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Deposition of granular materials into a container is a general industrial packing process. In this study, the deposition behaviour of dilute granular mixtures consisting of two types of particles that were of the same particle size but different particle densities in the presence of air was numerically analyzed using a coupled discrete element method (DEM) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Bilayer granular mixtures with light particles at bottom and heavy particles at top were first simulated. It was found that the presence of air significantly affected the flow behaviour of the bilayer mixtures. For the system with a relatively low initial void fraction, the air entrapped inside the container escaped through the dilated zones induced due to the friction between the powder bed and wall surfaces. The escaping air streams entrained light particles that were originally located at the bottom of the granular system. Consequently, these light particles were migrated to the top of the granular bed at the end of deposition process. More light particles were migrated when the deposition distance was increased. For the system with a high initial void fraction, some light particles penetrated into the top layer of heavy particles and created a mixing zone. Deposition of random mixtures with different initial void fractions was also investigated and the influence of initial void fraction on the segregation behaviour was explored as well. It was found that the increase of void fraction promoted segregation during the deposition in air. It was demonstrated that, for granular mixtures consisting of particles of different air sensitivities, the presence of air had a significant impact on the mixing and segregation behaviour during the deposition. 相似文献
山顶点是最重要的地形特征点.本文在首先分析了山顶点所具有的空间特征、成因特征、尺度特征及点群特征的基础上,依照科学性、系统性、实用性、可实现性的原则,对山顶点进行了系统的分类,并阐述了其定量描述方法.此外,深入探讨了山顶点群的基本类型、定量描述指标与地学意义.该研究对于构建以山顶点为主体的地形特征点簇,以及进行基于地形特征点簇的地貌模式识别,都具有十分重要的意义. 相似文献
本文讨论了一种较有效的细化等高线扫描影像数据的方法——边缘剥皮法,利用该方法对等高线扫描影像数据进行细化,在微机上进行了试验,结果令人满意。 相似文献
SRTM无效数据填充方法在数字河网提取中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为验证最新全球免费高分辨率航天飞机雷达地形测量任务(SRTM)数字高程模型(DEM)数据在水文学中的应用效果,以湖北省清江流域为例,利用SRTM数据进行了流域数字河网提取,通过与数字化地形图DEM提取的数字河网比较,指出SRTM数据中普遍存在的无数据区域是其进行水文分析的最大障碍,常用的SRTM无数据区域填充方法会使河道高程出现较大误差,导致提取的数字河网出现偏差.为解决上述问题,提出了在实际数字化河网限制下的SRTM数据无数据区域填充方法,计算结果表明,利用该方法处理后的SRTM数据更符合实际情况,提取的数字河网也与实际情况相符. 相似文献
基于地面约束的滨岸湿地微地貌LiDAR检测研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
应用激光雷达数据生产高精度的数字地面模型,可为滨岸环境的研究提供精细的微地貌数据。提出用地面特征约束斜率分割区域,对陆面点采用小角度多重迭代分割,提取沟槽特征的方法;设计了一个综合应用斜率分割、密度和反射强度分割、高度分割来提取水下地形、出露沙洲、有水沟槽地等地面特征的技术方案。以佛罗里达州西海岸Citrus County滨岸地带作为研究区域,根据滨岸湿地地面要素在激光雷达点云中的特征,将其划分为滩涂、沟槽、出露沙洲、浅水水下地形,建立了的微地貌地面模型。通过对地面的拟合度检验以及光学影像目视解译对比,证明所采用的分割方法与常规建模方法相比,能更有效的处理地面破碎和水域环境下的点云分割工作,提高了DEM建模精度。 相似文献
何丽敏 《山西大同大学学报(自然科学版)》2014,(3):69-71
随着数字正射影像的应用越来越广泛,正射影像图的平面位置精度也被越来越多的用户所重视.文章依托“像素工厂”数据后处理软件,通过实验从DEM变化的角度出发,研究探讨DEM变化对数字正射影像图平面精度的影响,并对实验结果进行了整理分析,给出了利用实验结果解决实际生产过程中可能遇到的问题的方法,对大比例尺数字正射影像图制作有一定的参考、指导价值. 相似文献
本文基于笔者参与的某电力线路工程测量经验,以LIDAR技术在该工程测量中的应用为研究对象,分析了机载激光雷达线路工程测量的模式,结合工程实例探讨了具体的实施思路,详细探讨了数据处理的方式,相信对同行有所裨益. 相似文献