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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11):1707-1736
The troidine papilionid genus Ornithoptera is shown to be distinct from Troides In order to reappraise the interrelationships of the member species of Ornithoptera, and to test the resultant theory of their evolution against biogeographical data, the genus is revised using Hennigian cladistic methodology through computer analysis. The input data for this was drawn equally from immature stages and adult characters. A single cladogram hypothesising the likely phylogeny of the Ornithoptera species was generated. With minor weighting of a single important adult character, a further two cladograms were generated, one of which is similar to hypotheses proposed by previous workers. Based on these findings, and on ecological data, notably larval foodplant relations with Aristolochiaceae, as well as present-day biogeographical data, a new theory of the origin and evolution of Ornithoptera is presented which fits well Gondwanan vicariance events ascertained by geological studies: essentially that Ornithoptera evolved on northward drifting Australia, allopatrically from Troides on the Indian plate, and therefore that Ornithoptera did not reach the Australian Subregion via Troides-like ancestors in Southeast Asia as has been previously postulated. As ‘living fossils’ representative of an ancient, Gondwanaland-derived, austral faunal element, the Ornithoptera should be regarded even more highly in terms of their ‘conservation value’.  相似文献   
《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(18):2213-2267
Some 180 species of marine fish were reported from Ghana in F. R. Irvine's The Fishes and Fisheries of the Gold Coast, an important milestone in West African ichthyology published in 1947. Although the book has been a major source of records for subsequent workers, the underpinning collections have been largely ignored. Two hundred and ninety-two specimens from 139 species collected by Irvine and colleagues were located within The Natural History Museum collections and are reported here with notes on their zoogeography. These were re-identified in the light of the intervening half century of research and have allowed us to examine the basis for most of Irvine's records by matching Irvine's collection numbers (referred to in his book) to BMNH registration numbers. In addition to registered material some 26 jars of unregistered material containing 46 specimens were discovered. About 20% of the species were found to have been misidentified. Six of the marine species collected by Irvine were described by J. R. Norman as new species between 1930 and 1935. These remain valid as: Rhinobatos albomaculatus Norman, 1930; Rhinobatos irvinei Norman, 1931; Serranus accraensis (Norman, 1931); Spicara nigricauda (Norman, 1931); Branchiostegus semifasciatus (Norman, 1931) and Pontinus accraensis Norman, 1935. A further nine species collected by Irvine were at the time unknown to science and have since been described by others as new species. Of particular interest is a specimen of Panturichthys isognathus Poll, 1953 which appears to be only the second adult specimen reported. Most of the 39 species for which material could not be located represented uncontentious records. However, there were eight species listed by Irvine, for which no voucher specimens could be located, which are unlikely to occur off Ghana, and a further two species (Carcharodon carcharias and Alopias vulpinus) for which Irvine's records cannot be considered a basis for a Ghana record. Five species (Conger conger, Umbrina cirrosa, Scorpaena scrofa, Chaetodon striatus and Liza ramada) are considered as doubtful records based on misidentifications. Three other species (Dentex macrophthalmus, Sphyrna zygaena and S. tudes) appear unlikely records for Ghana but cannot be totally dismissed. Inter alia this study demonstrates the critical importance of voucher specimens in museum collections to support biodiversity research.  相似文献   
Summary Intracellular recording methods were used to investigate the action of methylene blue on electrical behavior of myenteric neurons in guinea pig small intestine. The neurophysiological studies were done in parallel with studies on contractile activity of the intestinal musculature. Methylene blue depolarized the membranes, increased the input resistance, augmented excitability and reduced postspike hyperpolarizing potentials in AH/Type 2 myenteric neurons. These effects, with the exception of suppression of postspike hyperpolarization, were reversed by exposure to elevated calcium. The mechanism of action of methylene blue appeared to be suppression of calcium-dependent potassium conductance in the neuronal membranes. The neuronal action of methylene blue was manifest as a release of excitatory neurontransmitter substances with evoked contraction of the small intestinal longitudinal muscle.  相似文献   
奥硝唑注射液过敏试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 通过连续全身给药,观察豚鼠全身超敏反应。方法 豚鼠36只,分3组,每组12只,分别给0.2%奥硝唑注射液,0.9%生理盐水,5%卵清蛋白致敏,每d0.5mL,共注射3次,间日给药,每组随机均分2批,第1批致敏后14d,第2批致敏后21d进行攻击。结果 攻击后15min内,除5%卵清蛋白致敏组外,均未见超敏反应发生。结论 0.2%奥硝唑注射液对豚鼠未产生全身超敏反应。  相似文献   
几内亚博凯地区红土型铝土矿为基性火山岩经风化淋滤形成的残积型铝土矿,其地质特征为地表形成铁铝质风化壳(铁帽),下部为松散状铁红土,其形成机理为:在植被发育,微生物滋生的炎热潮湿环境,随着富铝质岩石的分解,“SiO2”在碱性溶液环境中形成硅酸胶体活化迁移,铁铝沉淀富集形成红土型铝土矿。  相似文献   
目的准确确定豚鼠性周期各个阶段。方法利用阴道组织涂片法,对16只12周龄的雌性豚鼠连续20 d 进行阴道涂片。镜检,观察阴道涂片中细胞的变化以及豚鼠性周期各阶段的持续时间。结果在发情间期,阴道涂 片以白细胞为主;发情前期,以有核上皮细胞为主;在发情期,以角质化的上皮细胞为主;发情后期白细胞中混有部 分有核上皮细胞和少量角化上皮细胞。结论阴道组织涂片法是有效区分豚鼠性周期各个阶段的一种简单方法。  相似文献   
Summary Both acute and chronic administration of morphine resulted in an increase in the percent cardiac output received by brain. However, various brain regions were affected differently by the drug treatments. The greatest increases in percent cardiac output received after chronic administration of morphine occurred in pons and cerebellum, while the greatest increases after acute administration occurred in cortex and midbrain. The changes found are in contrast with earlier studies which suggest that morphine has no effect on cerebral blood flow.  相似文献   
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