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陈国成  郑洪波  李建如  谢昕  梅西 《科学通报》2007,52(23):2768-2776
通过对南海西部越南岸外MD05-2901孔的有孔虫氧同位素测定, 建立了450 ka以来高分辨率的年代地层. 结合沉积物的密度、孔隙率和陆源碎屑含量, 计算了陆源碎屑的堆积速率, 结果显示在间冰期时堆积速率的平均值为4.9~6.0 g/(cm2·ka), 高于冰期的1.9~5.0 g/(cm2·ka), 与发表过的南海南、北部冰期高于间冰期的特点明显不同. 对陆源沉积物的粒度分布进行主成分因子分析, 获得了两个主控因子F1和F2, 它们控制了陆源沉积近80%的粒度变化特征. 对F1敏感的1.26~2.66 μm%1)和10.8~14.3 μm%呈现高频的波动, 和北半球低纬夏季太阳辐射量吻合很好, 显示23 ka的岁差周期和13 ka的半岁差周期. 对F2敏感的4.24~7.42 μm%和30.1~43.7 μm%, 则显示强烈的100 ka的偏心率周期. 本区的陆源沉积物来源于南海西南和北部2个地区, 在动力上则分别由夏季风和冬季风驱动的不同方向的洋流搬运. 研究认为, 晚第四纪以来东亚夏季风受控于低纬区的夏季日射量的变化, 而冬季风主要受高纬冰盖变化驱动, 呈冰期/间冰期旋回尺度的波动, 这反映了东亚季风演化的双重驱动机制.  相似文献   
在中国东北辽宁西部,保存着世界闻名的化石宝库——热河生物群,1.2亿年前,这里是众多生物的天堂。在茂密的森林与交错的湖泊昕组成的生态系统中。蕴育7世界上独一无二的身披羽毛的恐龙:在翼龙霸占的白垩纪的天空,鸟类不甘示弱。以后来者的勇气演绎出自己的精彩;最早的真兽(有眙盘的哺乳动物)和后兽(有袋类)也从这里起源;还有几乎最原始的花朵。以及各式各样的昆虫……而特殊的地质环境以近乎完美的方式把这一切尘封于地下,令我们今天有机会循着化石的轨迹去探寻这个充满生机的古老生物群。[编者按]  相似文献   
南海三维变分海洋同化模式及其验证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于Princeton Ocena Model(POM)建立了一个南海三维变分海洋同化模式,该模式主要用于卫星遥感高度计沿轨资料同化,考虑了每条轨道上的误差相关性,并且引入递归滤波优化运算.采用1998年春季和夏季、2000年夏季3个航次温盐资料对这个系统进行评估表明,相对于未同化的模式模拟结果,无论对温盐异常年份还是正常年份,该系统的温盐均方根误差和偏差都显著减小,误差结构更符合正态分布.特别是在盐度场上能重现南海由于降水和径流所造成的淡水盖,该系统也能将海表动力高度信息有效传递进模式次表层;温盐资料验证各航次评估结果差别不大,表明该同化系统性能是稳定的.  相似文献   
南海北部大陆架海洋生态系统Ecopath模型的应用与分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
过度捕捞和环境恶化导致渔业资源和海洋生态系统逆向发展。采用EwE5.1软件,对南海北部大陆架建立Ecopath(生态通道模型)模型。通过各级流量、生物量、生产量、捕捞量、系统总流量以及生态位和混和营养效应等方面的分析,得出营养流通主要有2种途径,肉食鱼类间饵料竞争非常激烈,低值鱼类间具相似的捕食压力,顶级捕食者对大部分鱼类负效应不明显。系统受过度捕捞渔业影响很大,并存在营养级I利用效率低和渔业资源小型化、低值化等不稳定的幼态特征。  相似文献   
对现代珊瑚的氧同位素组成的季节与年际变化研究业已表明,海南岛东岸现代珊瑚氧同位素组成在冬季主要受表层海温控制,而在夏季则主要受夏季风降水决定的表层海水盐度影响.基于这一联系,本研究在高精度铀系测年基础上对中全新世滨珊瑚40a的同位素分析结果表明,5400a前的全新世中期滨珊瑚的δ18O值相对于现代升高了0.613‰(相当于11%),指示着海水δ18O值和盐度相对于现代的升高程度,可能主要与南海和太平洋水体交换强度增加所导致的盐度增大有关;结果同时显示,δ18O值的季节性幅度相对于现代增加了0.535‰(相当于33%),可能主要由冬季海水δ18O值升高引起,这一变化也与中全新世日照相对于现代的季节幅度增加相一致,分析认为日照增加引起的蒸发量增加和太平洋海水交换加强可能是根本原因.重建的冬夏季风代用指标的结果显示,中全新世冬夏季风的年际变率相对于现代都有所增加;谱分析结果揭示出冬季风年代尺度波动和夏季风约3a周期的存在,这些周期仍位于ENSO对季节变化的周期之内.  相似文献   
Quantitative analysis of benthic foraminifera from ODP Site 1146 in the northern South China Sea (SCS) shows that abundance of Bulimina alazanensis, sometimes up to about 90%, decreased gradually since 3.2 Ma, especially at 2.1 Ma. Abundance of other benthic foraminiferal species, Globobulimina sub-globosa and Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, increased after 2.1 Ma. Comparison with changes in oxygen and carbon isotopes of planktonic and benthic foraminifera shows that high abundance values of B. alazanensis corresponded with lower values of oxygen isotope, but for carbon isotope, high values of the species were consistent with heavier carbon isotope of benthic foraminifera and lighter carbon isotope of planktonic foraminifera, respectively, and vice versa. Considering factors such as uplift of Bashi Strait, expansion of the North Hemisphere Glaciation, strengthening of East Asian winter mon-soon and variations in oxygen and carbon isotope of foraminifera, changes of B. alazanensis in ODP Site 1146 suggest that the source of deep water masses of the northern South China Sea changed from the warm Pacific deep water with high oxygen content to Pacific Intermediate water with low oxygen content at 2.1 Ma. In addition, the strengthened East Asian winter monsoon resulted in increased pri-mary productivity, high nutrient and suboxic bottom water. Variations in species of B. alazanensis seemed to be unable to tolerate environmental stress induced by deep water masses and productivity changes.  相似文献   
