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Summary Recent experimental studies (since ca 1985) on the ontogeny of orientation mechanisms in migratory birds are reviewed. The processes and interactions are synthesized into a framework that may help identify critical research questions. Birds that grow up in the earth's magnetic field develop the ability to perform appropriate migratory orientation even in the absence of any experience with relevant visual cues. In two species, large changes in direction during the course of migration seem to be controlled by an endogenous time program. In one of these, the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), the correct magnetic orientation seems to occur only when the magnetic fields appropriate to the latitudes encountered en route were experienced at the proper seasonal time. The magnetic compass may be modified by visual experience with either the daytime or night sky. Celestial rotation may be the calibrating reference in this case, as it is in the development of the star compass. Young Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) learn to perform compass orientation at sunset based on polarized skylight. This compass capability seems to be calibrated by magnetic directions. Some problems of experimental design and the interpretation of results from experiments on development are discussed.  相似文献   
本文对80只太行猕猴的活体测量资料进行分析,结果表明:第Ⅳ组雄性个体明显大于雌性个体,各测量值在第Ⅱ或第Ⅲ组增长幅度最大,这一规律与昆明猕一致,但有些指标发育最快的时期,较昆明猴提前一个年龄组;太行山猕猴除尾长、前臂长低于昆明猴外,其它多数指标都明显高于同年龄组,同性别昆明猴的测量值,太行山猃猕在个体发育和形态学上表现出的特点可能与环境适应有关。  相似文献   
A melatonin rhythm was observed in the pineals of 18-day-old chick embryos incubated under a light-dark regime of 186 h. A low pineal melatonin content was found during the light phase of the day. Concentrations started to increase 2 h after dark onset and reached maximum levels after 4 h of darkness. The amplitude of the pineal melatonin rhythm increased considerably after 2 days and night-time concentrations in 20-day-old embryos were more than 5 times higher than in 18-day-old ones. Significant day/night differences in melatonin production were found both in pineals and eyes. Exposure of eggs to 1 h of light during the dark period decreased the high melatonin concentrations in the eyes but not in the pineals of the 20-day-old chick embryo. The results suggest that in this precocial bird at least part of the circadian system may already operate during embryonic life.  相似文献   
该文详细地研究了古盘虫类三叶虫Shizhudiscus armatus Li(sp.nov.)的个体发育,将其个体发育过程划分为3个时期和8个阶段,总结了该种的形态在个体发育过程中的演变特点以及同生物全息律的关系。此外通过电镜扫描、化学元素能谱分析、切片等手段对磷质三叶虫壳层结构和物质成分也进行了较深入的探讨。  相似文献   
《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7-8):389-419
The differentiation of body form of Protoplophoroidea in the light of ontogeny of Cosmochthonius ponticus Gordeeva, 1980 Gordeeva, EV. 1980. Oribatid mites of the family Cosmochthoniidae (Oribatei). Zool J., 59: 838850. Russian [Google Scholar], Sphaerochthonius splendidus (Berlese, 1904) and Haplochthonius simplex Willmann, 1930 is investigated. These species have primitive characters, like dorsal transverse scissures on the hysterosoma, four pairs of adanal and anal setae, and two pairs of exobothridial setae. However, in C. ponticus three dorsal scissures occur during ontogeny, in S. splendidus three scissures are present in the juveniles, and one scissure in the adult, while in H. simplex three scissures occur only in the adult. These species also differ by expansion of new segments in the anal region during ontogeny; in S. splendidus this expansion is the smallest, while in H. simplex is the largest. Cosmochthonius ponticus has hypertrophied, erectile setae of the e- and f-series, S. splendidus has armour-like, dorsal, pleural and ventral plates, while H. simplex has thin cuticle and short dorsal setae.  相似文献   
Ostracods have discontinuous development, marked by ecdyses, and determinate growth. Ontogenetic studies have suggested a pattern of nine postembryonic stages (eight juvenile phases and the adult) for the main freshwater ostracod superfamilies Cypridoidea, Cytheroidea and Darwinuloidea. However, cases of a supposed extra moult in the adult stage have been proposed for some ostracod species, which would amount to 10 postembryonic growth stages. One such example is Elpidium bromeliarum Müller, 1880, a cytheroidean that inhabits tank-bromeliads. The present study is aimed at investigating the ontogenetic development of E. bromeliarum using width and length measurements, as well as carapace and appendage morphology in order to test the existing hypothesis of an additional growth stage in adults of this species. Our results revealed nine postembryonic growth stages (eight juvenile and the adult), with sexual dimorphism beginning its expression in the last juvenile stage. Thus, the ontogenetic development of E. bromeliarum agrees with the overall pattern observed for podocopid ostracods and the hypothesis of 10 postembryonic growth stages was not corroborated. We argue that the inability to differentiate juveniles from adults, or different species from one another, may have misled to the assumption of an additional moult in E. bromeliarum.  相似文献   
Summary Although pinealectomy has little influence on the circadian locomotor rhythms of laboratory rats, administration of the pineal hormone melatonin has profound effects. Evidence for this comes from studies in which pharmacological doses of melatonin are administered under conditions of external desynchronization, internal desynchronization, steady state light-dark conditions, and phase shifts of the zeitgeber. Taken together with recent findings on melatonin receptor concentration in the rat hypothalamus, particularly at the level of the suprachiasmatic nuclei, these results suggest that melatonin is a potent synchronizer of rat circadian rhythms and has a direct action on the circadian pacemaker. It is possible, therefore, that the natural role of endogenous melatonin is to act as an internal zeitgeber for the total circadian structure of mammals at the level of cell, tissue, organ, whole organism and interaction of that organism with environmental photoperiod changes.  相似文献   
竹子发育生物学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管人们利用竹子资源的历史可以追溯到7 000年以前,但直到18世纪后期人们才真正认识到竹子是禾本科植物中一个特殊的类群。现代植物分类的奠基人林奈在《植物种志》(Species Plantarum)一书中,还只是将全世界的竹子归为芦竹属的一个种Arundo arbor,直到1789年,竹子才从芦竹属(Arundo)独立出来,成立了簕竹属(Bambusa)。自竹类被认识到有别于其他禾本科植物至今,有关竹子的形态学、解剖学、系统分类学、生理学、生态学、细胞学、遗传学以及分子生物学等,已经有大量的研究报道,但对竹类植物各个器官的发生、发育和衰老过程尚缺乏系统的研究。笔者对竹类植物的根、地下茎、竹秆、竹叶和生殖器官发育生物学的研究进行了回顾与总结,分析了目前竹子发育生物学领域有待继续深入研究的问题。建议竹子发育生物学的研究应关注细胞分裂、分化和形态建成的全过程,明确整个过程中生理生化指标的变化规律,进而揭示植物发育全过程每个环节的信号转导途径和基因调控网络。  相似文献   
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