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基于LZ77算法的藏文文本压缩算法设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息量的不断增加,用计算机处理的文本文件越来越大,需要对庞大的藏文文本进行数字化处理,如何节约资源对藏文文本进行高效压缩显得极为重要。项目在LZ77算法基础上结合藏文的特点和当前文本压缩的技术主流完成了关于藏文文本压缩的设计和实现工作,按照藏文特点有效的提高了藏文文本压缩率。这种压缩算法是针对藏文特点的两个子算法和目前主流的LZ77压缩算法合成的。  相似文献   
明代对以乌思藏为主的广大藏族地区采取"广行招谕"、"多封众建"的政策,有的被封者经常派使者朝贡,有的被封者长期居住在京城,这些活动使藏传佛教扩大了影响,加强了广大藏区与中央政府的联系。在"广行招谕""、多封众建"的过程中,明朝中央政府以各种方式派出进藏人员。这些政府官员、宦官、内地僧人、驻京藏僧、藏区首领或宣布诏谕、或延请宗教领袖、或平定动乱、或设置驿站。这些从实际出发的治藏方略能充分反映出当时中央王朝的主权意识。  相似文献   
文章从西藏交通建设与环境的可持续发展理念探讨了交通规划建设过程中对生态环境的影响。认为,因西藏生态环境脆弱,只有做到环境保护与交通规划紧密协调,才能实现西藏交通与环境的可持续发展。  相似文献   
藏传佛教寺院中的祭祀性舞蹈"羌姆"。大约在公元8世纪由莲花生大师在主持修筑桑耶寺的过程及开光仪式中所创。藏族传统寺院法舞"羌姆"从"金刚舞"的传入,在西藏发展了几千年,积极地改革形态,充分吸收苯教仪轨和民间舞蹈形式,使"羌姆"更加民族化,与当地文化接壤,集中反映了藏族人民的审美情趣和风俗习惯。它以绚丽的形象宣扬着佛教教理,扩大佛教的影响力。而这绚丽的形象,无论是古朴的舞蹈、诡异的面具,还是华丽的服饰都是藏族文化审美意识、审美理想的体现。  相似文献   
文章以四川松潘县热务沟卡卡村为个案,描述与分析了当地村落社会中尚存的年龄组织现象。通过对村落年龄组织一般情况、功能及特征、制度等诸多问题的探讨,分析了年龄组织对当地村落社会发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   
藏传佛教传入蒙古地区时间较早,发展较快,影响较深,并逐渐成为了蒙古族普遍信仰的宗教。对蒙古藏传佛教的研究经过近三十年来的发展,无论从人员的数量,还是从研究的深度、广度上看都得到了全面的复兴,而且呈现出蓬勃发展之势。  相似文献   
明代诸帝大都与藏传佛教有着紧密的联系,而尤以明武宗为甚。武宗豹房里有很多藏僧,日夜与之狎昵,并且在京城广建寺院,对藏僧大加封赏,给予他们很多的特权,可谓宠幸之至。但这方面的所作所为已超出朝廷治藏政策需要的范畴,成为朝政败乱、宫廷生活颓靡的表现,对藏传佛教及其僧团也造成了负面影响。  相似文献   
韵律标注是藏语语音合成语料库建设的重要环节.文章参考汉语韵律标注的研究成果,结合藏语自身的语音特点以及韵律特征,进行了面向藏语语音合成语料库的韵律标注研究,并设计一套包含拉丁转写、声调类型、音节结构、重音类型以及停顿指数的标注规则,为藏语语音韵律特征的研究提供了直观的、科学的方法.  相似文献   
Yang  Wei  Yao  TanDong  Xu  BaiQing  Ma  LingLong  Wang  ZhiHui  Wan  Ming 《科学通报(英文版)》2010,55(20):2097-2102
Little is known about recent variation of temperate glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau, although they are of particular theoretical and practical interests in terms of climate change and water supply. The study of glacier mass balance and terminus variation for six temperate glaciers in the Parlung Zangbo River basin, southeast Tibetan Plateau, shows the facts of the overall negative mass balance and the continued terminus retreat from 2005/2006 to 2007/2008. The mass balances of smaller glaciers were more negative compared to larger glaciers. Referring the trend of glacier mass balance in the Hengduan Mountains, the Himalayas and glacier shrinkage in southeast Tibetan Plateau, the mass loss and recession of temperate glacier in this region are expected if the current climate condition continues.  相似文献   
This paper describes 2007/2008 inter-annual changes in runoff from the Zhadang Glacier located on the northern slope of Nyainqêntanglha Range, Tibet, and analyzes their causes. Precipitation increased by 17.9% in summer months of 2008 compared with the same period in 2007, drainage basin runoff decreased by 33.3%, and glacial meltwater decreased by 53.8%. Change in positive accumulated air temperature explained approximately half of the inter-annual difference in glacial meltwater using a de-gree-day model. This suggests that the glacier is extremely sensitive to changes in air temperature. Energy balance analysis showed that change in glacier surface albedo, considered to be caused by difference in precipitation form, resulted in the large inter-annual difference in glacial meltwater. It was shown statistically that precipitation form in the summer months of 2007 was mainly rainfall which comprised 71.5% of total precipitation, while during the same period in 2008 rainfall accounted for 30.7%, with the majority of precipitation falling as snow. Precipitation form should be considered an independent factor when analyzing glacier sensitivity to climate change or forecasting the runoff from certain glaciers.  相似文献   
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