Clay minerals have played a significant role in the study of the East Asian monsoon evolution in the South China Sea by being able to track oceanic current variations and to reveal contemporaneous paleoclimaUc changes prevailing in continental source areas. As one of the most important rivers inputting terrigenous matters to the northern South China Sea, the Pearl River was not previously paid attention to from the viewpoint of clay mineralogy. This paper presents a detailed study on clay minerals in surface sediments collected from the Pearl River drainage basin (including all three main channels, various branches, and the Lingdingyang in the estuary) by using the X-ray diffraction (XRD) method. The results indicate that the clay mineral assemblage consists dominantly of kaolinite (35%-65%), lesser abundance of chlorite (20%-35%) and illite (12%-42%), and very scare smectite occurrences (generally 〈5%). Their respective distribution does not present any obvious difference throughout the Pearl River drainage basin. However, downstream the Pearl River to the northern South China Sea, the clay mineral assemblage varies significantly: kaolinite decreases gradually, smecUte and illite increase gradually. Additionally, illite chemistry index steps down and illite crystallinity steps up. These variations indicate the contribution of major kaolinite, lesser illite and chlorite, and very scarce smecUte to the northern South China Sea from the Pearl River drainage basin. The maximum contribution of clay minerals from the Pearl River is 72% to the northern margin and only 15% to the northern slope of the South China Sea. In both glacials and interglacials, kaolinite indicates that the ability of mechanical erosion occurred in the Pearl River drainage basin.  相似文献   
The coupling and propagating features of mesoscale sea level variability between the western Pacific (WP) and the South China Sea (SCS) were studied based on time series analyses of satellite altimeter measured, along-track sea surface height anomalies (SSHA) along 21°N and the slope of the northern SCS. The analyses show that mesoscale sea level fluctuations in the WP have rather limited coherent effects on the SCS, and no statistically significant propagation of mesoscale variability through the Luzon Strait was observed except in the 45-day band. Evidence suggests that the 45-day fluctuation is very much likely a character of the Kuroshio originating from its low-latitude beginning. It is also sug- gested that the westward propagating Rossby waves will deform when they encounter the dynamical barrier of the Kuroshio. The Kuroshio will then acts on the SCS in its own way. The SCS is a relatively isolated system in the sense of coupling and propagating of oceanic mesoscale waves.  相似文献   
结合太原市龙潭公园改建工程(一期)的实际情况,提出了一些可行性建议,以供同行在以后的公园改建中参考借鉴。  相似文献   
历史名人公园设计初探——以梅州市黄遵宪公园为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘小容  王瑛 《科技资讯》2007,(12):200-201
历史名人公园主要以当地杰出的历史人物的生平事迹,作为公园设计的主题,彰勋其为国为民所做出的杰出贡献,弘扬其不朽的精神气节,给后人一个缅怀和学习先贤的场所。历史名人公园将历史教育和休闲游憩放置于公园绿地当中,为市民提供了良好的修身养性之所,是城市公园建设的一个发展方向。  相似文献   
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