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建国以来孙中山经济思想研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济思想是孙中山思想最具特色的部分。建国以来,研究研究的主要内容包括:“平均地权”与“耕有田”、国民经济建设思想、与近现代重要人物经济思想的比较等方面。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,我国东西部地区中小企业发展差距不断拉大,其根本原因在于东西部制度演进上的差异。僵化落后的行政管理体制是制约西部中小企业发展的重要因素之一,目前各级政府应转变职能,打破传统体制下的政府管理体制,做好政策、法制、服务等方面的工作,从制度上为西部中小企业健康发展“护航”。  相似文献   
比较分析了沱江下游不同年代的渔获物物种组成,20世纪60年代初期,沱江下游渔获物由52种组成,分别隶属于6目10科44属,70年代初由50种组成,分别隶属于4目7科36属;80年代初期,由20种组成分别隶属于2目3科18属,同时对渔获物的群数量,优势程度,常捕个体和最大个体大小的变化等也进行了研究,最后综合分析了渔获物产生显著差异的原因。  相似文献   
As the 1990-91 Gulf crisis has emphasized, the risk of new oil shocks remains high in the medium to long run. Although energy intensity has decreased in the major countries since the first two oil shocks, the simulation performed with the MIMOSA world model, which is described in this paper, shows that a permanent rise in oil prices still induces direct strong negative consequences in the OECD: a temporary recession, a durable loss in production and employment and a lasting rise in inflation. Moreover, according to the model and due to national dissimilarities, an oil shock in Europe has some asymmetrical effects which are pointed out here. Further simulations test two different economic policy responses in the OECD: a ‘beggar-thy-neighbor’ policy in which each country tries to ‘export’ its unemployment by curbing domestic inflation and wage growth; and a co-ordinated policy supporting both supply and demand. The first leads to a general deflationist overshooting. The second ensures stabilization with a much lower cost in employment.  相似文献   
采用小角 x 射线散射法(SAXS)研究了 CH_2Cl_2分别对磷脂酰胆碱(PC)和磷脂酰乙醇胺(PE)液晶结构影响的机理。通过比较得知,CH_2Cl_2对PC 和 PE 液晶结构影响不同之处,主要是 PC 和 PE 结构不同所致。在 CH_2Cl_2的作用下,PC 液晶态从 L_β相经过 L_α相最后变成 LH。而 PE 液晶态却从 L_β相经过 L_α相最后变成 H_Ⅱ相。说明电偶极矩 M≠0的物质有使“棒状”的 PC 液晶态形成片层六角形的机理,对“锥状”的 PE 液晶态却有诱发其形成 H_Ⅱ相的机理。  相似文献   
19~20世纪之交,中国传统学术研究方法面临着极大挑战;当时的思想家表现出了较积极的态度:吸纳西学方法并推动了中国学术研究方法的近代转型;传统学术研究方法的近代转型主要表现在:研究内容由“虚”到“实”的转变、研究程序由臆测到实证的转变、研究品格由依附到独立的转变等。严复在这一重大学术事件中扮演了重要角色。  相似文献   
全球条件下大学生价值观嬗变已是不争的事实。从大学生价值观由一元向多元价值取向的嬗变,化价值观嬗变,计划经济向市场经济价值观的嬗变三个方面论述变化的情况。有针对性地提出了建构新的价值观教育体系以应对价值观的嬗变。从继承中华民族讲诚信,以人为本,维护民族尊严,维护国格、人格,“天人合一”的优良价值传统,摒弃不正当竞争,只见物不见人,“全盘西化”,污染破坏环境的错误价值取向等方面提出了建构科学价值观的思考和对策。  相似文献   
Living cells require membranes and membrane transporters for the maintenance of life. After decades of biochemical scrutiny, the structures and molecular mechanisms by which membrane transporters catalyze transmembrane solute movements are beginning to be understood. The plasma membrane proton-translocating adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) is an archetype of the P-type ATPase family of membrane transporters, which are important in a wide variety of cellular processes. The H+-ATPase has been crystallized and its structure determined to a resolution of 8 angstrom in the membrane plane. When considered together with the large body of biochemical information that has been accumulated for this transporter, and for enzymes in general, this new structural information is providing tantalizing insights regarding the molecular mechanism of active ion transport catalyzed by this enzyme.  相似文献   
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