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Based on the entransy dissipation extremum principle for thermal insulation process, the constructal optimizations for a plane insulation layer of the steel rolling reheating furnace wall with convective and radiative boundary conditions are carried out by taking the minimization of entransy dissipation rate as optimization objective. The optimal construct of the plane insulation layer is obtained. The results show that for the convective heat transfer boundary condition, the optimal constructs of the insulation layer obtained based on the minimizations of the entransy dissipation rate and heat loss rate are obvi- ously different. Comparing the optimal construct obtained based on the minimization of the entransy dissipation rate with that based on the minimization of the heat loss rate, the entransy dissipation rate is reduced by 5.98 %, which makes the global thermal insulation performance of the insulation layer improve. For the combined convective and radiative heat transfer boundary condition, compared the insulation layer having an increasing thickness with that having constant thickness and a decreasing thickness, the entransy dissipation rates are reduced by 16.59 % and 39.72 %, respectively, and the global thermal insulation performance of the insulation layer is greatly improved.There exits an optimal constant coefficient α2,opt which leads to the minimum dimensionless entransy dissipation rate of the insulation layer. The difference between the optimal constant coefficients α2,opt obtained based on the minimizations of the entransy dissipation rate and the maximum temperature gradient of the insulation layer is small. This makes the corresponding thermal stress obtained based on the minimum dimensionless entransy dissipation rate also be small, and the global thermal insulation performance and thermal safety of the insulation layer are improved simultaneously. The results obtained can provide some guidelines for the optimal designs of the insulation layers.  相似文献   
介绍的是一种运用模糊控制手段实现恒温供暖的自动控制系统,同时又可以根据不同热用户的需求,实现室内温度的手动控制。该系统应用温度传感器采集室内温度与设定温度之间的差值,作为输入信号,通过PLC控制变频泵转速,同时该系统还可以通过手动调节变频泵转速,根据热用户的需求手动调节室内温度。  相似文献   
天宫一号和神舟八号交会对接,开启了中国的空间站时代,航天员在太空的饮食起居与地球上有什么不同?本文就为我们展现出了一幅多角度的太空生活图景。厨房空调一个不少只要将分装好的大米放入一个银白色的立体容器内,轻轻按下电源开关,再耐心地等上30分钟,一份香喷喷的米饭便冒着热  相似文献   
目前市场存在的除冰除雪车存在售价高、效率低和维修困难等缺点,基于微波加热与机械除冰技术研制了一款智能扫雪除冰车,该车具有微波加热装置、扫雪扫冰、收集破碎冰块等多种功能。文中介绍了该车的结构与工作原理,运用Solid Works软件对其进行了建模、虚拟装配,并对小车的动力系统进行了功率匹配研究。实践证明该扫雪除冰车移动灵活、效率高、操作简便和性价比高等优点,具有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   
李续儒 《科学技术与工程》2012,12(31):8394-8396
通过油藏数值模拟方法研究了蒸汽吞吐方式下注入蒸汽对水平井的作用机理。认为注汽参数中,注汽强度的大小直接影响到水平段加热半径扩展的范围、井筒的吸汽状态和水平段有效加热长度;同时注汽强度还决定了后期的蒸汽作用方向。通过典型油藏离散化数值模拟模型的注汽强度计算,针对性地提出蒸汽吞吐水平井在不同油藏条件下,合理注汽强度的优化设计原则,并在现场开展了增大注汽强度试验,应用后取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
感应加热钢包炉是国外新发展的一种二次精炼及加热设备,具有高效、低能耗、无污染的特点,本文在感应加热钢包炉电磁与结构分析工作的基础上,用电磁场数值模拟方法对感应加热钢包炉的电磁设计和包壳结构进行优化。  相似文献   
采用含0.02 mol/L乙酸锌(C4H6O4Zn)、0.1 mol/L六次甲基四胺(HMT)和Mg(HCO3)2溶液复配成脱酸液,纸质文物在脱酸液中浸泡后放入微波炉中低火加热。通过对处理前后纸样的外观、pH等性能测定及扫描电镜(SEM)和场发射扫描电镜(FESEM)分析,综合评估其脱酸效果。结果表明:复配脱酸液pH呈中性,对纸张伤害小;微波处理后纸张纤维之间沉积了大量纳米级或微米级的锌盐和镁盐晶体,纸张pH能提高至理想值8.06,残留碱含量达到1.92%;该脱酸液对字迹具有一定的固色功能。  相似文献   
环介导等温扩增技术检测乳粉中肺炎克雷伯菌   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以荚膜脂多糖(capsular polysaccharide,CPS)合成调控子resA为靶基因片段,设计了肺炎克雷伯菌特异性引物,建立了环介导恒温扩增技术(Loop-Mediated lsothermal Amplification,LAMP)检测方法.结果表明,3对LAMP引物对肺炎克雷伯菌不仅有菌种专一性,而且,具有相当高的灵敏度(2 CFU/100 g).因此,该方法有利于更快更准确的鉴定食品中肺炎克雷伯氏菌.  相似文献   
高含水硫酸铝的微波脱水研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了水合硫酸铝微波脱水的动力学,测定了水合硫酸铝在微波场中的升温性能,根据微波加热过程的特点,指出了水合硫酸铝微波脱水的非等温动力学模型,并与常规脱水进行了比较。  相似文献   
通过对郑州市污水处理厂污泥消化系统运行中的污泥投配、污泥加热、沼气搅拌等几个重要问题的分析,对污泥消化系统运行方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   
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