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本主庙装饰艺术的巧妙运用,使建筑的主题或某种文化的涵义凸现出来,形成视觉焦点,产生深刻的吸引力、感染力和震撼力,使得建筑艺术的外观和形式具有了丰富的审美意蕴。主要表现在装饰图案的丰富性与象征性、装饰风格的世俗化与演进性、装饰艺术的传统性与现代性三个方面。  相似文献   
王缉思 《世界知识》2013,(21):14-24
由云南大学国际关系研究院、新加坡国立大学东亚研究所联合主办的第四届西南论坛“中国向西开放:历史与现实的考察”.于2013年9月13日~15日在云南大学举行。本文即是北京大学国际关系学院院长王缉思在此论坛上的主旨发言。  相似文献   
Recent progress in the study of the UHP metamorphic belt in southwestern Tianshan, China, is summarized in this paper. This about 80-kin-long and over 10-km-wide UHP belt has been recognized by the discovery of coesite, coesite pseudomorphs and other UHP minerals. It is the largest oceanic-type UHP metamorphic belt reported so far. It has formed due to northward subduc- tion of the Tianshan Paleo-Ocean. U-Pb dating of metamorphic rims of zircons from a coesite-bearing garnet-phengite schist yields a peak UHP metamorphic ages of 320±3.7 Ma. Combined with ages of 233-226 Ma obtained from rims of zircons from retrograded eclogites, a long retrograde metamorphic evolution (〉70 Ma) has been revealed. According to phase equilibria mod- eling, the P-T paths of both coesite-bearing eclogites and garnet-phengite schists are characterized by thermal relaxation, i.e., the metamorphic temperature peak lags behind the pressure peak, indicating that the UHP rocks experienced slow and long heating and decompression during exhumation in the subduction channel. On the basis of the field observation that a small amount of eclogite lenses is wrapped in large volumes of metapelites, and the similar P-T paths of both rock types, we propose that the ex- humation of the UHP eclogites from southwestern Tianshan, China, may have resulted from the exhumation of large volumes of low-density metapelites, which carried the denser eclogites to the Earth's surface.  相似文献   
根据2012年1-4月我国鱿钓船西南大西洋公海阿根廷滑柔鱼资源探捕数据,结合历年调查资料和表温资料,对其产量分布与表温关系进行分析.结果显示:2012年西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼产量主要集中在1、2两个月份,占探捕调查总产量的65.2%,其中产量最高的月份为2月份,CPUE达7.93 t/d;在适温范围内CPUE与SST之间具有较高的相关性,表现为CPUE随SST值升高而增大;从1-4月探捕海区情况来看,中心渔场渔区主要集中于45.25°-47.25° S,60.00°~60.75° W之间,随着时间的推移,中心渔场有自北向南移动的趋势.  相似文献   
"生态经济昆明高层论坛-海峡两岸生态经济理论与实践研讨会"将于2008年9月19-21日在昆明举办。该论坛由云南省科学技术学会、中国生态经济学会、西南林学院、云南省生态经济学会、台湾开南大学联合主办,中国科协《科技导报》社、京港学术交流中心、澳门科学技术协进会、  相似文献   
2008年8月29~31日,由中国地质学会沉积地质专业委员会、中国矿物岩石地球化学学会沉积学专业委员会主办,成都理工大学承办,中国石油西南油气田分公司、中国石化西南油气分公司、中国石化勘探南方分公司等单位协办的第五届全国油气储层学术研讨会在成都市召开。出席此次学术研讨会的代表共272人,分别来自国内12家油田单位、16所高校、11家科研单位以及5家学术期刊出版单位。会议的宗旨是总结、交流近年来我国在油气储层及相关地质、地球化学及地球物理等研究领域的最新研究成果,讨论油气储层研究的现状、问题与发展趋势。  相似文献   
The content and hydrogen isotope ratios of n-alkanes extracted from recent lake surface sediments sampled from nine lakes in three different climate zones on the Southwestern Tibetan Plateau were analyzed. Values were compared with n-alkanes in plants from lake drain- ages, and δD values of meteoric water, lake water, and mean annual precipitation. The results showed that n-C23 was predominantly derived from aquatic plants, and n-C27- n-C33 from terrestrial higher plants. The average carbon chain length of n-C27-n-C33 (ACL27-33) was positively correlated with the mean annual precipitation. δD values of the long-chain n-alkanes n-C29 and n-C31 of terrestrial origin (varying between -214‰ and -169 ‰, and-226 ‰ and -185 ‰, respectively) were inversely correlated with mean annual precipitation; but in accordance with the average annual variations in δD (OIPC), δD values of n-C31 were strongly related to the δD values of growing season meteoric water (R2 = 0.74). The large difference between δD values of n-C23 of aquatic origin and n-C31 (an average of about 27 ‰) demonstrates the enrichment of the lake water δD compared to precipitation, caused by strong evaporation in the semiarid-arid areas of the southwestern Tibetan Plateau. Average value of εn-c25- 31/p (-95 ‰) is evidently higher than the value observed in European wet regions (-128 ‰); besides, εn-C31 (about -116 ‰) is constant along the study transect (SD = 9), which indicates that n-C31 is a useful proxy for the environment.  相似文献   
栗宏 《天津科技》2014,(6):83-85
西南酸菜腌渍过程中,受盐度、温度、腌制工艺的影响,风味易发生变化。通过控制盐度、采用二次加盐腌渍工艺以及对于气候温度的把握,优化工业化酸菜发酵工艺方法,使腌渍酸菜风味及品质趋于一致。  相似文献   
"还傩愿"是广泛流传在西南少数民族当中的民间宗教信仰.以湖南桑植高傩为个案研究,阐述高傩仪式环境中的空间造型艺术的研究方法、研究范围、分类特点,造型艺术在神圣空间构建中的作用,以及仪式环境对造型艺术的影响.  相似文献   
通过对渤海海域庙西北洼古近系17个烃源岩样品的色谱-质谱分析,系统研究了渤海海域烃源岩的芳烃地球化学特征,并进行了烃源岩沉积环境与成熟度的分析.结果显示:研究区烃源岩样品中检测到的芳烃化合物有170余种,以萘、菲系列化合物为主,不同层段烃源岩芳烃各系列化合物相对含量略有差异.烷基萘及三芴系列化合物分析表明东营组第二段烃源岩沉积时水体还原性较弱,沙河街组第一段烃源岩沉积时水体还原性最强,东营组第三段次之.烷基萘和三芳甾烷参数表明烃源岩样品现今主要处于成熟阶段.  相似文献   
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