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介绍了基于GPS技术高速公路客车管理系统的原理,工作方法,系统组成,客车状态分析软件功能及软件框图,客车状态数据传送方法。在SA影响下用C/A码测定公路里程公标和坐标转换方法并给出部分测试数据。  相似文献   
为解决在高动态环境下GPS接收机跟踪环路中频信号失锁的问题,提出了一种基于线性强跟踪卡尔曼滤波器(STKF)理论的GPS信号跟踪环路.此跟踪环路以码鉴相器和载波鉴相器输出作为观测量,利用线性强跟踪卡尔曼滤波器对高动态环境下的码相位误差、载波相位误差、多普勒频率误差以及多普勒频率变化率误差进行估计,并将估计结果反馈给跟踪环路的数控振荡器,从而产生准确的本地载波和本地码.仿真结果表明,在GPS信号载噪比为45 dBHz时,线性强跟踪卡尔曼滤波器跟踪环路在多普勒频率变化率为5.0 kHz/s时仍能可靠跟踪,而传统的基于PLL/DLL和环路滤波器的跟踪环路在1.8 kHz/s时已经失锁.  相似文献   
应用计算机、现代通信、GIS、GPS、AIS和Web等技术,实现了基于海上航标遥测遥控、航标信息发布的综合航标信息系统,该系统集成度高,特别实现了航标动态信息的WEBGIS发布,系统的实现为航标管养提供了有力的手段.为船舶及涉海部门及时、准确、方便获取海上交通信息提供了技术保障,本文从技术实现角度,对系统做了简要介绍.  相似文献   
GPS/INS在火车安全告警系统中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了弥补目前火车车辆运行中人工统计调度工作量大、效率低等缺陷,提出了一种基于全球定位系统和惯性导航技术(GPS/INS)的火车安全告警系统的设计方案;重点讨论了GPS/INS在信息融合时所使用的卡尔曼滤波方法,避免了独立的惯性导航系统无限位置误差和GPS的1Hz慢速数据修正的问题;利用原有国家铁路网数据库进行数据修正,进一步提高了系统的精度.在此基础上设计的火车安全告警系统就能够简捷、准确地计算车辆运行里程,当车辆达到维修等级时自动进行报警提示,从而降低火车车辆调度工作的工作量及运行风险.  相似文献   
GPS伪距差分解算改进模型的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
差分GPS定位技术是通过基站与移动站之间的空间相关性,来消除公共误差部分,以提高定位精度。伪距差分是目前用途最广的一种定位技术,文章详细列出了GPS伪距差分解算模型的数据处理算法,对于伪距差分中的有关问题提出了改进模型,该模型降低了对基准站接收机时钟的要求。由于基准站的精确坐标已经知道,在计算卫星坐标时,要计算接收机钟差,因此基准站的接收机钟差可以精确获得。  相似文献   
基于MapX的GPS和GIS位置信息实时标注系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了在电子地图中实时地标注GPS的位置等信息,提出将GPS与GIS进行集成化开发。以MScomm控件为通信接口,Mapx控件为图形平台,在VB环境下开发了一个GIS。通过海上实验,验证了本系统能够实时地精确地标注出地理位置等信息。  相似文献   
利用中国境内国际GPS大地测量和地球动力学服务(IGS)站的GPS单天数据,使用GAMIT软件对其进行基线解算.以单天解的基线结果作为输入量,利用所介绍的台站漂移数学模型,求解台站漂移速度,得到地壳运动信息;再根据板块运动欧拉定理,求解中国大陆整体的欧拉矢量.结果表明,在ITRF2000框架下,求解的台站漂移速度与IGS公布的结果相近,由此求解的中国大陆整体的欧拉矢量与采用IGS公布数据计算的结果相近.  相似文献   
新型GPS动态定位自适应卡尔曼滤波方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了获取GPS卫星的信号及定位数据的真实值,减小信号传播中因各种因素混入的随机误差对定位精度的影响,通过应用运动载体"当前"统计模型,取速度和位置为观测量建立GPS动态定位模型,将观测量维数增大1倍,从而增加了系统的可观测性和定位测算精度.此外,针对传统标准卡尔曼滤波法在动态滤波方面的不足进行了分析,提出了改进型Sage自适应卡尔曼滤波法.该方法在递推和滤波过程中不断地修正模型参数,始终保持噪声模型接近于真实模型,从而避免了标准卡尔曼滤波法中因建模不准确可能导致的滤波发散等问题,较好地解决了GPS动态定位中状态变量维数与滤波快速性之间的矛盾,以及状态噪声和观测噪声建模不准确和时变的问题.  相似文献   
In the determination of the attitude parameters from a multi-antenna GPS array, one of the major assumptions is that the body frame is rigid at all times. If this assumption is not true then the derived attitude parameters will be in error. It is well known that in airborne platforms the wings often experience some displacement during flight, especially during periods of initializing maneouvres, such as taking off, landing,and banking. Often it is at these points in time that it is most critical to have the most precise attitude parameters.There are a number of techniques available for the detection of modeling errors.The CUSUM algorithm has successfully been implemented in the past to detect small persistent changes. In this paper the authors investigate different methods of generating the residuals, to be tested by the CUSUM algorithm, in an effort to determine which technique is best suited for the detection of structural deformation of an airborne platform. The methods investigated include monitoring the mean of the residuals generated from the difference between the known body frame coordinates, and those calculated from the derived attitude parameters. The generated residuals are then passed to a CUSUM algorithm to detect any small persistent changes. An alternative method involves transforming the generated residuals into the frequency domain through the use of the Fast Fourier Transform. The CUSUM algorithm is then used to detect any frequency changes. The final technique investigated involves transforming the generated residuals using the Haar wavelet. The wavelet coefficients are then monitored by the CUSUM algorithm in order to detect any significant change to the rigidity of the body frame.Detecting structural deformation, and quantifying the degree of deformation, during flight will ensure that these effects can be removed from the system, thus ensuring the most precise and reliable attitude parameter solutions. This paper, through a series ofsimulations, will assess the effectiveness of the above mentioned techniques for detecting structural deformation effects on a GPS multi-antenna array. These principles are then tested with experimental data.  相似文献   
Based on the bi-cubic Bessel spline function method, we have inverted the present-day crustal horizontal velocity field and deformation field in China continent by combining with 410 GPS observations, 327 seismic moment tensors of earthquakes and fault slip rates in China and its neighboring areas, and considered the geological and geophysical parameters at the same time. The results reveal that the crustal movement mostly takes on compression in SN-NE direction and extension in EW-NW direction in China continent. The continent is rotating southeast and takes on a clockwise rotation image from the west to the east, particularly in the southeast of Tibet and Chuan-dian area. Different blocks have different deformation in China continent. The south China, Ordos and Northeast block have good integrity.The deformation in the western part of China is obviously stronger than that in the eastern part. The strong strains are focused on the Himalaya, east Tibet,west Tian Shan and Chuandian block etc. The deformation at the joint of blocks is stronger than that within the blocks. The China continent deformation not only has the strike-slip faulting and extrusion feature but also has the crustal shortening and thickening feature.  相似文献   
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