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针对在强干扰背景中检测弱目标信号时被动声信号处理技术的性能会严重降低的问题,提出了一种自适应空域矩阵滤波器的设计方法。该方法是在保证滤波器通带响应与期望响应误差和阻带响应低于某设定值的条件下,最小化滤波后基阵的输出功率,使得滤波器能尽量保证让通带扇面的信号无失真通过,同时抑制阻带扇面的干扰和噪声。将滤波器的优化设计问题表达成二阶锥规划的形式,利用已有的内点方求出其数值解。最后将设计的自适应空域矩阵滤波器用于强干扰背景中弱目标信号的方位估计。计算机仿真结果说明,所提方法能在干扰方位形成零陷,有效地抑制阻带区域的强干扰,提高了后续方位估计方法的性能。 相似文献
外汇风险的极值相关模型 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究在已知某一分量极值出现的情况下,通过多维随机向量的联合条件分布的近似分布,利用半参数方法,给出一个极值相关模型,估计多维随机向量的任意尾部事件概率.应用该方法估计加元和日元资产组合一天的99.9%,99.99%,99.999%VaR值分别为0.0321,0.0439,0.0598. 相似文献
胡隽 《系统工程理论与实践》2007,27(10):124-131
为了减少盖氏圆准则信源数估计算法的运算量并且提高信源数估计的精度,根据噪声空间与阵列导向矩阵的正交性原理,设计了基于特征空间的信源数估计算法(Estimator Based on Eigenvectors,EBE).EBE构造时空相关矩阵,利用色噪声在时间上相关性比较弱的特点,实现对空间色噪声的抑制.在空间白噪声环境下和空间色噪声环境下测试了EBE信源数估计的性能并且与传统的盖氏圆准则和其它色噪声类信源数估计的一些算法比较,证明了EBE在空间白噪声和空间色噪声环境下的有效性.EBE不仅节省了盖氏圆准则信源数估计中一次特征分解的运算量,并且同时提高了信源数估计的性能. 相似文献
针对一类欠驱动串联机械臂,基于其动力学方程的变换,提出了一种分步控制策略。该策略首先利用全驱动关节与欠驱动关节之间的动力学耦合,驱使欠驱动关节达到理想位置进而对其进行锁定。由于欠驱动关节理想夹角的随机性,使得锁定欠驱动关节后的机械臂成为一结构不确定系统。针对此类系统,结合迭代学习和耗散控制理论,提出了一种无源-自适应迭代学习控制方法,使其能够进行轨迹跟踪。通过对三连杆机械臂的仿真验证了其有效性及实用性。 相似文献
Shuyi Jia Guohong Wang Shuncheng Tan 《系统工程与电子技术(英文版)》2014,(2):183-193
The acceleration of a high maneuvering target in signal processing is helpful to enhance the performance of the tracker and facilitate the classification of targets. At present, most of the research on acceleration estimation is carried out in cases of a single target with time-frequency analysis methods such as fractional Fourier transform (FRFT), Hough-ambiguity transform (HAT), and Wigner-Vil e distribution (WVD), which need to satisfy enough time duration and sampling theorem. Only one reference proposed a method of acceleration estimation for multiple targets based on modified polynomial phase transform (MPPT) in the lin-ear frequency modulation (LFM) continuous-wave (CW) radar. The method of acceleration estimation for multiple targets in the pulse Doppler (PD) radar has not been reported so far. Compressive sensing (CS) has the advantage of sampling at a low rate and short duration without sacrificing estimation performance. There-fore, this paper proposes a new method of acceleration estimation for multiple maneuvering targets with the unknown number based on CS with pulse Doppler signals. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed method under several conditions with different duration, measurement numbers, signal to noise ra-tios (SNR), and regularization parameters, respectively. Simulation results also show that the performance of the proposed method is superior to that of FRFT and HAT in the condition of multiple targets. 相似文献
研究了关于单方程计量经济模型的贝叶斯统计推断问题,即根据样本似然函数的形式构造出未知参数的先验分布,选取正态-Gamma分布为先验分布,对后验分布进行统计推断.最后推导了未知参数在二次损失函数下的贝叶斯估计. 相似文献