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前列腺素E1的临床应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前列腺素E1(PGE1)是人体内一种重要的内源性生理活性物质,具有多种生理、药理作用。本文就近年来前列腺素E1的临床应用情况进行全面综述,以促进其更加广泛的应用。  相似文献   
在经验论者的眼里,世界首先是一幅机械的物质画面。在这里物质就是绝对僵死的、被动的东西。宇宙的实在性就建立在这种死去的基础上。莱氏以为,实体不是暂时的,表面的现象。而是一切赖以在起来的基础,也即维持其存在的那种力量。可感官的现象,恰恰是实体的异化。这种精神的力,恰好是不能由仪器去测量的。实体是世界元初的原因,原始的原因,  相似文献   
利用THYESS法对几种典型的环境内分泌干扰物质的毒理活性进行了定量筛检,并进一步结合量子化学对被检物质作了QSAR分析.结果表明,用THYESS法筛检出的环境内分泌干扰物质存在着良好的毒活性.反应剂量关系.这种测定方法再结合量子化学的QSAR分析,有望成为获得大量环境样品中EDCs毒害数据的一种良好方法.  相似文献   
通过对不同类型的化合物在多种固相萃取柱上的回收率进行评价,对影响萃取效率的各参数进行了测定,确定了测定不同水样以及不同组分的最佳萃取条件,建立了系统的半挥发物富集方案,为松花江水中有机毒物的分析测定提供了有效的样品处理方法和测定方法。  相似文献   
P物质是一种广泛存在于哺乳动物中枢及外周神经元系统中的11肽。采用有机溶剂分级法提纯鸡脑P物质,紫外分光光度计测定含量,聚酰胺薄膜层析分析氨基酸组成。结果表明:鸡脑P物质的氨基酸组成和N端氨基酸与资料中完全一致。  相似文献   
Aerosol samples for PM2.5 were collected in Beijing for 38 consecutive days from March to April 2001 using an IMPROVE Sampler. Concentrations of 20 elements in PM2.5 were determined using a PIXE method. Results show that the average mineral dust concentration of PM2.5 was 14.6 Ilg/m3 during the observation period. On the sand-dust event days of March 21 and April 10, dust PM2.5 mass concentrations were 62.4 and 54.1 μg/m^3, respectively.These demonstrate that fine particle pollution by dust event in Beijing was very severe. The enrichment factors of S and Cu reached minimums on the dusty days and were high on the non-dusty days. It is considered that enrichment factors of elements in PM2.5, which are associated with human activities, can probably provide an effective method to distinguish local sources from external sources of dust. Factor analysis on the chemical composition in PM2.5 shows that sources of crustal matters, anthropogenic emission, and oil combustion contributed to PM2.5 levels in air in the springtime of 2001 in Beijing.  相似文献   
Progress in the study of tectophysicochemistry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tectophysicochemistry is a research area that deals with the interrelations between physical and chemical changes of crustal materials caused by tectonism. A given tectonic force may be resolved into two parts: homogeneous stress and differential stress. Homogeneous stress refers to isotopic pressure, which is superimposed on the original pressure and affects the equilibrium of various chemical reactions. It is also a factor that influences petrogenesis,metallogenesis and metamorphism. Differential stress is commonly produced when external forces act on a given solid body. It may cause deformation of crustal materials and generate various kinds of structural features. Tectophysicochemistry pays special attention to pressure, temperature and other physicochemical conditions produced or induced by tectonism and studies the influences of additional tectonic parameters on various chemical equilibria, so it gradually develops into an independent area of science.  相似文献   
物质世界的微观和宏观两个领域内,人类在小步地前进着;而在介于它们之间的1—100纳米的世界里,20年前科学家们发现了深藏其中的一些物理和化学上的奇异现象,比如物体的强度、韧性、比热、导电率、扩散率、磁化率等完全不同于我们现有的常识。由这些全新的发现可能导致的全新理论的问世将会给人类带来怎样的影响,会成为一场持续多久的革命呢?请看中国科学院纳米科技项目首席科学家白春礼院士的报告。  相似文献   
中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院(以下简称合肥研究院)是由原安徽光学精密机械研究所、等离子体物理研究所、固体物理所及合肥分院等4个法人单位于2001年整合而成,是中国科学院重要的科教基地之一.  相似文献   
晓夫 《科学之友》2003,(6):26-26
如果有一天,当你正在餐馆里津津有味地品尝牛排的时候,有人突然告诉你这块肉是科学家在实验室里“种”出来的,你会有何感想? 在不久的将来,科学家利用高科技“培养”出的肉会同天然肉一样美味、富有营养。目前,一些细胞工程学家正在进行有关人造肉的研究。该项研究的最初目的是为那些进行长期星际旅行——如火星探索的宇航员们提供食用肉的来源,但专家指出,一旦研究获得成功,它也会让普通消费者受益。  相似文献   
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