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为了探究内蒙古西辽河灌区玉米适合的节水灌溉模式,促进生态农业发展,本文研究了玉米在3种灌溉方式(膜下滴灌、低压管灌、喷灌)的产量性状及经济效益分析.结果表明:玉米膜下滴灌的节水增产增效最具优势,与其他两种灌溉方式相比,膜下滴灌分别增产14.27%、24.56%,纯收入增加2.92%、4.8%.  相似文献   
四川在中国革命史上具有特殊地位。四川保路运动是辛亥革命的前奏和导火线;重庆三三一惨案是蒋介石“四一二政变”和汪精卫“七一五政变”的预演;川东农民起义建立起来的川东游击军是川陕苏区即全国第二大苏区最初最早并伴随始终的开创者;万源保卫战是中国共产党领导的中国工农红军在反蒋介石第五次围剿中取得的惟一一场巨大的胜利;红军长征入川铸就四川成为长江南北两岸和中国南北两部间苏维埃革命发展的桥梁;抗战时期的四川是历史上最大规模的民族战争之大后方的主要基地。  相似文献   
 首次报道粤东地区发现的第四纪断层华林断层。该断层切割了时代可能属晚更新世的沉积;断面总体走向300°,倾向北东,倾角75°,下盘尚发育多个向下收敛的分枝裂面,其上的擦痕指示断裂下盘上升。断面向下与基岩中的断裂相连,表明其形成是基底断裂继承性活动引起。  相似文献   
The relationships between the evolution of two types of E1 Nifio events and the subsurface ocean temperature anomaly (SOTA) in the equatorial Pacific are compared in this study. The results show that both types of E1 Nifio are negatively correlated to the SOTA in the equatorial western Pacific, but relationships are different in different phases of E1 Nifio. Furthermore, the occurrence of different types of E1 Nifio is related to different features of the equatorial thermocline, e.g. its zonal gradient, significant variation area, amplitude and duration of thermocline oscillation. The propagation of SOTA in the equator plays an important role during the evolution of both types of E1 Nifio, but shows dramatic differences in intensity, duration and phase reverse of warm SOTA. Moreover, the pathways of SOTA signal are different between these two types of E1 Nifio. The dominant pathway in the life cycle of Eastern Pacific (EP)-E1 Nifio lies on the equator and to its north, but there is no loop to the south of the equator. In contrast, the dominant pathway in Central Pacific (CP)-E1 Nifio is located on the equator and to its south, and the propagation signal of SOTA to the north of the equator is very weak. The relationships between the zonal wind anomalies and the two types of E1 Nifio are also preliminarily discussed. It is shown that EP-E1 Nifio is more likely to respond to the westerly anomalies over the equatorial central and western Pacific, while CP-E1 Nifio is more likely to respond to the westerly anomalies over the equatorial western Pacific and need the cooperation of easterly anomalies over the equa- torial eastern Pacific to certain extent.  相似文献   
马援少有大志,以征战沙场为人生目标,且基本上实现了自己的壮志。然而,他的终局却是死后蒙冤,并被追缴了将军印绶。马援在东汉初期全国基本统一之后,仍然不断自请出兵的行为,与东汉初期的国家战略形势发生了分裂、对抗,进而导致马援的悲剧结局。范晔所谓伏波好功,是对马援悲剧的发人深省的历史注脚。  相似文献   
一般认为,“清议”与汉末党锢事件紧密联系在一起。但党镏事件并非是“清议”产生的唯一重要原因。除“清议”之外,东汉还有围绕经学展开的“论难”存在。“论难”不同于“清议”。各有其特定的内容,前者与后者有一定的历史渊源关系。同时,“论难”、“清议”共同反映着一种议论、辩论风气——“谈论”。“论难”、“清议”是“谈论”风气在东汉不同历史阶段的两种表现形式。  相似文献   
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