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IntroductionIn thelast fewyears ,the application of natural dyes intextile dyeing is being explored worldwide .In comparisonwith synthetic dyes , the natural dyes are generallyenvironmental friendly and nontoxic . Natural dyes canexhibit better biodegradability and generally have a highercompatibility with the environment . Correlative researchwork is being under way around the world on theapplication of natural dyes . The introduction of naturaldyes into modern dyeing procedures that can be …  相似文献   
A new class of novel polymeric crosslinging agent (NPCA), which contained silane coupling group and the epoxy groups, was designed and synthesized in our laboratory. NPCA was a non-formaldehyde multifunctional crosslinking polymer. The cotton fabrics dyed with 8.0% (owf) Vinylsulpone-type dyes were treated with 3.0%- 4.0% NPCA, 0.5 mol/L potassium thiocyanate as a catalyst, then padded through two dips and two nips to reach a wet pickup of 80%- 85%, then dried at 80℃ for 2 minutes and cured in oven at 140- 150℃ for 3 minutes. Crocking fastness and fixation (%) were improved with up to 1.0 -1. 5 units, 35%- 50%, respectively. And there was little difference between the color yield of dyed fabrics before and after the treatment at certain conditions. The possible crosslinking mechanism of NPCA was also investigated. It was concluded that NPCA can improve colorfastness of cotton fabric by means of the three-dimensional network, covalent bonding and other molecular forces.  相似文献   
本文在分析目前世界棉纺技术发展情况的基础上,结合各种高技术在棉纺工业上的采用,预测到21世纪初棉纺工艺全流程向连续化方向发展,建立全自动化的工厂。  相似文献   
棉纺行业的概况和压锭任务1.1纺锭的数量与分布:到1997年末杭州地区(大市)全社会棉纺锭为43.14万锭(431424锭),比1996年的46万锭(459092锭)压缩了2.77万锭(27668锭),压缩了6%,大小企业共28家,最小企业仅3000锭(在萧山),最大企业为“杭二棉”(10万锭),分布在杭州、萧山、富阳、桐庐、建德六个市县,企业个数以萧山市最多,达19家。国有棉纺织企业仅4家(杭州市属3家、富阳市1家),拥有棉纺锭22万锭(219244锭),占全社会总锭数的50.81%。3家市属国有棉纺企…  相似文献   
Sirofil纺纱工艺的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了赛络菲尔纺纺纱的形成原理以及设备的改装,对纺制的棉型赛络菲尔纺纱线与同支环锭纱线进行了性能对比,并对其优越的纱线性能机理进行了探讨.  相似文献   
李长浩 《科技信息》2012,(12):435-435
0.前言近些年随着我国棉纺纺纱能力的不断上升,棉纺企业每年都要进口大量的棉花,而国内外原棉中都普遍存在着异纤问题,并使纺织产品在印染加工后形成纱疵。因此,异纤已是大多数纺织企业关注的一个重要质量指标。经过近十年的纺织设备发展,异纤清除机应运而生,成为了解决异纤的有效途径。我公司在2010年4月安装了一台YQ600H异纤清除机,经过2年摸索使用,清除原料异纤效果显著。  相似文献   
IntroductionFluorinated coatings are the most i mportant class ofwater and oil repellent finishing agents for textiles due totheir opti mum perfor mance in lowering the surface freeenergy[1]and i mproving both hydrophobicity andoleophobicity . But in recent years , the fluorocarbonscontaining long perfluoroalkyl chains are facing theproblems such as the persistence ,bioaccumulation,and/ortoxicity in environment and some of them have beenbanned fromthe market[2]. Thus , many efforts have beenma…  相似文献   
本文就亚麻纺纱在棉纺系统上的工艺特点进行了讨论,指出应用棉纺设备也可纺制具有独特风格的亚麻混纺纱。  相似文献   
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