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在基因操作过程中经常需要对脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)进行高温处理,如在聚合酶链式反应PCR操作中就需要对模板DNA进行升降温的操作,因此,DNA的热变性行为是关系到一些基因操作效率高低的关键,琼脂糖凝胶电泳实验显示,1972bp的短链入DNA高温处理后在1000bp左右处出现额外一条下带,而且此条带经过37℃处理数小时即可恢复到1 972bp,不像48 000 bp长链λDNA那样在高温处理后出现弥散现象.另外,显著添加不同的纳米材料对下带出现的温度有明显的影响,意味着添加适量纳米材料可以改变DNA分子结构对温度的敏感性,所发现的下带可能具有尚未报道过的特殊结构.  相似文献   
Three-dimensioual(3D)braided composites with better properties have been used in some particular industries.Some have had obvious signs of crack when they are braided.Others have had catastrophic failures occuring without warning.A new methodology for the analysis of failure modes in composite materials by means of acoustic emission techniques has been developed.The occurrence of fiber-breakage during tensile loading tests has been observed by the acoustic emission technology.Using acoustic emission technology is investigated as a means of monitoring 3D braided composites structures,detecting damage,and predicting impending damage.Stone of the findings of the research project were presented.  相似文献   
Objective: Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a maternally inherited degeneration of the optic nerve caused by point mutations of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Many unsolved questions regarding the penetrance and pathophysiological mechanism of LHON demand efficient and reliable mutation testing. This study aims to develop a minor groove binder (MGB) probe assay for rapid detection of mtDNA11778 mutation and heteroplasmy in Chinese LHON patients by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Methods: Forty-eight patients suspected of having LHON and their maternal relatives underwent a molecular genetic evaluation, with 20 normal individuals as a control group at the same time. A real-time PCR involving two MGB probes was used to detect the mtDNA 1 1778 mutation and heteroplasmy. A linear standard curve was obtained by pUCmLHONG and pUCmLHONA clones. Results: All 48 LHON patients and their maternal relatives were positive for rntDNA11778 mutation in our assay, 27 heteroplasmic and 21 homoplasmic. Eighteen cases did not show an occurrence of the disease, while 9 developed the disease among the 27 heteroplasmic mutation cases. Eleven did not show an occurrence of the disease, while 10 cases developed the disease among 21 homoplasmic mutation cases. There was a significant difference in the incidence between the heteroplasmic and the homoplasmic mutation types. The time needed for running a real-time PCR assay was only 80 min. Conclusion: This real-time PCR assay is a rapid, reliable method for mtDNA mutation detection as well as heteroplasmy quantification. Detecting this ratio is very important for predicting phenotypic expression of unaffected carriers.  相似文献   
利用戴云山自然保护区的植被分布图和地形图等,在GIS软件支持下提取植被景观斑块信息,从植被景观组分斑块特征的角度对戴云山自然保护区的植被景观格局及破碎化进行分析.研究结果表明,在戴云山自然保护区中,温性针叶林、常绿阔叶林、暖性针叶林景观是该区的3个主要景观类型;景观组分的面积、周长、斑块数的分布不均衡;各景观组分面积与周长的分布相似,而斑块数的分布却没有明显的规律性.植被景观斑块总体特征分析表明,农地景观的破碎化程度高,而温性针叶林、常绿阔叶林与暖性针叶林景观的破碎化程度低.  相似文献   
用LBA4404/pCDH,Agl 1/pUNN2和Ag;P(无质粒)3种菌株分别转化小麦品种济南177、99P、核生3号幼胚诱导的愈伤组织以及济南177的幼胚.其中以胚性愈伤组织为外植体,获得了转基因植株.PCR和PCR-Southem分析证实转化植株中包含了外源基因.通过染色体分析,发现胚性愈伤组织在农杆菌LBA4404侵染后形成的染色体削减比经Agl1侵染和未经感染的对照形成的染色体削减程度更大,甚至发现较多的染色体断片.分析了农杆菌菌株,材料的基因型,外植体类型,培养时间和温度以及筛选的时间和周期对于转化效率的影响.  相似文献   
殷志祥  张家秀  许进 《系统仿真学报》2003,15(10):1415-1417
DNA计算是一种模拟生物分子DNA的结构并借助于分子生物技术进行计算的新方法,开创了以化学反应作为计算工具的先例,为解决NP—完全问题提供了一种全新的途径。案例分析中常用到离散数学中的逻辑演算,特别是在信息处理方面。在基于表面的DNA计算中采用了荧光标记策略,解决了案例分析中的一个问题,尝试了DNA计算在案例分析中的应用。且这种方法具有编码简单;耗材底;操作时间短;技术先进的优点。  相似文献   
DNA计算与软计算   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
最近,DNA计算引起了人们的广泛兴趣,尤其是DNA计算与软计算的集成.本文较系统地介绍了与DNA计算相关的生物学知识、主要生物操作,给出了DNA计算模型及其算法实现,探讨了DNA计算与进化计算、模糊控制、神经网络和人工免疫系统进行集成的概念与方法.  相似文献   
以唇鱼骨为材料,分别采用4种不同方法(CTAB法、SDS法、ROSE法及试剂盒)提取基因组DNA,并对影响PCR反应的模板DNA、引物、dNTPs、Mg2+、Taq酶浓度等主要因子进行了优化,建立了适合唇鱼骨基因组DNA的ISSR-PCR反应体系.25μL的PCR反应液含有的组分和终浓度分别为:约60 ng模板DNA,1.2 U Taq酶,0.4 μrnol/L引物,2.0 mmol/L MgCl2,0.2 mmol/L dNTPs,2%甲酰胺.结果表明,利用优化反应体系对4种不同方法提取的DNA进行PCR扩增,均能得到较好的PCR扩增条带,以试剂盒法最佳,为淡水溪流性同属鱼类遗传多样性分析奠定了技术基础.  相似文献   
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