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In the learning of locomotion behavior of a stink- bug Erthesina fullo, the seeked principle of its locomotion can be an important inspiration on the design of six-legged robot. To achieve this goal, in this paper, locomotion behavior of stink- bugs on glass and plastic foam are recorded. Hereby, variation in spatial and temporal kinematics of level, vertical and inverted locomotion is analyzed. Differential leg function and adhesive mechanism as well as the advantage of non-isometric legs of insects are presented. With increasing stride frequency, the speed of level, vertical and inverted locomotion can be higher without adjusting stride length. Variation in gait characteristics between level and vertical locomotion is very little, but lower speed and larger duty factor of inverted locomotion can be occurred while climbing on glass. On the surface of vertical and inverted plastic foam, stinkbugs cannot walk steady and agilely due to its adhesive mechanism.  相似文献   
Ligand recognition by the I domain-containing integrins   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Seven of the integrin α subunits described to date, α 1 , α 2 , α L , α X , α d , α M and α E , contain a highly conserved I (or A) domain of approximately 200 amino acid residues inserted near the amino-terminus of the subunit. As the result of a variety of independent experimental approaches, a large body of data has recently accumulated that indicates that the I domains are independent, autonomously folding domains capable of directly binding ligands that play a necessary and important role in ligand binding by the intact integrins. Recent crystallographic studies have elucidated the structures of recombinant α M and α L I domains and also delineated a novel divalent cation-binding motif within the I domains (metal ion-dependent adhesion site, MIDAS) that appears to mediate the divalent cation binding of the I domains and the I domain-containing integrins to their ligands.  相似文献   
Physical forces can activate colon cancer cell adhesion, critical for metastasis. Paxillin is phosphorylated by FAK and required for pressure-stimulated adhesion. However, whether paxillin acts as an inert scaffolding protein or whether paxillin phosphorylation is required is unknown. Transfection with paxillin point-phosphorylation mutants demonstrated that phosphorylation at tyrosines 31 and 118 together is necessary for pressure-stimulated adhesion. We further evaluated potential paxillin partners. Reducing the adaptor protein Crk or the focal adhesion protein p130Cas blocked pressure-stimulated adhesion. Furthermore, Crk and p130Cas both displayed increased co-immunoprecipitation with paxillin in response to increased pressure, except in cells transfected with a Y31Y118 paxillin mutant. Inhibiting the small GTPase Rac1 also abolished pressure-stimulated adhesion, and reducing paxillin by siRNA blocked Rac1 phosphorylation by pressure. Thus, paxillin phosphorylation at tyrosines 31 and 118 together is necessary for pressure-induced adhesion. Paxillin, Crk and Cas form a trimeric complex that activates Rac1 and mediates this effect. Received 21 January 2008; received after revision 4 March 2008; accepted 19 March 2008  相似文献   
针对余割平方天线传统加工工艺复杂、成型效率低、精度不易提高等问题,把现有的两种成熟的成型工艺结合到一起,提出一种冲压胶粘复合成型的工艺方法。本文介绍了该工艺方法及实施中需解决的问题。工程应用证明,该工艺方法对提高余割平方天线反射面的生产效率、保障加工精度非常有效。  相似文献   
按交叉切割法的基本原理设计的木材漆膜附着力测定仪,其划格精度达到了ISO标准和GB标准的要求,改变了过去用手工直尺划格和模板划格评定漆膜附着力的现状,提高了检测精度和科学性。  相似文献   
Summary In recent years considerable progress has been made in the identification and characterization of molecules that mediate cell adhesion during animal development. This review attempts to pick out from the vast amount of information in this rapidly expanding field some of the key features of adhesion molecules, to present ideas about their role in development, and to indicate the directions in which the field is now moving.  相似文献   
F1级胶合板用脲醛树脂胶的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨了低毒脲醛树脂的合成机理:降低甲醛和尿素的物质的量化,分批加入尿素和不脱水工艺,通过加入聚乙烯醇、三聚氰胺等改性剂来改善脲醛树脂胶的耐水性和耐老化性,同时降低游离甲醛的含量。在使用时加入小麦粉作为填料可提高树脂的初粘性,增加预压性,并降低脲醛树脂胶的成本。  相似文献   
Formation of appropriate neural circuits depends on a complex interplay between extracellular guiding cues and intracellular signaling events that result in alterations of cytoskeletal dynamics and a neurite growth response. Surface-expressed cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) interact with the surroundings via the extracellular domain and bind to the cytoskeleton via their intracellular domain. In addition, several CAMs induce signaling events via direct interactions with intracellular proteins or via interactions with cell surface receptors. Thus, CAMs are obvious candidates for transmitting extracellular guidance cues to intracellular events and thereby regulating neurite outgrowth. In this review, we focus on two CAMs, the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) and N-cadherin, and their ability to mediate signaling associated with a neurite outgrowth response. In particular, we will focus on direct interaction between NCAM and N-cadherin with a number of intracellular partners, as well as on their interaction with the fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR). Received 23 May 2008; received after revision 14 July 2008; accepted 21 July 2008  相似文献   
目的 研究中药复方润肺口服液对慢性支气管炎(Chronic bronchitis,CB)支气管TNF-α,ICAM-1蛋白及IL-8表达的影响,探讨其治疗CB的疗效机制.方法 雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为假手术组、慢性支气管炎组及慢性支气管炎 润肺口服液治疗组,每组8只.大鼠慢性支气管炎模型通过熏香烟加气管内注入低剂量脂多糖制成,利用免疫组织化学观察各组大鼠支气管TNF-a,ICAM-1蛋白及IL-8的表达情况.结果 熏香烟加气管内低剂量脂多糖注射可复制出较理想的慢性支气管炎模型,假手术组支气管上皮内可见TNF-α,ICAM-1蛋白及IL-8弱阳性表达;慢性支气管炎组支气管TNF-α,ICAM-1蛋白及IL-8在支气管上皮细胞、支气管周围的淋巴滤泡炎性细胞和肺泡间质细胞中可见强阳性表达;半定量图像分析显示,慢性支气管炎组TNF-α,ICAM-1蛋白及IL-8的表达明显强于假手术组(P<0.05),慢性支气管炎加润肺口服液治疗组的表达则明显弱于支气管炎组(P<0.05).结论 润肺口服液通过下调支气管上皮细胞中TNF-α,ICAM-1蛋白及IL-8的表达,从而减轻气道炎症反应是其治疗慢性支气管炎的部分机制.  相似文献   
Bacterial adhesion has become a significant problem in industry and in the domicile, and much research has been done for deeper understanding of the processes involved. A generic biological model of bacterial adhesion and population growth called the bacterial biofilm growth cycle, has been described and modified many times. The biofilm growth cycle encompasses bacterial adhesion at all levels, starting with the initial physical attraction of bacteria to a substrate, and ending with the eventual liberation of cell clusters from the biofilm matrix. When describing bacterial adhesion one is simply describing one or more stages of biofilm development, neglecting the fact that the population may not reach maturity. This article provides an overview of bacterial adhesion, cites examples of how bacterial adhesion affects industry and summarises methods and instrumentation used to improve our understanding of the adhesive properties of bacteria.  相似文献   
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