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建筑模型设计课程是针对环境设计专业二年级所开设的,"诗意的盒子空间"模型设计与制作分为此课程的实践训练环节。学生通过学习模型技巧、欣赏案例作品、分小组进行课题讨论、主题模型制作、拍摄制作过程、PPT汇报模型成果、学生讨论评比以及最后书写设计制作心得体会等。在课程当中学生能够自发地去研究空间造型、功能、开合方式以及开合秩序等问题,充分发挥主观能动性,培养手脑并用的实践能力和团队协作能力。  相似文献   
彭三阳  王富奎  雷通洲 《河南科学》2012,30(9):1304-1307
以某会议中心弧形大截面台阶式混凝土观众台为实例,针对弧形大截面台阶式混凝土看台施工中存在的弧形看台放线定位、结构截面尺寸大、跨度大、结构复杂以及下部设有混凝土静压箱等难点,采取了切线支距法放线、后施工静压箱底板等技术措施,降低了施工难度,缩短了预计工期,达到了清水混凝土的工程效果.  相似文献   
全开放模式下的图书馆借阅模式是一种适应现代社会发展的新型借阅模式,但随之而来的乱架现象却成为图书馆管理人员面对的最棘手的问题。阐述了图书馆全开放模式的借阅特点,分析了图书馆出现图书乱架现象的原因,提出了解决图书乱架现象的对策。  相似文献   
Solid-fluid interactions in unsaturated expansive clays can be divided into capillarity and adsorption effects based on their physical mechanisms. Most consti- tutive models for unsaturated soils are proposed on the basis of the capillarity mechanism, ignoring the contributions of the adsorption effect to mechanical and hydraulic behaviors. For expansive clays, however, the adsorption effect which leads to more complex behavioral character- istics than that in low plasticity clays cannot be ignored. In the light of this, a new binary-medium model for unsatu- rated expansive clays is proposed, involving a consider- ation of the solid-fluid interactions stemming from the capillary and the adsorption mechanisms at the same time. Firstly, we assume that expansive clay is a mixture of two ideal parts, i.e. the ideal capillarity part and the ideal adsorption part, and then an ideal capillarity model and an ideal adsorption model, each of which is available for the corresponding ideal part, are established. Furthermore, a participation function is used to reflect the degrees of capillarity effect and adsorption effect. Finally, predictions are performed on the results of the consolidation tests and the cyclical controlled-suction tests published in literature. After comparing predicted results with test results, it is illustrated that the established model can quantitatively predict mechanical and hydraulic behaviors in expansive clays.  相似文献   
以高速铁路预应力混凝土简支梁为研究对象,采用纤维模型和平面有限元模型分析方法进行重复荷载下简支梁模型的非线性有限元分析,详细介绍了数值模型建立中的关键问题并给出了合理取值,同时对静力非线性和频率衰减规律进行了初步探讨.结果表明:纤维模型和平面有限元分析方法分析得到的预应力混凝土箱梁模型的荷载位移骨架曲线与试验测试结果吻合较好,纤维模型可以较好地模拟加卸载规律,平面有限元方法可以进行静力非线性和损伤衰减规律的分析,两种方法结合可以较好地预测高速铁路预应力混凝土箱梁整个加载历史的非线性响应.  相似文献   
运用数理基础知识证明了波源间距在干涉现象中的作用,讨论了出现振动减弱区时,波源间距应大于波长的三分之一,而要出现振动最弱区,则波源间距应大于波长的二分之一。并据此说明了高中物理教材中关于声波干涉的实验条件。  相似文献   
在对工业机器人模型进行碰撞检测时,提出一种把AABB和OBB结合的改进包围盒法.首先,在各个杆件模型的坐标系下,利用八叉树结构建立杆件模型的改进层次包围盒;其次,把在包围盒内的模型三角面序号存放在对应叶子节点的数组里;将包围盒位姿转换到基坐标系下的位姿,利用OBB包围盒的分离轴理论进行碰撞检测;接着,利用叶子节点里的索引序号索引到对应三角面并进行精确的三角面求交;最后,生成一个应用程序并进行仿真.实验结果表明:生成的应用程序能够快速和精确地检测出模型碰撞,且运行流畅.  相似文献   
电影《泰囧》票房大获成功中国影坛产生轰动效应。从题材、创意,特别是营销宣传方面揭示《泰囧》成功的原因,探寻市场规律,结合陕西影视的现状予以分析,可以为陕西文化强省及西安国际化大都市的建设提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
四川达州和曾在迭州生活过的现居广东东莞这群诗人,结合自己的创作,近年来亮出了“疼痛诗学”的旗号,引起了文坛的关注。通过其中的几个佼佼者描述的情况,分析了产生“疼痛诗学”的现实环境的“物质-身体”的外部原因和理想境界的“精神-心灵”的内部原因,并梳理了他们由身体向心灵、由个体向人类和由诗学向神学演变的精神走向。  相似文献   
This paper proposes an arlene scaling derivative-free trust region method with interior backtracking technique for bounded-constrained nonlinear programming. This method is designed to get a stationary point for such a problem with polynomial interpolation models instead of the objective function in trust region subproblem. Combined with both trust region strategy and line search technique, at each iteration, the affine scaling derivative-free trust region subproblem generates a backtracking direction in order to obtain a new accepted interior feasible step. Global convergence and fast local convergence properties are established under some reasonable conditions. Some numerical results are also given to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   
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