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对利用In含量为0.3的In Ga N/Ga N多量子阱制作的In Ga N太阳电池的结构和光电性能进行了研究,该太阳电池的In Ga N/Ga N多量子阱结构在一定程度上减轻了In N和Ga N相分离现象.研究结果显示,In Ga N/Ga N多量子阱结构的太阳电池,在单色光波长大于420 nm的工作条件下的光电性能有明显的改善.利用In Ga N/Ga N多量子阱结构制作的In Ga N太阳电池,其开路电压约为2.0 V,填充因子约为60%,在波长420 nm时,外量子效率为40%,但在波长450 nm时,却只有10%. 相似文献
The nucleation and propagation of (011] su- perdislocations in intermetallic TiA1 were investigated using molecular dynamics simulations and static energetics calculation, as part of our systematic effort to understand the twining and dislocation behavior of alloys based on y-TiAl. It was found that compared to ordinary dislocations in disordered crystals, superdislocations in ordered TiA1 lattice behave differently when sheared in the two opposite senses along [01-1] direction. This difference is due to the lower Llo lattice symmetry compared with the face-cen- tered cubic (fcc) lattice that it based on, with different yield stress and strain, and dislocation core dissociation and motion. Superdislocations nucleated in the form of loops dissociated in a planar manner into four Shockley partials separated by three kinds of faults: superlattice intrinsic stacking fault (SISF), anti-phase domain boundary (APB) and complex stacking fault (CSF), with partial separations depending on the sense of shearing and dislocation char- acter. During loop expansion, the dislocation core changes both in width and dissociation manner depending on the character of the segment in the loop. The core contains four partials close to edge orientation, gradually changing to three fold near 60°, and finally into twofold dissociation around 30° character. Superdislocations may have multiple critical resolved shear stresses (CRSS) for motion depending on dissociation and shearing sense even for the same slip system, with lower critical stress for the motion when SISF is in leading position. 相似文献
提出了一种调节InAs量子点长波长发光的方法.采用分子束外延生长GaAs/InAs短周期超晶格作覆盖层,可以拓展量子点发光波长至1.3μm~1.5μm.研究了不同超晶格周期作覆盖层对InAs量子点的晶体结构和光学特性的影响:发现随测试温度的升高,量子点的PL发光强度增强的一种反常现象.认为这是不同量子间载流子输运的结果. 相似文献
赵明骅 《武汉科技大学学报(自然科学版)》2003,26(4):427-429
运用电子自旋理论,以电子自旋磁矩与电子轨道磁矩相互作用产生附加能量△E,并引入磁量子数M,结合银原子的基态,解释了史特恩-盖拉赫实验。 相似文献
利用杂化的密度泛函方法从理论上研究了不同胍基衍生物的几何结构、电子结构、轨道分布、离解能、化学势等理化性质,并对各理化指标的计算结果进行了比较,比较发现,以适当的小原子基团代替原来体系中的大原子基团,可以在简化生物分子量化计算的同时,得到可信度很高的理论结果,计算结果还显示,对生物分子的简化遵循着一定的原则,需要一定的技巧。 相似文献
利用现行标准的统计力学方法推导出中间统计的巨配分函数,得到了服从中间统计的理想自由粒子模型的热力学函数.考虑基态能以及粒子占据数对模型的影响,计算了其低温比热.结果表明:当m(即单粒子态上最多容纳的粒子数)为较小正整数时,其性质与费米系统的性质较为接近,模型比热的变化除在m=2、3处出现反常外,都随着m的增加而逐渐减小;当m为较大整数时,模型的类玻色性增强,热力学性质与玻色系统有较好的相似性. 相似文献
HUDELIST Florian 《科学通报(英文版)》2012,57(16):1925-1930
We review our recent experimental progress in quantum technology employing amplification effect of four-wave mixing in a rubidium vapor. We have produced an intensity difference squeezed light source at frequencies as low as 1.5 kHz which is so far the lowest frequency at which squeezing has been observed in an atomic system. Moreover, we find that the bandwidth of our squeezed light source can be controlled with light intensity pumping. Using our non-classical light source, we have further developed a nonlinear Mach-Zehnder (MZ) interferometer, for which the maximum fringe intensity depends quadratically on the intensity of the phase-sensing field at the high-gain regime, leading to much better sensitivity than a linear MZ interferometer in which the beam splitters have the same phase-sensing intensity. The quantum technologies developed by our group could have great potential in areas such as precision measurement and quantum information. 相似文献
提出了一种无Bell基测量一对多隐形传输二比特信息的方案.在隐形传输过程中,以(2n+2)个粒子的最大纠缠态作为量子信道,通过原子在外加强经典驱动场下和单模腔场的相互作用,产生态的演化,从而实现隐形传输.传输过程中不需要用到Bell基测量,且不用考虑腔场耗散和外界热场环境的影响,传输成功的总几率为1.0. 相似文献