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采用以Rao-Wilton-Glission(RWG)为基函数的矩量法推导了分层球状微带天线的阻抗矩阵计算公式.在计算探针和贴片连接处的阻抗矩阵元素时,通过一种三角形对拆分方式简化了矩阵计算过程,并通过替代避免线积分奇异问题. 提取了源、场点位于同一层媒质和不同层媒质时并矢格林函数的渐进项,以加快格林函数无穷项级数收敛速度. 计算了一副球状微带天线,输入阻抗计算结果与文献结果吻合良好,说明分析方法的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   
The discovery of oncogenes (c-onc’s) and tumor suppressors (TS’s) has led to the concept that cancer arises from defects in each of these classes of genes or their products. More recently, it has been appreciated that c-onc and TS proteins often affect one another’s functions. Within this context, I review the two classical TS’s, p53 and the retinoblastoma protein, and the consequences of their inactivation. The various forms of genomic instability (GI) that underly the high mutation rates of transformed cells are then discussed. Particular emphasis is placed upon the concept that GI is not only an integral part of the transformed state but is a prerequisite. Increased oxidative DNA damage, and/or an inabiliy to repair it, can lead to GI. The review then discusses recent observations showing that loss of the TS protein peroxiredoxin 1 (prdx1) and increased expression of the c-onc protein c-Myc, each leads to increased oxidative DNA damage. The critical nature of the c-onc-TS interaction is underscored by that occurring between prdx1 and c-Myc, with the former protein regulating the production of DNA-damaging reactive oxygen species by the latter. The intimate association between these proteins and others serves as a paradigm for the exquisite balancing act that c-onc’s and TS’s must maintain in order to properly control normal DNA replication and cellular proliferation while simultaneously minimizing the acquisition of potentially neoplastic mutations. Received 10 May 2005; received after revision 3 July 2005; accepted 19 July 2005  相似文献   
Many have hypothesized that cell death in Parkinsons disease is via apoptosis and, specifically, by the mitochondrial-mediated apoptotic pathway. We tested this hypothesis using a mouse dopaminergic cell line of mesencephalic origin, MN9D, challenged with the Parkinsonism-causing neurotoxin MPP+ (1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion). Apoptosis was the main mode of cell death when the cells were subjected to MPP+ treatment under serum-free conditions for 24 h. Caspase-3 and caspase-9, however, were not activated, thus indicating the existence of alternate or compensatory cell death pathway(s) in dopaminergic neuronal cells. Using caspase inhibitors, we demonstrated that these pathways involve caspase-2, –8, –6 and –7. A time-course study indicated that activation of caspase-2 and –8 occurred upstream of caspase-6 and caspase-7. Upon MPP+ challenge, the apoptosis-inducing factor was translocated from the mitochondria into the MN9D cytosol and nucleus. These results suggest the existence of alternative apoptotic pathways in dopaminergic neurons.Received 20 September 2004; received after revision 5 November 2004; accepted 22 November 2004  相似文献   
太原地区的气候条件给空调系统设计带来了一些与常规设计有所区别的特点,如在负荷计算,冷热源选择,风量确定,风和水系统设计等方面,掌握这些特点可以在空调系统设计中带来方便。  相似文献   
为提高中小河流洪水预报的精细化水平,以栅格型新安江模型(GXM)为基础,考虑沿程水流再分配、库塘坝蓄泄及河道特征对产汇流过程的影响,采用针对性的定量化模拟方法,并基于模型参数与下垫面特征的定量关系,对模型参数空间分布进行推衍。以安徽横江为例,对GXM的精细预报能力进行验证。结果表明:GXM不仅可以实现对屯溪出口断面洪水过程的高精度预报,也可以不经重新率定,实现对流域内部嵌套断面洪水过程的高精度预报;GXM能够预报流量、土壤含水量、流速等不同水文要素的时空分布,可为中小河流洪水防控提供丰富的预报产品。  相似文献   
圆锥(台)形人造山体地基竖向附加应力及沉降   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用布辛涅斯克解,给出了圆锥形和圆台形荷载作用下地基中心竖向附加应力计算公式,发现竖向附加应力随深度衰减要远大于其他类型荷载下的结果;采用弹性有限元法,给出了圆锥形荷载作用下地基中任意位置的竖向附加应力系数图,解决了圆锥和圆台荷载下任意位置竖向附加应力以及地表沉降的计算问题。工程案例验证了采用该方法给出轴对称附加应力解的必要性;并通过一个算例分析了两个圆锥形山体作用下地基的竖向附加应力和地表沉降的相互影响规律。  相似文献   
从服务提供方视角将分享经济中的信任分为对分享平台信任、对平台上服务使用方的信任两种类型。以在线短租行业为例,采用PLS-SEM方法对感知制度保障因素对两种信任的影响作用进行了实证检验。研究结果表明:感知人身安全制度、感知财产安全制度、感知在线点评制度对平台信任具有显著的正向影响;感知保险保障制度和平台信任直接对人际信任产生影响,平台信任在感知人身安全制度和感知在线点评制度和人际信任之间存在中介作用。本文对推动分享经济平台完善信任机制设计具有一定的理论意义和应用价值。  相似文献   
为解决城市热岛效应研究中热岛强度定量计算的难点问题,将气象学上的温度日较差(diurnal temperature range,DTR)概念引入遥感城市热岛强度定量评估中,通过对热红外影像的日夜温度差计算,得到基于遥感的DTRMODIS. 结果显示: DTRMODIS从2001年的10.61℃减小至2013年的9.47℃,12年间缩减了1.14℃,表明中国东部沿海地区热岛强度不断增加. 同时,利用基于气象站气温数据的DTRWS对DTRMODIS进行回归分析,揭示二者之间具有较显著的相关性,证明利用遥感热红外影像估算研究区DTR的可行性.  相似文献   
运用格林函数法,推导了一维有界时变边界对流弥散-线性耗散方程的解析解,然后将其与数值模拟结果对比,并分别应用于土柱热传导和溶质运移试验。结果表明:初始条件及上、下边界条件的贡献量相互独立,并且初始条件的影响随时间衰减,最终消失;解析解能很好地匹配数值模拟结果、土柱试验实测土温变化和溶质穿透曲线。  相似文献   
从弹性应变能释放是材料屈服的基本原理来看,MohrCoulomb(M-C)强度准则认为屈服时材料的泊松比恒为0.5,这可能违反能量守恒定律.研究了弹性应变能、应力偏量第二不变量、应力张量第二不变量及泊松比之间的关系,提出广义应力偏量第二不变量概念;从弹性应变能角度对M-C强度准则的物理意义进行分析,提出广义M-C强度准则;利用强度准则对岩石的破坏强度进行了计算.结果表明,由于考虑了中间主应力与泊松比的影响,广义M-C强度准则的计算精度更高,并分析了产生这种结果的内在机理.广义M-C强度准则突破了材料破坏时的泊松比恒为0.5的假设,这对于定量描述材料的屈服与破坏特性具有重要的意义.  相似文献   
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