及权力分配上的特殊关系则使其最终走向了自己的反面。  相似文献   
《西京赋》利用较长篇幅对汉时京城典型的音乐文化活动场面、艺术形式、内容及艺术表现等的详细记录,展现了张衡在音乐艺术领域的杰出才能;其内容经过较严密的考察,具有较强的写实性特征,从而具有原始记录的珍贵性、从宏观到微观的系统性、对学术研究的启示性等价值。  相似文献   
Environmental archaeology of archaeological sites on both sides of the Dachang section in the Daning River,the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River,shows that riverbed evolution has a great influence on the distribution of archaeological sites during the prehistorical and historical period,and it restricts human activity and the development of ancient culture.Field investigation,dating data,paleocurrent analysis of 100 gravels on the riverbed and archaeological excavation reveal that the riverbed of the Dachang section developed in the Shuangyantang region during the early stage,after about 30 kaBP it shifted westward gradually and reached the present place.Along with the westward shift,the focus of ancient culture changed for several times.In the Western Zhou Dynasty’s period,the east riverbank of the Daning River was the main residential area.During the Han Dynasty,along with the westward shift,the living space of ancient people was no longer confined to the east riverbank and the focus of culture moved westward.Then the Zhangjiawan site became the main dwelling district.In the late Han Dynasty, the villages were flooded and the ancients had to immigrate to a high place.Tombs of the Han and the Jin Dynasties outcropped on the flood plain of the east bank because their surface sediments were eroded by several flood events and the westward shift of the riverbed.  相似文献   
班婕妤、班昭是同出一门的两位汉赋女作家,她们以各自的作品确立了自己在赋史乃至文学史上的地位.她们的出现,有家庭氛围和社会风气的原因.她们的文风都比较典雅,情感表达都较温和、含蓄,这是所受良好的文化教育及儒家礼教影响的结果.  相似文献   
在汉匈战争中,与同期的卫青、霍去病相比较,李广有勇无谋,屡为败军之将,与军功无缘,这是导致“李广难封”的根本原因。司马迁在李广传记的写作上对李广颇为衰扬,实为文笔多于史笔,这是缘于他对李广祖孙三代不幸遭遇的深切同情以及他自身挥之不去的悲悯情结。  相似文献   
韩愈和欧阳修分别是唐宋古文运动的领袖,欧文在许多方面受到了韩文的影响,但二人在创作风格上却呈现出不同的风貌。韩愈重视语汇的创新,欧阳修则主张文章要平易自然;韩愈的文章取象奇异,欧阳修为文则多取象于现实生活。  相似文献   
陈寿祺是清嘉道年间的代表学者,学通汉、宋,世称“通儒”,因其早年学历、交游以及严谨的治学态度,使其在学术上取得了卓越的成就,而辑佚方面尤为突出。考证陈寿祺生平经历的五个发展阶段、学风衍变的基本过程,并且简略地考释了《尚书大传》、《五经异义》、《三家诗遗说考》等其在辑佚方面的代表性著作。  相似文献   
东汉墓碑文,就其文体性质而言,是一种饰终礼文,它与东汉丧葬制度、丧葬礼俗紧密联系在一起,是崇儒重孝兴礼文的产物.东汉墓碑文,大多非朝廷诏立,这也是东汉后期王室衰弱的反映.自然,墓碑文乃铭刻于碑石之文,碑石不易坏朽的特征也是墓碑文繁盛的重要原因.  相似文献   
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