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以噪声背景下高分辨雷达目标的距离剖面像为测量矢量 ,提出了基于修正特征子空间而进行特征抽取的目标识别方法。对每类目标 ,由训练样本矩阵经奇异值分解 (SVD) ,建立各自的特征子空间 ,并提取相应的降噪算子。对未知目标 ,其距离剖面像在各特征子空间中的投影 ,经相应降噪算子作用后 ,以能量最大为准则进行识别。模拟实验结果表明了所提方法的有效性 相似文献
DNA编码是DNA计算中初始数据库的寡核苷酸序列的设计问题,合理的DNA编码可以提高试验的成功率,从而确保DNA计算的稳定性和正确性。提出了更为合理的DNA编码改进Hamming距离与用于DNA编码的DNA码矩阵;给出设计优码字的三元DNA编码法以及扩元DNA编码法并对算法的复杂性进行了分析;结合算例给出算法设计DNA码字的优点。 相似文献
双基多输入单输出(multiple input single output,MISO)地波雷达采用岸基均匀线阵发射多载频线性调频中断连续波FMICW信号,单根全向天线接收回波信号。由于各发射阵元所用载频不同,目标回波中存在距离-方位耦合。耦合严重时,空时超分辨算法将失效。借鉴比幅单脉冲测角思想,推导了该耦合关系,得到耦合系数以及影响该系数的因素,即阵元发射信号载频与阵元位置。利用遗传算法优化载频选择方案,从而对距离方位解耦以提高测距测角精度。仿真表明通过合理选择阵元发射信号载频可以有效去耦。 相似文献
两移动平面运动体因有各自的智能控制器,因此当它们在跟踪控制时,双方必然及时根据对方的策略改变各自的控制策略(方向和速度大小),来达到一种真正的双边最优(主动跟踪者最短时间的追上被跟踪者,而被跟踪者最大化时间避免被追上).首先将平面上任意运动体简化成带速度和加速度的质点,然后利用追逃微分对策理论建立起此跟踪路径最优问题的哈密顿-雅可比-贝儿曼偏微分数学模型.对这种双边极值的难点问题,提出一种水平集数值求解方法.并利用水平集的偏微分方程与哈密顿-雅可比-贝儿曼偏微分方程结构相似性得到水平集的速度函数.对一平面上两无人驾驶飞机的动态跟踪双方进行仿真,仿真编程简单,解决了双边极值的求解. 相似文献
针对VHF/UHF波段日益复杂的射频干扰环境为雷达应用带来的挑战,提出了基于多普勒频域门限检测的自适应干扰抑制方法。通过在多普勒频域设置干扰检测门限,可以自适应地检测并抑制多帧步进频信号距离-多普勒成像过程中的射频干扰信号。理论分析及仿真表明,该方法不仅能够在尽可能减小雷达回波损失的前提下得到良好的干扰抑制效果,而且门限设计简单、易于实现,具有良好的适应性,适用范围较广,有利于工程实现。 相似文献
一种区间PCA的效度分析方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
关于区间数据的主成分分析(PCA)方法已取得了较丰富的研究成果,但少见对这些方法效度的评价研究.针对该问题,基于Hausdorff距离用于定义两个紧集之间距离的考虑,将区间数视为一个紧集,定义了区间数之间的距离,并研究了区间矩阵的距离.在此基础上,根据PCA方法的原理,建立了一个区间PCA方法的效度评价指标.该指标取值在0与1之间,其取值越大,说明区间PCA方法效度越高,反之则效度越小.最后,采用模拟的方法,分别选取均匀分布和正态分布两种类型的区间数据样本,对目前最常用的两种区间PCA方法--顶点法和中点法进行了效度分析,验证了文中所提的效度指标的正确性. 相似文献
This paper focuses on reducing the complexity of K-best sphere decoding (SD) algorithm for the detection of uncoded multi-ple input multiple output (MIMO) systems. The proposed algorithm utilizes the threshold-pruning method to cut nodes with partial Euclidean distances (PEDs) larger than the threshold. Both the known noise value and the unknown noise value are considered to generate the threshold, which is the sum of the two values. The known noise value is the smal est PED of signals in the detected layers. The unknown noise value is generated by the noise power, the quality of service (QoS) and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) bound. Simulation results show that by considering both two noise values, the proposed algorithm makes an efficient reduction while the performance drops little. 相似文献
Angular glint is a significant electromagnetic (EM) scattering signature of extended radar targets. Based on the adaptive cross approximation (ACA) algorithm accelerated method of moments (MoM) and the plane incident wave assumption, the narrowband, wideband and newly developed high-resolution range profile (HRRP) based angular glint calculation formulations are derived and applied to arbitrarily shaped three-dimensional (3D) perfectly electrical y conducting (PEC) objects. In addition, the near-field angular glint is emphasized, which is of great importance for radarseeker applications. Furthermore, with the HRRP based angular glint, an approach to rigorously determine range resolution cel s which own relatively smal er angular glint is provided. Numerical results are presented with new findings to demonstrate the usefulness of the developed formulations. 相似文献
Aiming at the concept of "diagnosis", a simple and effective broadband radar cross section (RCS) measurement system is constructed, and some multi-dimensional scattering properties diagnosis techniques are presented based on the system. Firstly, a stepped-frequency signal is employed to achieve high range resolution, combining with a variety of signal processing tech- niques. Secondly, cross-range resolution is gained with a rotating table, and the high-resolution two-dimensional (2-D) imaging of the scale model is obtained by the microwave imaging theory. Finally, two receiving antennas with a small distance in altitude are used, and the three-dimensional (3-D) height distribution of scattering points on the scale model is extracted from the phase of images. Some typical bodies and a scale aircraft model are diagnosed in an anechoic chamber. The experimental results show that, after scaling with a metal sphere, the accurate one- dimensional (l-D) RCS pattern of the model is obtained, and it has a large dynamic range. When the bandwidth of the transmitting signal is 4 GHz, the resolution of the 2-D image can reach to 0.037 5 m. The 3-D height distribution of scattering points is given by interferometric measurement. This paper provides a feasible way to obtain high-precision scattering properties parameters of the scale aircraft model in a conventional rectangular anechoic chamber. 相似文献
从产品结构的视角研究了两种具有替代效应且质量水平不同产品的最优定价策略及质量水平的变化给供应商和生产商带来的影响,分析了产品结构不同时利润以及市场份额的变化,探讨了消费者福利随质量水平变化的趋势. 研究结果表明: 虽然集中供应链的利润最大,但却牺牲了集成式产品的市场份额; 分散供应链背景下增大一种产品的模块化程度会减小该产品的市场份额,而提高一种产品的集成化程度可以使得产品线设计具有更大的灵活性,但会牺牲产品线中另一产品的市场份额. 最后通过算例分析了质量水平变化时供应商及生产商利润变化的情况,并发现消费者福利并不随质量水平单调增加,其变化趋势取决于消费者对质量的感知程度与价格变化之间的差值. 相似文献