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通过对我国黄土高原2个末次间冰期剖面的石英粒度分析,发现的这一时段由粗粒含量增加所指示的重复粉尘堆积事件有九次:DE1(70-71ka)、DE2(74.5-75ka)、DE3(81.3-83ka)、DE4(90-91)ka)、DE5(101-102ka)、DE6(106-107.7kg)、DE7(110kg)、DE8(113.5-115ka)、DE9(119-121.6ka)并且和东北大西洋V29  相似文献   
台湾岛原来是海洋 ,受地块构造运动、冰期和间冰期、海浸海退的影响 ,经过多次的海陆变迁 ,而逐渐形成台湾岛与大陆隔有台湾海峡的自然地理环境 .  相似文献   
河南三门峡王官剖面与甘肃武威沙沟剖面捕捉到了末次间冰期向末次冰期转换时期发生于72 ka前后持续时间约为2 ka的一暖性回返事件,两剖面的冬、夏季风替代指标对该暖性回返事件的反应在时间上大致同步(其时间段约为71~73 ka,在71.4~72.1 ka前后该暖性回返事件最强盛),暗示该暖性回返事件在东亚季风区可能是一普遍存在的气候突变事件.鉴于该暖性回返事件在全球其他地区的海洋、陆地、冰芯记录中也有较普遍的反映,我们认为该事件很可能是一次发生于气候转型期的全球普遍存在的暖性突变事件.  相似文献   
Two sediment cores, KCES1 and ODP797, which were recovered from the Sea of Japan (JS), were measured for alkenone-derived sea surface temperatures (U37-SSTs). Our results revealed that the SSTs closely follow the glacial-interglacial cycles during the last 170 ka, except in the last glacial maximum (LGM), during which the SST was higher than in the Holocene. The anomalous high temperature in the LGM is considered as an effect of the intrusion of a low salinity water mass into the JS when the sea level was almost below 130 m. On the glacial- K interglacial to orbital timescale, the U37-SSTs record in the JS correlated well with the benthic foraminiferal SO record and solar insolation, which suggests the dominant control of solar insolation and its related sea ice develop- ment on the SST in the JS. On the sub-orbital/millennial timescale, reduced SST corresponds to an enhanced east asian winter monsoon (EAWM) during the last glacial period (MIS3 and MIS4), indicating the dominant control of sea ice expansion due to the enhanced EAWM on the SST in the JS. In contrast, during the last interglacial period (MIS5), the SST in the JS was controlled by variations in the east Asian summer monsoon. These results highlight the key role of solar insolation and associated glacial-interglacial conditions in the variations of the SST in the JS since the last 170 ka.  相似文献   
揭示埃姆间冰期的气候 2010年7月份,格陵兰岛北部埃姆冰芯钻探项目(NEEM)钻到了冰盖之下的基岩,在2537.36米深处得到了最底层的冰芯,即埃姆间冰期的表面。埃姆间冰期(大约13万年前到11.5万年前)是上一个间冰期,当时全球的平均气温比现在高5摄氏度。利用冰芯里同位素、温室气体、DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)、孢粉等,研究人员可以知道过去气候变化的情况,进而为未来气候变化预测提供可靠的依据。  相似文献   
Abundance of C3 and C4 photosynthesis plants can be inferred relatively from stable carbon isotopic composition of organic matter in soils. The samples from five sequences of the last glacial-interglacial loess-soil in the Chinese Loess Plateau have been measured for organic carbon isotopic ratios (613Corg). The organic carbon isotope data show that relative abundance (or biomass) of C4 plants was increased ca. 40% for each sampling site from the last glacial maximum (LGM) to Holocene optimum, and increased southeastward on the Loess Plateau during both periods of LGM and Holocene. Statistic analyses on the steady maximum δ^13Corg values of Holocene soils and modern climatic data from the Loess Plateau and Inner Mongolia indicate that the C4 plant abundance increases with increasing temperature and decreasing precipitation. The C4 plant abundance is related much closer with mean April temperature and precipitation than annual. These results lead us to deduce following conclusions. First, temperature is the major factor for control on variations in C4 plant abundance in the Loess Plateau from the last glacial to interglacial. In the absence of favorable temperature condition, both of low moisture and low atmospheric CO2 concentration are insufficient to drive an expansion of the C4 plants in the plateau. Second,δ^13Corg in the loess-paleosol sequences, as a proxy of the relative abundance of C4 plants in the Loess Plateau, could not be used as an indicator of changes in the summer monsoon intensity unless the temperature had changed without great amplitude. Since all C4 plants are grasses, finally, the increase of the C4 plants supports that forest has not been dominant in the ecosystem on the Loess Plateau during Holocene although precipitation and atmospheric CO2 were largely increased relative to those during LGM.  相似文献   
毛乌素沙漠萨拉乌苏河流域米浪沟湾剖面时代上属末次间冰期的MGS5层段可以进一步划分为5a-5e亚段.其中5a,5c和5e亚段以河湖相和古土壤为主要特征,其CaCO3含量主体呈现峰态;5b和5d亚段以风成沙丘砂沉积为主,CaCO3含量主体呈现谷态.研究表明,末次间冰期毛乌素沙漠冬季风盛行时期,沙丘砂强烈堆积,CaCO3大量迁移;夏季风盛行时期河湖相和古土壤发育,CaCO3大量聚集.研究还发现,MGS5各个亚段CaCO3记录的冬夏季风环境与格陵兰冰芯氧同位素5a-5e亚段在时间-气候性质上的变化节奏相当一致.这可能说明,末次间冰期毛乌素沙漠的演化主要受北半球冰量增减导致的东亚冬、夏季风强弱所控制.  相似文献   
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