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岳西县位于大别山腹地,是一个集革命老区、深山区、贫困地区为一体的县区,属国家级扶贫开发重点县.针对山区农民增收、农业增效难的问题,从1992年开始,岳西县在上级科技部门的大力支持下,充分利用高寒山区夏季气候资源,积极引导农民大力发展高山反季节蔬菜生产.经过10余年的不懈努力,尤其是1998年以来通过实施科技部UNDP项目和科技扶贫项目,岳西县高山蔬菜产业的快速发展,已成为岳西县农村经济的三大支柱产业之一. 相似文献
目的通过生态旅游开发适宜性评价,为西部贫困山区旅游扶贫提供借鉴与参考。方法采用定性描述与专家打分相结合的方法。结果通过对不同片区综合得分的对比分析,确定各区适宜的开发方式。结论采取合理开发策略和对应变换机制,川西地区必将能成为中国自然生态旅游的重要目的地。 相似文献
Effects of elevation on spring phenological sensitivity to temperature in Tibetan Plateau grasslands 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Lingling Liu Liangyun Liu Liang Liang Alison Donnelly Isaac Park Mark D. Schwartz 《科学通报(英文版)》2014,59(34):4856-4863
Vegetation phenology is an important indicator of climate change impacts on the seasonal dynamics of the biosphere. However, little is known about the influence of elevation on spring phenological sensitivity to temperature in an alpine ecosystem. Based on remotely sensed land surface phenology and temperature data from 2001 to 2010, this study investigated the rate of spring phenological change of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) grasslands in response to interannual temperature variations at different elevations. Results suggest that spring phenology in the TP grasslands exhibits a stronger response to changes in temperature at higher elevations than at lower ones. In particular, spring phenology advanced by 1-2 days in response to a 1 ℃ increase in May average temperature at elevations from 3,000 to 3,500 m, while the rate was up to 8-9 days/℃ at 5,000-5,500 m. Analysis using accumulated growing degree days (AGDD) from January 1 through May 31 showed the same general trend with increased elevation associated with increased sensitivity (as measured by phenological change per unit of AGDD change). Such temperature sensitivity gradients in the TP grasslands could be partly explained by the growth efficiency hypothesis which suggests that vegetation adapted to colder climates likely requires less heat energy for the onset of growing season and vice versa in warmer climates. Furthermore, accumulated growing degree days from January 1 to the greenup date were found to decrease with increasing elevations, which provided evidence to support the applicability of the growth efficiency hypothesis in an alpine grassland ecosystem. 相似文献
天池,我国三大高山天池之一,世所罕见的高山湖泊群.古称祁连池或祁连泊.位于宁武县城西南20 km、海拔1 054 m的分水岭东顶部.天池湖泊群详名为天池(俗称马营海或母海)、元池(俗称公海)、琵琶海、鸭子海、干海、老师傅海.它们面积、深浅不一,其中以马营海为最,水深20余米,面积超过1 km2.关于天池的记载,散见于《山海经》、《水经注》、《资治通鉴》、《隋书》、《唐书》、《三关志》、《晋问》等典籍.很久以来,天池一直为皇家和世人所关注,是历代帝王、文人墨客避暑观光、游览狩猎的绝佳胜境.先后有北齐皇帝高炜、隋炀帝杨广、唐高祖李渊、唐太宗李世民、后汉帝刘渊等16个皇帝巡游览胜.现已辟为省级旅游风景名胜区. 相似文献
<正>南美洲有一个横跨秘鲁和波利维亚两国边境的高山湖泊——喀喀湖,喀喀湖海拔3900m,隐没于安第斯山脉的崇山峻岭之中,周围森林密布。离喀喀湖不远的高原荒野上,有一座充满着神奇色彩的宏伟古城——太阳城蒂亚瓦纳科。 相似文献
众所周知,我们生活在紫外线的世界里,但是这些看不见的光线究竟是人类的朋友还是敌人?它们只影响我们的皮肤吗?臭氧层空洞与近年来人们普遍感受到的气温上升有关系吗?本刊就这些问题对气象学家进行了专访。 相似文献
长链多不饱和脂肪酸花生四烯酸(ARA,C20:4n-6)是合成生物活性物质类二十碳烷酸的初级底物神经组织的重要组成成分.Δ6-脂肪酸延长酶是花生四烯酸Δ6-合成途径的关键酶之一.根据已经报道的Δ6-脂酸延长酶基因序列设计引物,分别从产花生四烯酸的丝状真菌高山被孢霉ATCC16266菌株基因组和cDNA扩增得到该序列.经序列分析后,将来源于cDNA的序列连接到毕赤酵母表达载体pPIC3.5K上,得到重组质PIC3.5K-ELO.用电击转化法将重组载体pPIC3.5K-ELO转化到巴斯德毕赤酵母GS115中,在缺省培养基筛选得到毕赤酵母转化菌株pPIC3.5K-ELO.在适宜的培养条件下,添加外源底物γ-亚麻酸(GLA)和诱导物醇诱导基因表达.气相色谱分析表明该基因在毕赤酵母中得到了表达,底物GLA转化为二高γ-亚麻酸GLA),转化效率为28.91%.对Δ6-脂肪酸延长酶进行跨膜分析,表明该蛋白为具有7个跨膜域的膜结合蛋白. 相似文献