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探讨了时间观念因素对顿悟问题解决的影响,结果表明时间观念影响顿悟问题的解决,体现在长远未来时间观念促进了加工转移现象的产生,形成了抽象的心理表征,因而促进了对顿悟问题的解决.  相似文献   
咏物而不滞于物--论初唐四杰咏物诗的历史地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过梳理我国古代咏物诗的发展线索,明确初唐四杰的咏物诗在继承屈原《橘颂》以来早期咏物诗托物寄兴、遗形写神的传统精神和表现手法的同时,改变了齐梁宫体诗著题写物、因袭模拟的陋习,展现了鲜明的时代风貌和刚健活泼的诗风,并从精神气骨上对后世咏物诗产生影响,由此揭示其在文学史上继往开来的重要地位.  相似文献   
人性是沈从文小说表现的中心,城与乡是他观照的两个对立的经验世界.讴歌古风犹存的乡村生命形式,勾勒沉沦堕落的都市面影,以及通过对乡村与都市,原始与现世直接交流的共时态考察,从历史的延续与时代的嬗变中,表现人性之“常““变“,是他小说人性观照的总体逻辑构架.而从乡村原始生命形式中寻找健康的基因,重铸民族灵魂,是其小说叙述的总旨归.  相似文献   
作为一个管理者,怎样才算是管理?怎样才能顺利高效地实现组织目标?文章从慧眼识人和点子两个方面作了论述,文章认为管理者必须会识人用人,也必须遇事能够脑子灵活,有各种各样的应对新情况新问题的点子,只有这样,管理者才能顺利高效地带领团队顺利实现组织目标,也才能称得上是一个出色的管理者。  相似文献   
叶燮是清代初期重要诗论家之一,其《原诗》是一部阐述诗歌原理与发展变化的专论。叶燮诗学理论的核心在于变,即自主创新,而其所云“变又不能背离正”,即自主创新不能违背思想上的儒家道统和审美上的风雅传统。  相似文献   
沈汪兵  罗劲  刘昌  袁媛 《科学通报》2012,(21):1948-1963
自21世纪首次借助脑成像技术对解决字谜任务过程中顿悟一瞬间的大脑活动状况进行研究以来,目前已有近10年的历史,获得了许多富有价值的研究.这些研究从顿悟的时间进程和脑神经基础两方面对顿悟的大脑机制进行了丰富的探讨,并形成了有关人类解决顿悟问题的"顿悟脑"的神经框架.研究显示,顿悟脑主要由外侧前额叶、扣带回、海马、颞上回、梭状回、楔前叶、楔叶、脑岛和小脑组成.就各脑区的功能而言,外侧前额叶主要负责顿悟难题思维定势的转移和打破,扣带回则参与新旧思路的认知冲突以及解题进程的监管,海马、颞上回和梭状回组成了"三维一体"的、专门负责新异而有效联系形成的神经网络,问题表征的有效转换则依赖于楔叶和楔前叶组成的"非言语的"视觉空间信息加工网络,脑岛负责认知灵活性和顿悟相关情绪体验,反应相关手指运动的皮下控制则依赖于小脑.  相似文献   
In the present study, high-density event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded to examine the electrophysiologic correlates of "Aha!" effects in a guessing Chinese Iogogriph task by using a two-stage model for learning-testing. Results showed that: Firstly Successful Guessing elicited a more negative ERP deflection (N350) than Recognition did in the time window from 300--350 ms after onset of the stimuli. A voltage map of the difference wave (Successful Guessing minus Recognition) showed strong activity at the front-central region. Dipole analysis localized the generator of the N350 in the vicinity of the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) and the inferior frontal gyrus. Secondly, a greater late positive component (LPC) in Successful Guessing than Recognition was found between 600 and 700 ms post-stimulus. Dipole analysis localized the generator of LPC in the right parahippocampal gyrus.  相似文献   
在概括慧能禅学影响中国文学的一般情况的基础上,着重论述了“不离不染”、“自识本心”和“顿悟成佛”对作家的精神、作品的意境和创作方法的深刻影响。  相似文献   
After sketching the historical development of “emergence” and noting several recent problems relating to “emergent properties”, this essay proposes that properties may be either “emergent” or “mergent” and either “intrinsic” or “extrinsic”. These two distinctions define four basic types of change: stagnation, permanence, flux, and evolution. To illustrate how emergence can operate in a purely logical system, the Geometry of Logic is introduced. This new method of analyzing conceptual systems involves the mapping of logical relations onto geometrical figures, following either an analytic or a synthetic pattern (or both together). Evolution is portrayed as a form of discontinuous change characterized by emergent properties that take on an intrinsic quality with respect to the object(s) or proposition(s) involved. Causal leaps, not continuous development, characterize the evolution of human life in a developing foetus, of a thought out of certain brain states, of a new idea (or insight) out of ordinary thoughts, and of a great person out of a set of historical experiences. The tendency to assume that understanding evolutionary change requires a step-by-step explanation of the historical development that led to the appearance of a certain emergent property is thereby discredited.  相似文献   
在“以人为本”理念的驱动下,面向人的需求开展了对人的各类活动未来愿景的前瞻预见活动。为支持“以人为本”的未来发展愿景展望和技术需求分析,本研究以马斯洛的人的需求与行为理论为基础,以科技革命对人的需求与行为以及人类活动的影响为基本框架,以世界主要国家和国际组织对未来社会情景的预测为基本素材,通过严格的信息遴选、知识元提取进行系统分析,形成了一套洞察人与科技发展愿景的情报分析方法。  相似文献   
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