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本文采用Harris和Kalmus改良阈值法测定了内蒙古地区2034例(蒙古族998例,汉族1036例)苯硫脲尝味阈值。以4号液为味盲界限。蒙古族中味盲者116人(11.62%),尝味者882人,平均尝味阈值9.29±1.44;汉族中味盲者104人(10.04%),尝味者932人,平均尝味阈值9.33±1.44.味盲率在蒙、汉民族间、男女性别间、内蒙东、西部地区间均无显著性差异。苯硫脲平均尝味阈值在蒙、汉民族间也不存在显著差异,但同一民族的地区性差异显著,男女性差亦极其显著,女性比男性大约低0.48~0.51。  相似文献   
本文确认了内蒙古境内分布的6种孩儿参属Psendostelaria Pax植物,比1978年出版的《内蒙古植物志》第二卷增加了4种,其中P.japonica(Korsh.)Pax、P.rupetris(Turcz.)Pax、P.maximowicziana(Franch.et Sav.)Pax为內蒙古分布新记录种,而P.helanshanensis W.Z.Di et Y.Ren为新种收载种。本文否定了新种P.termnialis W.Z.Di et Y.Ren它应为P.ropestris(Turez.)Pax的新异名。  相似文献   
内蒙古师范大学计算机与信息工程学院成立于2003年12月,其前身是内蒙古师范大学计算机中心(1986年成立)和内蒙古师范大学计算机科学与技术系:(1992年成立)。  相似文献   
国务院"振兴东北办"启动了东北三省与内蒙古东部地区经济一体化课题研究,内蒙古东部地区已纳入振兴东北总体规划。内蒙古东部与东北三省山水相连,唇齿相依,在经济区划上同属于东北经济区,相互之间有着千丝万缕的经济文化联系,并有极强的经济互补性。所以打破地区分割、实行优势互补的区域合作与区域发展战略整合是大势所趋。  相似文献   
内蒙古科技人力资源开发对策研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
不断增强民族地区的自主创新能力,转变经济增长方式,必须大力开发科技人力资源。分析内蒙古科技人力资源建设的基本状况、取得的成功经验及存在问题,从西部大开发的深入推进、实施国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要、贯彻民族区域自治法以及充分发挥政府的主导作用等方面,提出加快开发内蒙古科技人力资源的对策,对少数民族地区的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
内蒙古爬行纲动物一新记录种黄纹石龙子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20 0 1年 5月在内蒙古包头市附近捕获一尾黄纹石龙子 ( Eumeces capito) ,系内蒙古新记录种 ,也是石龙子科在内蒙古的首次记录  相似文献   
"国家西部沙棘综合利用高技术产业示范工程"项目在 内蒙古首府呼和浩特高新技术区正式落户,总投资1.15亿元的工程建筑已经拔地而起,设备安装完毕并开始运转,其中科技含量最高的10吨沙棘黄酮提取车间,符合GMP标准的制剂车间,沙棘多糖提取车间等工程的技术职称来自  相似文献   
A 5.3 m lake core was drilled in Baahar Nuur Lake in the Ordos Plateau, and measurements of meangrain size, organic δ 13C (δ 13Corg), organic carbon content (TOC), C/N, carbonate content, carbonate δ 13C(δ 13Ccar) and δ 18O (δ 18Ocar) were conducted for retrieving the Holocene chronosequence of climaticchanges based on 15 AMS 14C dates. The record documented four major stages of climate change inthe Ordos Plateau: (IV) a cold and dry condition before ~7.65 14C ka BP; (III) a warm and humid stagebetween ~7.65 and ~5.40 ka BP; (II) a generally drier and cooler climate since ~5.40 ka BP with twohumid events occurring from ~4.70 to ~4.60 ka BP and from ~4.20 to ~3.70 ka BP, and (I) a dry climatecharacterized by complete desiccation of the lake after 3.70 ka BP. Stage III can be further divided intothree sub-stages: (IIIa) a warm and humid episode from ~7.65 to ~6.70 ka BP, (IIIb) a warm and relativelydry episode from ~6.70 to ~6.20 ka BP, and (IIIc) the magthermal and maghumid episode of the Holo-cene from ~6.20 to ~5.40 ka BP.  相似文献   
内蒙古外来入侵植物的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用野外调查和文献研究方法,对内蒙古自治区境内分布的外来人侵植物进行了初步研究.结果表明.内蒙古外来入侵植物共有22种,全部从国内其他地区扩散而来.从外来入侵植物在内蒙古的分布变化看.牛膝菊和光梗蒺藜草已表现出蔓延趋势.最后,对内蒙古外来入侵植物的深入研究提出建议.  相似文献   
The vegetation spatial heterogeneity and ecological characteristics in different soil regions were analyzed by surveying the vegetation in 12 different soil regions of Inner Mongolia, China, including conifer- ous-broadleaf deciduous forests, shrub, grassland, and desert regions with 1122 large 2 cm × 2 cm quad- rats (actual size 30 km × 30 km, referred to as L-quadrat hereafter) in about 1.18 million km2. Each L- quadrat was divided into four small 1 cm × 1 cm quadrats (actual size 15 km × 15 km, S-quadrat). The vegetation was analyzed based on the beta-binomial distribution to describe the frequency of occurrence and spatial heterogeneity for each kind of vegetation. The weighted average of the heterogeneity of all vegeta- tion in the same soil region provides a measure of the soil regional landscape level heterogeneity which de- scribes the spatial complexity of the regional landscape composition of the existing vegetation. Comparison of the vegetation characteristics in the 12 soil regions shows that, the calcic gray soil has the highest average vegetation type per quadrat. The largest soil region is calcic chestnut soil and has the most vegetation types. Every soil region has its own dominant vegetation sequence which dominates in occurrence and dominant vegetation types which dominates in spatial heterogeneity. For the Inner Mongolian vegetation, the weighted average of the heterogeneity is 0.60 and the vegetation diversity index is 4.47.  相似文献   
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