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从孢粉推测上海地区晚第四纪以来的植被、环境演变   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
通过对上海地区斜土路2号孔晚第四纪地层的孢粉研究,划分出了晚第四纪8个孢粉组合带,并结合邻近钻孔孢粉研究资料,恢复了该区植被演替、气候波动的六个阶段,这种气候波动不仅与世界性气候变化一致,而且其波动曲线也与海平面变化相吻合,从而为本地区进行地层年代划分和对比提供可靠的证据,为本地区晚第四纪古植被、古气候、古环境的重建提供了丰富的孢粉学资料。  相似文献   
High-resolution pollen records from 6 small lakes in the Tibetan Plateau provided the details of evolution of South Asian monsoon since the Last Glacial Maximum. Prior to 16 kaBP, the region was a desert-steppe characterized by cold and dry climates, the January temperature was 7 -10℃lower than that of present and the annual precipitation only accounted for 40% of the present. The temperature and precipitation increased gradually and trees began to live in the region after 12 kaBP, but during the interval from 9.2 to 6.3 kaBP, forest and forest-meadow appeared occasionally. From 8 to 5 kaBP, both January and July temperature was 2-3℃ higher and annual precipitation was also about 200 mm higher than that of the present. After 5 kaBP, temperature and precipitation decreased linearly and steppe vegetation began to degenerate.  相似文献   
Multifold palynological diversity indices calculated by pollen data of the Heqing deep drilling core are synthetically analyzed, the results show that the plant diversity rapidly increased and its fluctuant am- plitude and frequency evidently largened during the stages of 2.729--2.608 Ma, 1.176--0.342 Ma and since 0.118 Ma respectively, while during the other periods the plant diversity was relatively low with a gentle fluctuation. To discuss further the relation between ancient plant diversity and paleoenvironment, it is considered that the plant diversity in the Heqing region lies on increase or decrease of vertical vegetational belts in mountains around the studied area and richness of components of these vegeta- tional belts, and is controlled by amplitude of tectonic uplift of mountains and climatic changes. The high plant diversity during 2.729--2.608 Ma responded to the strong uplift of mountains at the stage, while the plant diversity greatly increased and its fluctuant amplitude and frequency markedly largened at about 1.176 Ma was obviously response to the Middle Pleistocene Transition. The plant diversity and its fluctuant amplitude and frequency increased further at about 0.991 Ma may be superposably affected by both the Middle Pleistocene Transition and the tectonic uplift. The plant diversity increased since 0.118 Ma may indicate that the southwest monsoon strengthened and humid climate more fitted many kinds of plants to grow.  相似文献   
Previous studies have found that wetlands prevailed in western Chinese Loess Plateau and pine pollen could reach up to 80% in Qin’an area of the plateau during middle Holocene. It was then deduced that forest vegetation covered Qin’an area in a warm and wet climate during middle Holocene. The proxies of molecule biomarkers from two Holocene sections, a swamp-alluvial loess section and a typical loess-paleosol section are used to reconstruct regional vegetation history. It is found that the heavy-molecular-weight (HMW) homologues of the n-alkanes in all samples exhibit a pronounced odd-over-even predominance, maximizing at C31 and the abundance of the nC27-alkanes is the lowest in nC27, nC29, nC31, i.e. C27相似文献   
Previous studies have found that wetlands prevailed in western Chinese Loess Plateau and pine pollen could reach up to 80% in Qin'an area of the plateau during middle Holocene. It was then deduced that forest vegetation covered Qin'an area in a warm and wet climate during middle Holocene. The proxies of molecule biomarkers from two Holocene sections, a swamp-alluvial loess section and a typical Ioess-paleosol section are used to reconstruct regional vegetation history. It is found that the heavy-molecular-weight (HMW) homologues of the n-alkanes in all samples exhibit a pronounced odd-over-even predominance, maximizing at C31 and the abundance of the nC27-alkanes is the lowest in nC27, nC29, nC31, i.e. C27〈C29〈C31, a typical grass n-alkanes model. The results are the same as those of model surface soil samples under grass cover but different from both forest cover and modern pine leaves, which yield preferentially nC29-alkanes peak. It could be inferred that the area was dominated by grass cover but not forest cover during whole Holocene epoch. The study shows that combining both molecule biomarkers and pollen analysis can avoid the disadvantage of pollen analysis in reconstruction of regional vegetation cover.  相似文献   
Natural vegetation of geological and historical periods in Loess Plateau   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The study of natural vegetation of geological and historical periods in the Loess Plateau is an important scientific and practical issue for the development of northwestern China.However,interpretation of the natural vegetation before human reclamation is still controversial.The paper aims to analyze the potentical factors that cause the difference in knowledge of Holocene natural vegetation developing in different topographies of the Loess Plateau.The distribution of paleovegetation in this region shows significant difference among rocky mountains,valleys,and Yuan lands(the plain area),i.e.it does not follow the natural vegetation zonation,as that in eastern China does.The Yuan lands with thick loess accumulation were never covered by a vast of dense forests during the Holocene.Forests (or open forests)developed preferably in valleys in the southern part of the Plateau and rocky mountains on the Plateau during the warm period of the Holocene.Some of local vegetation outside of the Loess Plateau are more subjected to the control of geomorphology and ground water.  相似文献   
Today, the central part of Inner Mongolia has a continental climate, with cold winters, hot summers, and approximately 70% of the precipitation falling in the summer months. Vegetation is dominated by steppe vegetation with Stipa bungeana and Stipa breviflora. Scattered individuals of Quercus liaotungensis, Populus davidiana, Betula platyplylla are distributed in the mountains, with some Pinus tabluaoformis, near Miaoyu, and with fragmentary Picea above 1700—1800 m a.s.l. The Huitenglian…  相似文献   
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