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Cratonic destruction or lithospheric thinning beneath North China makes it as one of the most ideal areas for the studying on the formation and evolution of continent. However, the mechanism, time, range and dynamic setting of the destruction, even the lithospheric status before the destruction, are contentious. The comparison among mantle xenoliths in the volcanic rocks from different captured times (e.g. Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic) and locations (e.g. intra-plate or its rim, the translithospheric Tanlu fault or the North-South Gravity Line), and peridotitic massifs within the Sulu-Dabie ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism belt along the southern margin of the North China Craton, indicates that (1) the cratonic lithosphere is heterogeneous in structure and composition, and contains mantle weak zones; and (2) the Mesozoic-Cenozoic lithospheric thinning process is complex, including lateral spreading of lithosphere, interaction between melt and peridotite, non-even asthenospheric erosion (huge lithospheric thinning), and the limited lithospheric accretion and thus thickening, which resulted in the final replacement of the refractory cratonic lithosphere by juvenile fertile mantle. In early Mesozoic, the integrity of the North China Craton was interrupted, even destroyed by subduction and collision of the Yangtze block. The mantle wedge of the North China Craton was also metasomatized and modified by melt/fluids revealed from the subducted Yangtze continent. Lithospheric mantle extension and tectonic intrusion of the North China Craton also occurred, accompanied by the asthenospheric upwelling that due to the detachement of the subducted Yangtze continent (orogenic root). During early Cretaceous-early Tertiary, the huge thinning of lithosphere was triggered by the upwelling asthenosphere due to the subduction of the Pacific plate. Since late Tertiary, the cooling of the upwelling asthenosphere resulted in the replacement of the mantle in existence by the newly accreted lithosphere, accompanied with a little thickness in lithosphere and thus finally achieved the lithospheric thinning as a whole. The translithospheric faults, such as the Tanlu fault, play excellent channels for asthenospheric upwelling. Meanwhile, the channels in lithosphere are usually irregular, which resulted in different eruption times of magma. Peridotite xenolith in the basalts erupted at 100 Ma is mainly fertile, indicating such a fact, that is, the mantle replacement occurred before the eruption (e.g. 125--100 Ma) beneath the eastern part of the North China Craton.  相似文献   
油藏研究的核心是储层研究,储层的分类和评价则是储层研究的重点所在,碎屑岩储层分类是进行储层评价的前提,结合当前的生产技术手段,做出对碎屑岩储层正确分类具有重要意义。笔者在系统总结前人研究成果的基础上,根据自己研究经验、认识,从生产及科研需要的实际出发,分别以形成碎屑岩储层的营力介质条件、沉积环境、岩性特征、储层物性特征等为依据对储层分类进行了论述,特别是在当前各种开发工艺技术手段急速发展的时期,使得煤岩、泥岩都具有成为储层的可能,笔者特别指出对储层的认识及分类一定要结合当前的工艺水平,把分类方案落实到成因分类上来。  相似文献   
在这张由美国宇航局于2010年2月19日发布的卫星照片上,两座相邻的俄罗斯火山正在同时喷发。地质学家说,虽然这张照片看上去让人吃惊,但这两座火山——堪察  相似文献   
科学家推测木卫二的水体可能是一个浩瀚的海洋.这个海洋在木星系统巨大潮汐力的作用下保持着液态.它的深处还可能隐藏着温暖的热喷口.就像地球的海底火山热喷口一样……  相似文献   
进入2010年,地震的消息仿佛一下多了起来。1月3日,所罗门群岛(7.1级);1月12日,海地(7.0级);2月27日,智利(8.8级);4月14日,青海玉树(7.1级)。除了地震,冰岛埃亚菲亚德拉冰盖附近的一座火山在3月20日和4月5日两度爆发,其中,4月20日的爆发对欧洲的空中交通造成了严重的影响。这种背景下,很多人想起了玛雅传说中那个关于2012的末日预言——地震、火山……然后,就该世界末日了吧? 且慢,要得出"世界末日"的结论,首先需要问一句:地震真的多了吗?  相似文献   
<正>如果地球像玻璃一样透明,我们可以清楚地看到地球内部的一切,这将是怎样一幅景象?在法国小说家儒勒·凡尔纳所著的《地心历险记》中,三位主人公按照古人所写的一封密码信的指引,在冰岛找到一个火山口,并沿着火山熔岩的通道深入地下,成功到达了地心。在那里,他们不仅发现了一个巨大的海洋,还发现了海岸边生长着的体型巨大的植物,甚至看见了古人类的遗骸。历经千辛万苦之后,他们又遭遇到地  相似文献   
饶阳凹陷新近系馆陶组岩性以碎屑岩为主,岩性复杂多样,单纯利用测井曲线难以对岩性进行较好地识别,对后续测井解释的结果造成了不利的影响。针对该问题,以测井资料为基础,提出了一种首先利用交会图技术将各类岩性进行归纳总结,然后应用BP神经网络技术对归纳后的岩性进行快速识别的方法。从此种方法在留西地区的应用效果来看,该方法对样本数据库中各类岩性的识别精度达到了90%以上,其中泥岩和粉砂岩的识别精度更是达到了100%,大大提高了单纯利用测井曲线对岩性进行分类识别的精度,在油气勘探开发过程中能够发挥较为重要的作用。  相似文献   
国际媒体最近刊发了在印尼爪哇岛卡瓦伊真火山拍到的一组蓝光流泻奇景。这种蓝光并非像一些网站误传的那样是蓝色熔岩,而是硫黄气体燃烧所发出的亮光。硫黄气体在高温(600℃)高压下从火山裂缝喷出,与空气接触后燃烧,火焰可升到5米高。一部分气体凝结成液态硫黄,它们在流下山坡的过程中继续燃烧,给人以熔岩流的感觉。  相似文献   
<正>落日余晖下,一条瀑布闪着橘红色的光芒,如同火山岩浆般,沿着山崖喷泄而下。在美国西部的加利福尼亚州内达华山脉上,有一个与大峡谷国家公园和黄石国家公园齐名的胜地,叫作约塞米蒂国家公园(Yosemite National Park)。每年1到2月中下旬,就有无数人汇聚在园内一片开阔的低谷平地上,有慕名前来的游人,有扛着高端照相机的摄影师,当然也不乏看热闹的过客。所有已架好的单反大炮都指向同一个方向,所有人的目光都聚焦在一处,脸上洋溢着期待的神采,盼望着,盼望着,似乎预示着某种奇遇即将从天而降。那究竟是怎样的景象让前来的人络绎不绝,让人甘愿在寒风凛冽中站立,又让人流连忘返恋恋不舍呢?  相似文献   
据美国《科学》杂志报道,美国科学家通过实验发现,火山喷出的气体有可能与其他有机化合物发生反应,生成生物体的重要部分——蛋白质。  相似文献   
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