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以鼓浪屿历史文化为背景,基于岛上现有建筑的实地考察及相关资料的查阅、考证,以微观角度入手,从窗户的造型、结构、装饰符号以及文化内涵等几个方面剖析鼓浪屿窗式多样化的特征,挖掘其形式渊源及历史成因.由此,反映鼓浪屿殖民化时期的建筑风格、表现形式及设计理念.对人们认识和理解鼓浪屿建筑及其构件、研究和比较与之类似区域的外来建筑文化、并学习其设计思想和建造理念有所帮助,对建筑设计师在相关风格的建筑设计中起到一定的参考和借鉴作用.  相似文献   
侍茂崇  陈波 《广西科学》2015,22(3):237-244
远离陆地的涠洲岛,是广西近海发生赤潮次数最多的海域。据现有调查资料显示,该海域氮含量属于二类水质,磷含量也时有超标,琼州海峡显然是其东南部大量氮磷物质的重要输送通道。本文通过分析多年的漂流瓶漂流路径图,然后结合数值计算结果,得出结论:琼州海峡西行水,主要来自珠江口和粤西沿岸,该地区的污染物质,包括氮磷等营养要素,可能是涠洲岛附近高浓度氮磷的主要来源。  相似文献   
"三言"是中国古代成就最高的白话短篇小说集,关于其中作品的成书时代依然存在着很大的争议和研究空间。《警世通言.陈可常端阳仙化》一文,胡士莹和郑振铎两位先生认为是宋人话本,实则应为明代作品。首先,对前人提出的"宋人话本"说的研究观点提出质疑;其次,根据宋元明时期刑法制度的差异,"沙门岛"领土所属权的变化,证明这篇作品绝非创作于南宋时期;最后,根据"温州府"和"临安府"行政区划的历史沿革,进一步证明这篇小说为明代作品。  相似文献   
The crustaceans of the fresh waters of Bering Island and their link to the fauna of adjacent regions were studied. Based on original data and existing literature, the species composition of Cladocera and Copepoda was described. The compiled list includes 22 species of Cladocera and 30 species of Copepoda. In the original data, 35 species native to the Commander Islands were reported for the first time. Six species were newly reported in the Far East, and two were newly reported in Russia. The ecological peculiarities of several species and some biogeographical features of the freshwater zooplankton of the island are discussed. The main part of the fauna of the island form Holarctic widespread species (64.3%), another slightly smaller group of the fauna is comprised of Palaearctic species (20.1%), and the remainder comprise Nearctic (6.7%) and Beringian species (8.9%). Particular patterns in the distribution of freshwater zooplankton and the factors underlying the occurrence of these species on the island are considered.  相似文献   
《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2583-2598
The impact of islanding on the genetics of the dominant species, Niviventer confucianus, was analysed using 13 microsatellite markers. All 16 populations are of high genetic diversity with a total of 134 alleles. The average number of effective alleles (Ne) is 6; the average expected heterozygosity (HE) and polymorphic information content (PIC) are 0.823 and 0.763, respectively. Landscape fragmentation might contribute to weak genetic differentiation among 13 island populations. Values of FST simulated by Structure 2.3.4 implied that the 16 populations could be assigned into three clusters, from which we postulated the possible dispersion history. Pairwise FST tests showed that genetic differences mainly occurred between small island populations and others. Currently, habitat area appears to be the main factor affecting the genetics of Niviventer confucianus, and not the distances between islands. Hence we suggest that more attention should be paid to habitat area in the future.  相似文献   
白沙县金波附近的Spirifercf.,subgrandisRotai ,Neospirifersp .,Fuselacf.tornacensis (Koninck) ,Punc tospirifersp .,Mucrospirifersp .,Eumetriacfserpentina (Koninck) ,Palaeochoristiessp .,Megachonetessp .,Pli chonetessp .,Orthotetessp .,Chonetipustulasp .,Marginatiasp .,Curithyrissp .,Rhipidomellasp .是海南岛首次发现的最丰富的杜内早期腕足动物群。据此 ,该地区含化石的原南好组第四段确定为下石炭统岩关阶。该动物群以石燕贝类最繁盛、长身贝类数量少为特征 ,与华南其它地区同期腕足动物群不同  相似文献   
海南岛中部山区次生林生态特征研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
研究了海南岛中部山区典型的次生林群落特征和优势种枫香的种群结构特征.结果表明:海南岛中部山区的枫香种群所在的群落是演替过渡群落,在群落中枫香占有绝对优势,但随着群落的发展,枫香种群的发育表现出随着次生林年龄的增大而逐渐衰退的典型演替系列过渡种的生物学特性,最终会被群落中的后期演替种所代替.  相似文献   
海南岛七差地区芒果园植被的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对海南岛七差地区芒果园植被的调查研究,结果显示:芒果园植被丰富,共有植物102种、38科、95属,其中以双子叶植物占优势,有72属,单子叶植物次之,有22属;在102种植物中,草本植物有52种,为芒果林下的优势植物种群;植物群落特征为人工植物群落.本文还对芒果园植物的组成、性状、不同生态习性以及多度、盖度和频度进行了分析,并提出合理保护和改良利用芒果园植被的途径  相似文献   
A number of metamorphosed mafic rocks occurred within the Paleozoic strata in the Chenxing and Bangxi regions at the northern side of the Changjiang-Qionghai Fault in Central Hainan Island. These metamorphosed mafic rocks are tholeiites in chemistry. They are characterized by extreme depletion of Th, Nb, Ta and LREEs, resembling the depleted N-type mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). Field relations suggest that the protolith of the metamorphosed mafic rocks were likely formed in Paleozoic. These metamorphosed mafic rocks with N-type MORB geochemical features were probably the remnants of the Paleo-Tethys oceanic crust.  相似文献   
本文分析、讨论了CIMS环境下,采用独立制造岛生产模式的车间作业计划的调度规则和编制问题在此基础上,给出了一种独立制造岛作业计划的编制方法  相似文献   
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