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Long-term passive source ocean bottom seis- mograph (OBS) observatory is challenging due to various technical difficulties. In order to gain experience in this field, and to reveal the lithospheric structure beneath the extinct ridge in the central South China Sea (SCS), we carried out a passive source OBS array experiment, which includes 18 OBSs, in the deep portion of SCS. Here we present the instrumentation, the OBS deployment and recovery of this experiment, and more importantly, the data quality evaluated by a number of approaches. Through processing and inspecting waveforms from global, regional and local earthquakes, we find that most of recovered OBSs have good data quality with discernible main phases. The ambient noise analyses of OBS recordings show that their noise is higher than the global average, and the horizontal component is noisier than the vertical, indicating current impacts on horizontal components are more severe. In the period range of 5-10 s, there is a noise notch for the SCS OBSs, and noise levels of horizontal components are comparable to the vertical. This feature, which is not seen at OBS stations in open ocean, suggests the distant sources for double frequency microseism in this marginal sea are not significant. In addition, we successfully determined the orientations for 7 OBSs by investigating their Rayleigh wave polarizations; and we demonstrated the dispersion feature of Rayleigh waves through the frequency-time analysis. Finally, we summarized lessons learned from this experiment regarding the passive source OBS investiga- tions in SCS.  相似文献   
日前,由国家博物馆主办的《南海惊梦——"南海一号"宋代沉船遗址前期科考成果展》在有着六百多年历史的端门大殿内正式开展,36件从该船打捞出水的宋代珍贵瓷器首度与公众见面。  相似文献   
The WAVEWATCH-III wave model is implemented in the South China Sea to investigate the air-sea momentum flux in high wind conditions during 23 passages of typhoon occurred in 2005. The wave model is driven by the reanalyzed surface winds assimilated by several meteorologic data sources. The friction velocity was calculated and the relationships between different air-sea momentum param- eters were studied. The results show that the drag coefficient decreases with the wave age generally and levels off for wind speeds higher than 35 m/s under typhoon wind forcing. The spatial variations of air-sea momentum flux parameters in high wind conditions forced by typhoons are completely different from those at weak wind speeds and significantly depend on the relative position from the typhoon center.  相似文献   
郭渊 《世界知识》2014,(11):62-64
<正>20世纪70年代,南海地缘政治格局发生了深刻变化,美苏在南海地区展开激烈争夺。伴随着中美关系正常化,美国对南海问题采取"中立"态度,而苏联此时则支持越南推行地区霸权主义,借以扩大自己在印度支那的势力范围,开始干涉中国捍卫南海主权的行动。在此背景下,菲律宾、南越当局、越南和马来西亚等强占南海岛礁、瓜分海域、掠夺资源,南海问题凸显。中国政府采取了一系列举措,以维护中国在南海的主权,最大限度地捍卫中国海洋权益。  相似文献   
南海北部珠江口盆地白云凹陷的地震资料分析显示,该区域自始新世以来断裂系统十分发育.断层表现出张性或张扭性特征并具有多期活动的特点.在平面上,断裂主要为NWW、近EW和 NE向.根据断层平面展布及组合形态,可将它们分为平行断层系、雁列断层系和树枝状断层系3种组合形式.根据断裂发育时间及规模,可将断裂的活动期次划分为以下几个阶段:剧烈活动期(Tg—T8)、较强中等活动期(T8—T6)、平静稳定期(T6—T2)、再度活化期(T2—T1).断裂发育的时间及特点对凹陷的构造演化和沉积过程起着重要的控制作用.  相似文献   
晓岸 《世界知识》2014,(9):24-26
中国在南海问题上正面临“树欲静而风不止”的严峻局面。一是菲律宾继续处于“战略亢奋”,试图强化、扩大、升级其对中国岛礁的非法占据,还将南海争端闹上国际法庭。  相似文献   
朱锋 《世界知识》2017,(24):22-24
2017年是中国外交在南海议题上不断进取、取得积极收获的一年。在2017年7月12日荒诞的菲律宾南海仲裁案裁决出笼之后,中国政府果断、坚决地宣布这一裁决结果非法、无效,就是“一张废纸”,在与东盟国家的积极合作进程中稳住了局势,实现了对仲裁案裁决在政治上的“翻篇”。  相似文献   
南海东部越来越多的海相沉积砂岩油藏地层能量不足需要注水,但平台无注水工程预留,存在建立注水系统投资大、周期长、效益差的问题,如何实现注水开发是亟待解决的技术挑战。以A油田为例,该油田L层为边水驱动的岩性油藏,地层天然能量不足,水平井投产后地层压力下降迅速,迫切需要通过注水补充地层能量。在注水水源评价的基础上,定量表征相控模式下的压力场,制订针对性的抢救式注水方案;研发助流注水工艺管柱及井下数据监测系统,满足了油藏通过井下注水补充地层能量、提高采收率的要求。结果表明:创新研发的助流注水技术实现了平台无注水预留条件下的注水开发,节省了海上平台空间及工程设施成本,实现了变流量注入、定期酸洗、闭式注入环境下的水质监测、注入水量测调、水源层返排清井及产水能力测试等多种功能,具备成本低、实施周期短、注水效果好的巨大优势。油田采用助流注水后,受效井组的单井采油量增加明显,地层能量得到有效补充,取得了很好的开发效果。  相似文献   
基于8个准全球模式模拟的南海深层与底层环流特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢强  肖劲根  王东晓  俞永强 《科学通报》2013,(20):1984-1996
初步分析了8个准全球高分辨率海洋模式模拟的南海深层和底层环流,总结了模式中南海深层与底层环流的基本特征.温盐误差分析显示深层温度相对偏差一致偏负,而盐度偏差大部分模式基都是为正偏差,表明深层偏冷偏咸.温度的偏差幅度要大于盐度,且温盐在深层存在趋势.吕宋海峡深层1500m以深水交换各模式平均为0.36Sv,与观测相比偏弱.同化过的模式和一个未同化的模式(OCCAM)都显示,吕宋深层水交换在春季达到最小,而在冬季达到最大.大多数模式2400m以深垂直积分流函数显示南海深层在大尺度上为气旋式环流,但流函数的分布与由气候态温盐数据集(GDEMv3)诊断出来的流函数相比存在较大的差异.南海1000m以浅经向翻转结构比较类似,但1500m以深的经向翻转结构空间分布和强度大小存在较大的差异.而2400m以深的经向翻转与气候态温盐数据集(GDEMv3)诊断出来的经向翻转相比偏弱,这表明着模式中深层水垂直混合过程偏弱.在上述分析基础上,详细探讨了初始温盐场、地形、垂向混合方案对南海深海环流的影响,对今后专门构建适合南海深海环流研究的模式提供了必要的参考.  相似文献   
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