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作为新中国第一任城市建设部部长的万里,在领导我国城市规划建设中,始终贯彻实事求是从实际出发的思想;根据本国国情来建设自己城市的思想;实行统一规划、统一建设和统一管理的思想;坚持城市规划建设要与工业建设相配合的思想;注重城市规划建设人才培养的思想;合理改造旧城市的思想等。这些思想,对推动当前我国的城市规划建设仍具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
对长江流域的开发和规划是孙中山《实业计划》中最重要的组成部分。由于皖江地区具有优越的地理位置和丰富的物产资源,孙中山对皖江的开发予以了高度重视。他详细制定了皖江流域的发展规划,即全面建构水陆交通体系,大力整治沿江河道,建立以芜湖、安庆为龙头的商业中心,并有效利用资源优势,发展工农业生产,促进该地区的经济腾飞和社会发展。  相似文献   
针对近年来宋琬研究现状,文章将宋琬第一次被捕入狱的原因等五个问题提出来作了辨析,指出宋琬第一次被捕入狱同当时的“告密”风气和他的“文字馀孽”有关;宋琬第一次出狱后没有京官外任调芜湖抽分,而是在吏部继续供职;此后循序量移至顺治十八年晋升为浙江按察使,而不是山东按察使;宋琬两次入狱,身心备受折磨,但他乐天知命,顽强抗争,表现出“威武不能屈”精神,人品极高;宋琬康熙十一年起补四川按察使,十二年入蜀,十三年(1674)卒于京师。  相似文献   
用骨髓有核细胞和白细胞计数的方法研究了化疗药物环磷酰胺(CTX)对小鼠骨髓的抑制作用和中药寿胎丸(FPP)的干预效应.结果表明: 1) CTX有明显的骨髓抑制作用,表现在骨髓有核细胞和外周血白细胞数量显著减少(P<0.05);2) FPP对CTX所致的骨髓抑制有显著的干预效应,表现在明显减弱CTX骨髓抑制所造成的骨髓有核细胞和外周血白细胞数量的减少;3) 白细胞着丝粒蛋白B(CenpB)的表达水平与骨髓抑制及骨髓抑制干预效应明显相关(P<0.05),可作为一种检测指标.  相似文献   
大亚湾核电站的概率风险分析(PRA)项目于1998年12月通过了国际原子能机构(IAEA)的同行评审,IAEA专家对大亚湾核电站的PRA给予了充分的肯定,认为大亚湾核电站在PRA领域已建立了良好的基础,本文介绍了大亚湾核电站最新的一级概率风险分析结果.  相似文献   
Coral reefs worldwide are becoming increasingly and detrimentally impacted upon by a variety of factors including significant climate changes, such as global warming and increased El Nino-Southern Oscillation activity. Generally, the persistence of coral reefs, especially at low-latitudes, is governed, in part, by sea surface temperatures not exceeding the critical limit (-30℃) at which mass mortality can occur. Thus, it is thought that corals living at high-latitudes (i.e., currently cooler sea surface temperatures) will likely respond more favourably to hypothesized future temperature increases than corals living at low-latitudes (i.e., currently warmer sea surface temperatures). Consequently, high-latitude coral communities may have the potential to act as regions of refugia for many coral species in the face of potential future global warming. The Daya Bay (22°31′--22°50′N), northern South China Sea, contains several high-latitude non-reefal coral communities and represents one of the most northerly distributions of scleractinian corals within the region. Significantly, Daya Bay has experienced dramatic warming in both air and sea surface temperatures throughout the past 50 years. In this paper, we analyze 25 years of change in the Daya Bay coral communities, based both on historic surveys and our latest 2006--2008 regional ecological surveys. Our results suggest that, contrary to predictions, there have been significant declines in coral cover within the Daya Bay during the past 25 years (i.e., 76.6% coral cover in 1983/1984 to only 15.3% coral cover by 2008). Such changes also reflect a significant shift in the most abundant coral species, from Acropora pruinosa to Favites abdita. Most of the modern coral communities became established between 15 and 30 years ago, corresponding to a period of increased winter sea surface temperature. However, very few colonies have become established within the last 15 years, despite a more intense period of warming. By taking into account additional factors, we hypothesize that direct anthropogenic impacts, rather than climatic events, have both restricted the development, and drove the decline, of Daya Bay coral communities in the last 15 years. The Daya Bay has also been subjected to occasional extreme cold events during the past 50 years, with the most recent occurring in early 2008 (13 January-13 February). During the 2008 cold event, the lowest air temperature reaches only 6.6℃, and the mean sea surface temperature for February fall to 〈 14℃, including six continuous days at 12.3℃. Significantly, the sea surface temperatures fall below the hypothesized critical lower temperature threshold (-13℃) that commonly leads to mass mortality in scleractinian coral communities. Surprisingly, our coral community surveys, conducted both before (August 2007) and after (late February 2008) the extreme 2008 cold event, demonstrate that the Daya Bay coral ecosystems are barely impacted upon during the cold period. Those observations suggest that the Daya Bay scleractinian coral communities have developed adaptations to low sea surface temperatures. Overall, our data support the hypothesis that high-latitude coral communities, such as Daya Bay, have the potential to act as areas of refugia for scleractinian corals in the advent of potential future global warming.  相似文献   
本文对福建省建瓯万木林自然保护区常绿阔叶林的植物区系成分、群落外貌和结构做了初步分析。 调查植物计58科100属140种。植物种类以樟科、壳斗科、未兰科、山茶科、杜英科和山矾科为主。对种子植物属的地理成分统计表明,热带分布的地理成分占总属数的73%,温带分布的则占24.4%。而种的地理成分则以中国亚热带特有分布为主,占总种数的61.5%。 常绿阔叶林中高位芽植物占86.4%,以常绿成分为主。叶性则以中小型叶、革质、全缘单叶为主。群落结构较完整,可分林木、下木和草层等,藤本植物较发达,一些树木有小型板状根发育,为中亚热带较典型的常绿阔叶林。  相似文献   
文章从宏观上评价前一段文坛上的王朔、金庸之争,认为这是文化板块运动碰撞的反映.王朔是北京文化的雅中之俗,金庸是港台文化的俗中之雅.王向金挑战,一是自身不硬,二是选错了对象.但王朔率性而为,天真可爱,歪打正着,打破了两大板块之间的沉闷的平衡.王的飞刀欠准,金的弱点在于缺少塞万提斯的洞穿历史的眼光.  相似文献   
在国内外译坛上,毛泽东诗词的翻译是一件经久不衰的盛事,但对各种译本的评论则比较少。文章拟对毛泽东诗词中两个关键字“万”与“飞”的四种英译进行比较研究,因为这两上汉字最能体现毛泽东“雄放”的诗风。笔者认为,在翻译中处理好这两个汉字,不仅关系到能否正确译出含有“万”与“飞”字的单个诗句的问题,而且关系到能否准确传达毛泽东整体诗风的问题。  相似文献   
《水经·汾水注》对于晋文公谋士介子推所隐之山(介山)有两种解释,一为介休绵山说(在今晋中市介休市),一为万荣孤山说(在今运城市万荣县)。二者之中,介休绵山说流传广于万荣介山说,然对于介子推究竟隐于何山,世人对此却多有争论。通过考证,认定晋文公时期介子推可能隐匿之"介山"为今山西万荣县孤山,而非介休市绵山。  相似文献   
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